
My Vampire bodyguard

Rosabella Green is a rock star in a band called Destroyers. She lives a party lifestyle with her band mates. Even though she couldn't recall some details about her past, Finn had divulged some disturbing information. Her parents sold her to the Vampire Clan, because her mom had cancer and needed a magical cure. Finn has been slightly watching over her, protecting the girl he promised to deliver to the clan. There is also a werewolf pack in which Arjun is a member, and the pack has a reputation for causing trouble. What happens when he claims Rosabella is his mate? Having already been confused about Rosabella's ability to change his eyes, will Finn step down? It's the story of a girl, her two mates, one vampire and the other werewolf.

Kayla_Ellen · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 14

Rosabella 's P.o.v

Hearing a knock on the hotel door, I am sure it's Finn. The sun shines brightly into the window. I rub my eyes slowly, getting out of bed. I grab my bathrobe from the floor, next to my bed. Sleeping only in undergarments has become my bad habit

My eyes nearly pop out of my head seeing Arjun. He was so handsome, if I was completely honest with myself. His long hair is thrown into a ponytail, and his smile reaches from ear to ear.


"I… think you…should leave." I try not to stutter, but for some reason, I simply couldn't help it.

He laughs. "I won't bite."

I couldn't help but laugh. "That's a little cheesy."

He smiles, reaching out his hand. "At least let me take you out for breakfast."

His offer was tempting, but I would never want to hurt Finn. I know how he feels about the werewolves. The whole clan has something against them, and if I'm truly with this clan, I probably shouldn't be communicating with their enemy.

"I am with Finn."

"With?" Arjun looks puzzled. His eyebrows crossed.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I guess I'm just a little confused, because he didn't put much of a fight up when I told him I might have spent time with you.

I put my hand on my hip. "Oh yeah?"

"He said the choice was fully up to you, that he didn't care if we hang out."

I hope Finn was bluffing. I mean, I guess I thought Finn cared a little more than that. Or at least I hopped.

"Fine breakfast, it is."

Moments later, I find myself sitting at breakfast with the werewolf. It was a little awkward at first, but I must admit the conversation flowed pretty easily between us. He had a huge sense of humor.

"So where do I rank against the vampire?"

I feel myself turning red. I mean, I do feel some type of spark with Arjun, but it's nothing for the way I feel for Finn.

"I'm not going to lie, you're a little behind."

He chuckles, and butterflies move around in my stomach as his blue eyes twinkles.

"It's okay, there's never a race I couldn't catch up."

"So what does it mean that I'm your mate exactly?"

He eyes me for a moment, and runs his fingers through his hair. "It means that I am very protective over you, and I feel feelings for you already. I would do anything for your Rosie."

"Softa like Finn."

He nods. "I understand that comparison."

"So what's the difference?"

"The difference is simple, Finn's eyes change because he himself developed feelings for you from natural interactions. He fell in love with you on his own terms. I am destined to be with you, and no amount of environment can change my feelings for you. Where Finn can fall out of love with you at any time, where I can't."

Wow, can Finn decide one day he no longer has feelings for me? This was an overwhelming amount of information, but I understand it. Finn loves me by choice, and Arjun does by destiny.