

Born with an unrivaled tribrid bloodlines inherited from her witch mother and human father, Evelyn stands at the crossroads of light and darkness. She holds the key to both the salvation and annihilation of Zitherland. However, her bloodline powers were sealed from birth by her mother. As a result, she grew up among humans without any knowledge of her dormant powers and abilities. A weak and mediocre human mage. But as Evelyn faced life-threatening encounters and uncovered secrets about her identity through the voice in her amulet, her dormant powers started to awaken. What's more, the balance of power in the realms of Zitherland was beginning to teeter as well. With demons lurking and darkness closing in, can she rise above her own shadows and internal demons to save her world? Will Evelyn's destiny shatter the realm or bring forth its ultimate redemption? Embark on an odyssey of power, passion, and sacrifice that will leave you breathless. ————— Even though, this novel has a female MC... You should try it out because it is unique and full-packrd with action... My esteemed readers and fans should join my discord server let's connect together. There will be spoilers of the novel climax here in that community https://discord.gg/SdzyYgTa

De_Prodigy · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

15: The Steve Guy

About 30 Minutes Earlier; In The Library Department.

Mr. Zim, after explaining the sections and catalog categories of the library, allowed the students to explore the outer section and view some of the shelves and books in different categories.

Evelyn took the opportunity to distance herself from Zoya because she desired to do more than simply explore the library. She couldn't let anyone find out that she was secretly searching for books about amulets and their purposes for the wearer.

'This is a perfect opportunity. I don't mind staying here while others have left. This tour is just boring to me. Maybe I can find a book today that will be more helpful and enjoyable. I need to learn more about this amulet,' she said to herself, as she reached into the pocket of her uniform and pulled out the amulet. 'And I also wonder why that man seemed to be searching for it. I just want to find a book that can satisfy my curiosity, even if I have to sneak into the middle section,' she thought, tucking the amulet back into her uniform.

She walked along the shelves, which were arranged in columns, but could only find categories that contained history books, basic magic books, scrolls on weaponry, and books on alchemy. Disappointed, she leaned against one of the shelves, her face clearly displaying signs of exhaustion and disappointment. Just then, Mr. Zim asked the students to follow him to the dungeon and the underground prison.

Having made up her mind to find some information about her amulet, she hid behind the bookshelf on which she had been leaning earlier. Seeing that the students had left, she heaved a sigh of relief. With the other students gone, she continued her search.

After searching the outer section for a few minutes, she found a shelf with the tag "Scrolls on Artifacts." Scouring the shelf, she found scrolls on talismans, sigils, and various types of jewelry, including bracelets, rings, trinkets, pendants, necklaces, crowns, amulets, and more. She also found some scrolls recording various precious stones, crystals, and treasures in both the mortal and dark realms of Zitherland. But she took only the scroll about amulets and went to read it in one of the chairs arranged in the library.

Unrolling the scroll, she concentrated all her focus as she read the information about amulets. At the end, she was unable to find any useful information about her mysterious amulet. She only saw information about the structure, types, and uses of amulets in the scroll. Evelyn got up from her chair and kicked it in a fit of anger. She then returned the scroll to its shelf and was about to leave when she saw the library door flung open. Steve, the boy with hazel eyes, entered the library.


Zoya left her tour group unnoticed and headed out to look for Evelyn. With Elvis and Cedric going into the underground prison to search for her, Zoya decided to look for her elsewhere.

While heading towards the library, the last place she had seen Evelyn, she noticed their new teacher, Mr. Werney, wandering about as if he was searching for something or someone. His hand tightly gripped the amulet that was hanging around his neck.

Zoya just walked past, but the man seemed to not have noticed her. She thought he was weird, but she shrugged it off as she approached the library. She was certain that Evelyn is either here, in their room, or that someone has abducted her. But the last option didn't seem plausible because there was no way a student would go missing without their teacher noticing it. She could only hope that it was either the first option or the second one.

When she reached the door, she pushed it open, only to find Steve standing next to a girl whose head was resting on the table inside the library. Steve, the boy, had a shocked expression on his face as he shook Evelyn, who appeared to be unconscious but had a flustered face. Steve kept saying these words as soon as Zoya opened the door.

"Evelyn, can you hear me? Wake up, please. What happened to you?"

Zoya rushed to the scene and forcefully pushed Steve away from Evelyn with incredible strength.

"You! What have you done to her? Do you think you can take advantage of her just because she's still a 1-star mage?" Zoya asked angrily as the atmosphere in the room turned icy. Looking at her, one could tell that she cared deeply about her roommate.

"See, you have to listen to me. I don't know what is wrong with her either. I just arrived here a few minutes ago and saw her in this state. You have to calm down," Steve defended, stepping back from this frosty maniac.

It seemed that Zoya didn't believe his explanation, as she angrily threw an ice shard that she had conjured at Steve. She wasn't naive enough to believe such lies, especially since she had encountered many people like him before. She doesn't trust him at all. She, for once, thought about the alchemy teacher she had met on her way, but she ruled out the possibility. One, she doesn't believe a teacher would attack their student for no reason. Also, since Steve claimed he was here a few minutes ago, there was no way the teacher had been here before him.

'I think I messed with the wrong person this time,' Steve said inwardly, as he witnessed the attack being launched at him. Steve, who possessed the power of darkness, sank into his shadow and vanished without a trace. Avoiding the ice shard completely, it crashed into the wall of the library, shattering into fragments and dispersing.

'A shadow variant? There's something about this guy that really bugs me. Anyway, let me see if she can wake up,' Zoya thought, turning her attention to Evelyn, who happened to be lying with her head on the table. Zoya placed her hand near her nose and felt relieved as she exhaled air through her nostrils.

'At least she is alive'

Zoya gently tapped Evelyn on her back, and then she woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and sat upright in the chair on which she was sitting.

"Hey, Evelyn. Are you okay?" asked Zoya, scanning her body for any wounds or bruises.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine, just a bit tired," Evelyn replied with a faint voice, her eyes twitching as she looked up at Zoya.

"What happened to you? Was it that guy, Steve?" She asked again, her eyes flashing with a cold glint. She looked around the room to see if there was any trace of Steve.

"Steve? Was he here?... I can't even remember what happened. I was searching for books about... um... about fire elementals when I suddenly blacked out," Evelyn explained, trying her best to recall what actually happened. She also didn't want to tell Zoya about the amulet stuff yet, so she lied and said she was looking for books about fire elementals.

Just then, the door was flung open again. This time, two boys entered the library: Elvis and Cedric. Seeing his sister's limp state, Elvis rushed to the two girls.

"Evie, are you alright? We have been looking for you for some time now," Elvis asked, gazing at Zoya expectantly, awaiting her response. Zoya recounted her experience upon entering the library to the two boys, making sure not to leave out any details, especially her encounter with Steve.

"You said you just blacked out? Could it be that you are under some form of mind control?" said Cedric. "But I heard that only mages above the expert level can do that, unless they are witches or demons. Anyway, Evelyn, you should be wary of that Steve guy. I doubt he was the one who did it, but he sure is a suspect"

"Mind control?" Evelyn exclaimed, "I actually knew Steve before. He seemed like a nice guy to me. The first time we met was also here in the library. Perhaps he is a frequent library user," said Evelyn, her face etched with concern.

"But how do you explain him not joining the tour at the same time as you. Do you think it was all just a coincidence?" Elvis said, standing up, as lightning began to crackle around his hands. "That bastard shouldn't mess with my sister, or else I will fry him to crisp with my lightning powers."

"Hmmm! I'm really impressed by our little lightning god here. Seemed like you forgot that he is a shadow himself and a 4-star mage. Do you plan to tickle him with your lightning, bro?" said Cedric sarcastically. And the four of them burst into laughter because Elvis was only a 3-star mage. After some discussion, they accompanied Evelyn back to her dorm room, with Elvis providing support along the way.

Just as they left the library, a shadow took form from the wall where the ice shard had shattered. Emerging from the shadows was Steve, wearing a frown on his face.

"I'm really sorry, Evelyn. I didn't mean to go this far. I will make it up to you in the future," he said as he left the library as well.


Earlier, as Evelyn returned the scroll to its designated shelf and prepared to leave the library, the door swung open, and Steve entered. He walked up to her.

Just then, his hazel eyes changed and glowed blood-red as they locked onto her eyes. The same thing happened to Evelyn's eyes; her black eyes started to glow red. Then, as if being manipulated, she sat down again in the chair.

Steve bared his mouth, revealing his fangs as he moved closer to Evelyn's neck. She was resting her head on the table, with her neck fully exposed. He gently licked a spot on her neck, preparing the site for his fangs to sink into it.

But before that happened, he quickly raised his head and wondered, 'Why is her blood strange? I had never smelled this kind of blood before' Bending over to finally take a bite, he noticed a footstep approaching the library with his heightened sense of hearing.

Zoya entered at that moment.

Who can guess what being Steve is? He certainly is not a human...

Keep supporting me guys, it is just the source of motivation I need now.

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