
He hate girls...?

"Lauren!! Help me move this box inside. Please.!" Jamie yells from outside as she was only one who remained to move there stuff inside. She cursed under her breath as she gets no reply from her sister. "Why the hell do I have so much stuff? Ugh! I wish I could just throw them away!" She says to herself stomping over her steps inside the new house. After a few minutes of moving things inside she finally signs and throws herself on the couch. She was too tired and lazy to explore the house she was gonna stay from now onward. She was still lying on the couch, she started feeling light-headed. Soon she fell asleep on the couch.

"Hey... Jamie? Wake up!"

The girl groans not wanting to get out of her relaxing slumber. She pushed away those hands shaking her body. She could still hear someone calling out for her but she could care less. She jolts up sitting straight on the couch with eyes wide open and face all wet with water dripping her face. Gasping for air, she wipes away the water dripping down her chin. She then comes back to her sense and scans her surrounding to see Lauren walking backward with her holding an empty glass of water.

She could see her trying to suppress her laugh, and it ticked her off. "Yah! How dare you throw water in my face with that constipated face of your?!" Jamie yells pissed and angered over her sisters' annoying act of waking her up. Lauren gasps and stomps towards Jamie with an angry face and nose flaring out hot breaths of anger. "W-What did you just say? Yah!!" Lauren then yells equally pissed over the nickname Jamie used to spill out her anger.

"You heard right? So why are you asking? It's your fault why did you spill water over my face? Huh?" Now Jamie stood up looking down at Lauren, as she was a bit taller than Lauren. Lauren scoffs placing her hand on her hips then looks up at Jamie meeting her gaze. "I am not scared of you Jamie. And it's your fault in the first place. I have been waking you up for straight 15 minutes." Jamie then looks away slightly offended but then She still denied to accept her defeat. "But... still it was not necessary to spill water. you know I hate when someone spills water on my face while sleeping. And I was tired as fuck." Jamie says shrugging her shoulders as Lauren scoffs.

"Language Sis. If mom heard you, you are gonna be dead meat." Jamie tucks out her tongue and says "Oopsies!" then starts giggling as Lauren shakes her head no in disbelief. "Okay now move. Go and arrange your room. You spend the whole day sleeping here while I finished arranging my room." Lauren says with a victorious smirk creeping along her lips. Jamie widens her eyes and whines laying flat on the couch. Jamie then stands up grabbing Lauren's hand making her turn around with a brow raised. Lauren then widens her eyes as she studies her sisters' evil smile. She tries to wiggle her wrist out of Jamie's hold but she fails.

"NO! I don't want to! I just finished mine and I need to rest now." Lauren yells throwing glances up at her and to the kitchen which was her destination. She came out of her room to eat something after hours of her arranging her room. But as soon as she saw her sister sleeping on the couch she had the urge to mess with her and so she did. At last, she regretted waking her up. She was not ready to help Jamie arrange her room as well which would take how long to arrange. No, she was not ready to exhaust herself more.

"Ask Mom to help you and just leave me! Ugh! Mie~ Leave Me. I ain't helping you." She keeps saying this making Jamie pout and frown at her. She sluggishly left her wrist making her way to her room. "How the hell am I gonna finish this before dinner?" She whines and starts unpacking the boxes. She was too much into her work and stuff to notice how her new house was.


"Jamie!! Dinner is ready. come down!" Sarah yells from downstairs. "Yes, Mom!"

Jamie then folds her clothes arranging them neatly inside her closet. She leaves the remaining clothes there on the floor and heads downstairs. As she enters the kitchen she then noticed how perfect managed it was. She was in awe at the beautiful kitchen with coffee color marbles covering the floor and white walls with mixed colors furniture. She then takes a seat beside Lauren making herself comfortable and digging into her food.

Sarah and William laugh seeing her childish behavior. She was very much matured but in terms of food, she still was a child. "Take it a bit slow honey," Sarah says stuffing her mouth with food. Jamie looks up at her mother and nods smiling sweetly.

"So? Are you excited? You will work after the next four days. And we are handing the CEO post to Ethan. You will work as his secretary."

"Who is Ethan?" Jamie questions confused as to why he would give the company to someone else. "Oh.. Dear. He is Oliver's son. You both played together when you were small." Jamie nods her head with an 'oh' expression plastered on your face. "Then... Does he know I am a girl?" She says curiously.

"He did when you were small. But you don't remember him and so he may not as well. You need to hide it even from him. Make sure you hide till you turn 25 years old. okay?" Jamie nods her head with a pout on her lips. She hoped if he remembered then she could be herself and more comfortable. But nothing was going well for her. She still needed one whole year to dodge that misfortune of her life. "I will be able to myself after I turn 25, right?" Jamie questions chewing her food.

"Yes you will but there is a condition," Sarah replies looking at her with an awkward smile. "Condition? what?" Lauren question even more curious than Jamie was. "You will know it after a few months, now is not the right time." William replies clearing his throat. "WHY?" Both of them whine at the same time. "Just. So wait patiently and when you will know you have to do. And that's it!" Sarah says looking sternly at Jamie. Jamie gulps finding her mom intimidating for the first time in her life. She reluctantly nods her head with an awkward smile. She excused herself from talking and starts eating silently.


"But why dad? You and Uncle are doing great. Why do I need to take that post?" Ethan whines denying his father's words. But Oliver just gave a tensed glare making the boy stop throwing tantrums and accepts whatever he was told to do. "It's already decided. You will take our place now. You are perfectly capable of handling a company now. Moreover, I am getting old, I need rest." He says playfully groaning as he stretches his body. Ethan laughs at his dad's comment. "And you have the perfect CEO's attitude. The cold and strict one." Oliver says receiving a glare from his son.

"DAD! Don't make fun of me. You know I don't like socializing and people are too clingy." He says scrunching his face. Oliver laughs at his son's statement. "I even already assigned your secretory." Ethan froze and looks at his dad with a stone-cold face. "You are joking, right? No... please." He begs with his hand joined together and head bowed down. "It's not a girl... I mean.. yes.. no... ugh a yea... a boy. And he graduated with an awesome score. He will help you. Be good to him. He is a son of my dear friend."

Ethan looks up at his dad and releases a sigh of relief. "It's okay then. As long as I don't come face to face with a woman. I hate how they gawk at me and some are super clingy and annoying." He says facepalming himself. "Don't tell me you like boys?" Oliver questions shocked at his son's comment. He for sure went frozen with that thought of his. "Eww! No! DAD!! I hate the type of clingy and annoying girls. I didn't say I hate girl!" He yells offended at his dad's words. "Okay then... good to know that." He laughs seeing his son being flustered over his words.

"Dad, I am heading out. Liam is waiting outside for me. Gonna crash at his place for few days. Bye~" He says walking towards the door. "Make sure you show up at the company and dress up well. See you on the day of the meeting! Say hi to Liam and his parents!" Ethan turns to his side facing his dad and flashing a small smile with a nod and exits the office.

"I hope for the best!" Oliver says looking outside of the window down at the scenery he got from his company building.

"My new life is starting soon... hope for the best!"

- Jamie

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