Gerard and Braum took deep, desperate breaths while standing on the grassy plains.
"Did I do well, master?" Alder asked.
"You did very well. Braum and I would have died if not for you," Gerard replied.
"Where are we?" Braum asked.
Gerard pulled his map from his dimensional pocket and inspected it closely.
"Our marker is east of Solares, about a half-days walk."
"I suppose we'll be walking, then."
As Braum, Gerard, and Alder made their way through the desolate streets of Solares, a sense of eerie calm permeated the air. The once bustling city now lay in ruins, its grandeur faded by the devastating presence of the Idegen. The oppressive grip of the insect-like creatures seemed to have momentarily loosened, granting the trio a rare respite.