
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urbain
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90 Chs

Confession in the bathroom

Ye Shu's primary concern now lies in Xiao Leng's background. As a demon of self-evil, she is mysterious and elusive, and without understanding her origins, he cannot find peace.

The over a hundred wild dogs on Changning Street come in handy. They listen to the Tibetan mastiff's commands, and Ye Shu can enlist their help in finding a school uniform similar to Xiao Leng's.

After instructing the Tibetan mastiff, Ye Shu checks the time. It's already eleven o'clock at night, and Liu Youyou hasn't returned yet.

When it was dark, Liu Youyou claimed to be going to the hospital to steal blood bags, but it took her so long, and there was still no success.

Ye Shu feels puzzled and uneasy, fearing that something might have happened.

Just as he is about to call Liu Youyou, the door opens, and Liu Youyou returns with a bag, looking disheartened.

"I'm exhausted. I suddenly received a call about a patient, and I happened to be on the scene. The director asked me to assist, really unlucky."

She complains, and Ye Shu can't help but smile. This fox spirit is indeed unlucky, dragged into late-night work by a patient.

"You've worked hard. Did you manage to steal the blood bags?"

Ye Shu asks, and Liu Youyou casually tosses the bag to him, saying, "Five bags of human blood in total. Give it a try."

Opening the bag, Ye Shu finds indeed five bags of human blood. And at this moment, Aiqier on the Tibetan mastiff's back raises her little head, covering her nose and saying, "It smells so bad."

Ye Shu chuckles, goes to the kitchen, pours out a bag of human blood, and starts the skillful process of neutralization.

Human blood, unlike chicken blood, undergoes similar changes in color and loses its bloody scent after the upgrade.

Aiqier stops covering her nose, excitedly running over to look at the human blood, unable to resist swallowing saliva.

Ye Shu gives her a bowl of blood, and she drinks it eagerly, showing no signs of nausea.

Liu Youyou rubs her head and glances over, shaking her head in resignation. "As expected, upgrading the blood is the solution. From now on, she must drink human blood."

This issue, neither big nor small, hinges on the source of human blood.

Ye Shu, pondering for a moment, smiles and takes Liu Youyou aside for a private conversation.

"Yoyo, I'll trouble you in the future. Whenever you have time, bring back a few bags of blood. Otherwise, Qier might starve."

He has a plan in mind, and Liu Youyou, dissatisfied, says, "It's not a problem for me to steal blood. After all, I'm the head nurse. However, you can't do this. After this blood upgrade incident, don't you realize the seriousness of the problem?"

"What seriousness?"

Ye Shu asks in confusion, and Liu Youyou pats his head, saying, "Think clearly. After Aiqier evolves once, she must drink human blood. Now she's only an intermediate-level vampire with black eyes, and her appetite is already demanding. What about when she evolves twice or three times and becomes a red-eyed vampire? By then, she might not even drink human blood but yours directly. And at that time, she'll be more powerful, and you won't even have time to react."

Liu Youyou is not exaggerating. A starving vampire might really go mad, just like zombies biting when hungry. The taste of extreme hunger is unbearable.

These words make Ye Shu furrow his brows. After thinking for a while, he speaks, "Even if she's of royal blood, she can't evolve again in a short time. We can delay and find a solution slowly, no rush."

"I'm in a hurry even if you're not. What if she drinks me dry when the time comes? You can't afford to raise this vampire royal, and you might have to send her back to Europe and let her face her own fate."

Liu Youyou insists on her point of view, increasingly worried about raising a vampire.

Ye Shu falls silent, and in the kitchen, Aiqier suddenly walks out. Her lips are tightly pressed, and her face looks distressed and obedient.

"Big brother, can I go live with the dogs?"

This statement surprises both Ye Shu and Liu Youyou. Ye Shu naturally feels heartache, while Liu Youyou is a bit embarrassed, averting her gaze.

"I'm not rejecting you. You're cute, and I like you too. However, vampires are really strange. You're still young and don't understand your own terrifying nature. This is just a preventive measure."

Liu Youyou explains dryly, and Aiqier, lowering her head, pinches her clothes' corner. It seems she's about to cry.

"I won't harm big brother even if I starve to death."

She declares firmly, making a solemn vow.

Ye Shu lifts her up to comfort her. "Sister Fox is just joking. Don't worry; you can play with the dogs. Don't take it to heart."

He lifts Aiqier onto the Tibetan mastiff's back, letting her ride the dog to avoid sadness.

At this moment, the Tibetan mastiff, having had enough of watching TV, stands up carrying Aiqier.

"I'm going back to Changning Street. The dog's nightlife begins. Qier, do you want to come?"

Aiqier is delighted, nodding repeatedly. "I want to go to see the moon."

Late at night, the southern part of the city becomes a playground for wild dogs, as well as Aiqier's playground. Ye Shu doesn't stop them, watching as they run into the night.

Now, there are only Ye Shu and Liu Youyou left in the house. Liu Youyou doesn't want to say much, grabs a bathrobe, and heads to the bathroom, looking a bit depressed.

Seeing her unhappy, Ye Shu naturally has to comfort her. Rubbing his hands together, he smiles and follows her into the bathroom.

"Little beauty, want to take a bath together? I offer free back scrubbing service. Of course, front scrubbing is fine too. I don't mind being at a loss. After all, it's because you're beautiful."

His flattery is quite effective. Liu Youyou's lips curve into a smile, and then she kicks him, saying, "Don't be so talkative. Get out quickly; I need to take a bath."

Ye Shu uses one hand to grab her foot and the other to press on her shoulder, performing a wall slam.

This posture is a bit comical, with Liu Youyou's leg lifted, resembling an old man hoeing the land.

"What are you up to again? Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Anyway, I won't help you steal blood, and you can't continue to indulge yourself."

Liu Youyou's tone is very firm, even when being pressed against the wall. Ye Shu, looking down at Liu Youyou's eyes, speaks affectionately, "I know there will be great risks in the future, but I have to raise her. Now, let me tell you my innermost

 thoughts in advance, just in case we don't get a chance later."

His gentle expression and deep gaze make Liu Youyou startled, falling into his eyes.

"You're talking about innermost thoughts all of a sudden, like you're in heat. It's disgusting."

Liu Youyou's cheeks blush slightly, losing the charm and sexiness of a fox spirit at this moment, only showing the shyness and confusion of a little girl.

Ye Shu slowly approaches her cheek, smelling the fragrance on her, and their breaths intertwine.

"Yoyo, I'm not someone who beats around the bush. I'll just say it directly. You'll be very happy after hearing it."

Ye Shu's breath falls on Liu Youyou's face, and her heartbeat accelerates. Redness covers her ears, and her mind is filled with chaotic thoughts. Is he going to confess?

"Speak, let's see what tricks you can pull."

She lowers her head, pretending to be indifferent. Ye Shu coughs lightly, waves his big hand, and says, "It's that by raising Aiqier, I can get one billion euros. One billion euros, seven hundred and thirty million Chinese yuan. Think about it. How many demon crystals and soul pills you can buy. Maybe you can directly evolve into a super invincible monster. Happy, right?"