On his walk back to his companions, Gerard was shoved by an elf.
"What was that for?" Gerard scowled, but his expression quickly softened.
The elves, usually playful and joyous, rushed past him to squeeze into the council chambers while yelling and screaming. For the second time since his arrival, Gerard saw Therikii in the village. Not one or two, but hundreds rushed in line with the elves to find shelter. A soft rumbling sound came from the same direction the elves fled from.
"Is something happening?" Gerard asked a passing elf, but they ignored him.
"The demons are at the barrier. They're trying to break through." Creed landed on the ground in front of Gerard.
"It's not like they can break in. I looked at the barrier myself. It's an impressive piece of magic."
"The demon lord created demons using the magic of the Therikii. If anything could breach the barrier, it would be those things."