
My Vampire Saviour

Fay Winters, a witch who's been dealt a bad hand in life meets a Vampire who will throw her for a loop but will she resist the allure and not fall in love? Find out

Whovian698 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3-Understanding

That night Fay had many nightmares as she usually did, she woke up from one at three in the morning and decided she'd had enough and got out of bed, she walked out of her new room and down to the main floor where she saw Adrian standing behind his desk on the phone, he was looking out the window so Fay walked past him and into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took out the milk then she rummaged through the cupboards looking for glasses, when she finally found them she poured herself a glass.

She turned around and jumped out of her skin because Adrian was leaning against the counter.

"Apologies I did not mean to scare you" he said

"Its okay, why are you still up?" she asked

"Vampires don't sleep as much as most creatures"


"What about you? why are you awake?"

Fay's eyes widened she didn't have a good answer to give him other than the truth.


"Plural, how many?" he asked genuinely worried.

"Tonight three"

"I'm sorry, do you want to talk about them?"

"Not particularly"

"Fay, I'm worried about you, a lot of the things you've told me cause me to worry about you and I can't protect you from the wolves if I don't what I'm protecting you from"

Fay sighed she knew it was time to tell him the truth. "Okay"

"You can tell me as much or as little as you want I'm not going to push" he said as they sat on the sofa.

"Two years ago my mother died and the responsibility of being the pack witch fell to me, but I wasn't exactly prepared for what came next, Daniel didn't particularly need a witch, he more needed someone who didn't fight back, someone who was too scared to say no, I fell into that category"

"Did he hurt you?"

Fay nodded "He knew how to do it with out anyone seeing the damage, that's why I don't like being touched by men its because of what he did"

"I'm so sorry Fay, I can't imagine"

"It was a long time ago but It still hurts in more ways than one"

"I'm here if you ever want to talk about it more, but you should try to get some rest"

"Thank you" she said putting her glass in the sink and walking back up to her room where she slept peacefully for a few more hours.

That morning Fay woke up and was about to walk downstairs but she almost tripped over a box sitting on the floor out side her door. She picked it up and took it inside her room, she placed it on her bed and opened it and what she saw shocked her a little. It was a new phone and a new laptop along with a credit card with her name on it, there was also a note.


I'll be in the city at various meetings all day so you won't see me until tonight but there is something I need you to do, shop. The credit card is limitless and you need some new clothes and no doubt some new decorations for your room, spend as much as you want, Carlos will be going with you as your body guard until we can sort out this business with the wolves, Have fun.


When Fay put the note on her bed she noticed a small box in the corner of the box, she opened it and saw a beautiful ring, it had a crest on it, Fay realised that it was Adrian's clan crest. The ring was his way of protecting her from other vampires. She put the ring on her middle left finger and changed into the outfit she had arrived in the other day and walked down stairs with her new phone in hand. She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge and found a plate of pancakes sitting there.

"He made them for you?"

Fay jumped and turned around to see an unfamiliar man.

"Sorry, I'm Carlos"

"Fay...He made pancakes?"

"Yeah, he never really cooks but I guess he wanted you to feel welcome"

Fay took the plate of pancakes and began to eat them whilst Carlos watched.

"So where we going?" asked Fay

"The boss gave me a list of stores to take you to"

"Oh okay cool"

An hour Later and Fay was in the back of a town car driving down 5th avenue. Carlos stopped the car and opened Fay's door and she got out, they walked into a store and she tried on many outfits and Carlos was very helpful giving his fashion advice, he was a very fashionable man.

The next thing Fay knew it was five in the evening and so she told Carlos to drive them back to the penthouse. Fay and Carlos walked into the building but was called over by the receptionist. The other men were taking Fay's bags up to the penthouse.

"These are from Mr Night, you'll need them to get to the penthouse" she said holding up a set of keys.

"Thank you"

"Its no trouble"

Fay walked over to the elevator and pressed the button, when it arrived they both got in and Fay inserted her key and pressed the button for the penthouse.

When the elevator arrived and the doors opened Fay was not prepared for what she saw, Adrian was holding someone up against the wall by his throat. Adrian's fangs were extended and his eyes were black, he scared Fay a little.
