
Is my school unreal?

Is my school unreal ?

I am sure you all have been to a place where you learn how to write A, B... X, Y, Z. Probably we call that place 'A SCHOOL'.

I always wanted that my whole world just get associated as I want, it's a topic of fun. But it's just the power of imagination. I am sure you also have this kind of power somewhere hidden in yourself; it's never a high time to make your own choice. So here I am going to show you how much power my imagination have.

The power of your imagination increases as u gets mature because development creates new things. When I was in my primary school the things I want to change was only the timings I wanted them to be more because I wanted to gain more knowledge , wanted to get more praised by subject teachers because I wanted to fulfill my dreams without knowing the hard work I have to do. In my mind getting praised was the key of success. That state of mind was totally unreal. In my junior school the only change I wanted was change in the timing of lunch break, getting praised was not my goal now. Getting praised by stomach and my happy mind was my goal now .seems funny right? But that's the reality my dear. The goal was we must have 4-5 game periods and 2-3 subject periods. I always wanted to write these unreal goals of life in the suggestion box to my respected principal sir; but I was sure in my another side of my mind that no one is interested in my unreal world; my unreal school, the goals of my elementary school are the topic of another planet.