

It's been a pretty hectic two yrs since we killed the Volturi, the video of our fight went viral, it created a huge amount of chaos in the whole world...and let me tell you, Vampires and wolves were not the only supernatural in the twilight world. There was this African vampire tribe that banded with all the other tribes of their area to form a bigger tribe of vampires....they had some kind of Ghost like things, kinda like wraith's, they did a lot of damage to our forces. Fortunately, we developed weapons by copying the banshees scream ability From Betty.

the scream made the wraith shifter turn back to human for a while, we used that to kill them....again I took some blood.

Bella has also been turned into a vampire. I also collect a bit of her blood before turning her. Not that she knew or anything.

I am gonna keep the blood to myself who knows I might land myself in marvel or dc someday and could use their bullshit tech to become stronger. I am a hundred percent sure that every world has a different way of working, some have strict rules some have rules that can be bent and twisted to suit you and whatnot. some like the Marvel world even have different physical laws.

I have also done some of the other side missions that came one of which gave me the ability known as tattoos storage.

it is exactly what it means

I can store anything in my body...or more like my tattoos as long as it does not pass a threshold. I stored the DNA and blood I collected and got a tattoo of a vial surrounded in a double-stranded helical structure. it's cool as fuck.

The others were jealous when they found out what I could do, The girls said about putting some makeup in me but I straight out refused it once the tattoo that looked like lips formed on my neck.

I have sent half my coven to Australia to take control if Taht place in order to further our influence, two covens are left and they will soon either join us or will die trying to fight against us.

I also made some talks with the wolfs, I realized that my wolf side was a little bit too much harsh with them. So I started teaching them how to go into a partial shift. kinda like how I can grow my arms into hairy arms with claws and grow fangs. a werewolf.

I decided to call my bidepal wolf form, The LYCAN. It suits me better.

Of course, they dont know about my human form or vampire self

Since the quilette has never seen me before, haha My hair is also different in each form. with the color of my skin changing as well.Not like I care anymore.

I already have Asia, Europe, and Africa are under my control.

The vampires now dont feel the need if human blood, I also set up some ironclad rules.

1- No killing or maiming of a human unless your cover gets blown

2- leave no suspect alive if you ever get found out or have them come to Drakkar for a little memory change

3-If you want to turn someone you will have to get permission first and fill an oath with the Velentine coven.

4-All special vampires need to be registered with the Velentines at least once.

5-Register your coven with the Velentine, any suspicious activity will be met with lethal force.

6-All new covens will have to be under any one of the ten elders(Velentine coven).

I think I did a pretty good job with the rules though people were a little uncomfortable with me putting them under us a little eye stare was enough to make me understand.

It's like I have a personal army of vampires,muahahahahahha.

I also got a high amount of government officials under me in case of some large area battle, with a promise of eternal life and a little memory alteration along with Alexis s little phobia trick is a great combo to make anyone obedient.


Australia side: Karen POV:-

Ah man, I am so tired of these vampires, they are really hard to find .its like all of them have been able to mask their smell, they have a natural ability to mask their tracks.

Though we have caught a member that is willing to speak for the right price.

"Make me a member of your coven," he says to me, like hell I will, I just need to wait for Drakkar or Alexis to come, those guys are the best when it comes to making our kind talk.

"Lady Karen! Drakkar is here...he says he does not have much time so you will need to hurry " Ellana says to me, she is so beautiful...almost makes me go wild....almost that is.....though I have seen how some of our Gold eyed Vampires is having some bad thoughts. Will have to ask Alexis to do something about it.


North America side: Christy POV:-

Hah! I miss those days, us carelessly going here and there with pops, enjoying life....when will get to go back to Forks I really miss em.

Talking on skype really does not cut it. its been so long since I last hugged pops....two years or something

"Seriously why do you resist us? I mean why are you not accepting the evolution, let me turn you and your coven....or else"

"Hmph! you think we are afraid of you little girl, I agree that you guys are a threat, but not when you are spread thin all over the globe, What can you do, turn people to stone, I think we can take you on as easy as a pie." this woman said to me

This is my third time talking to me, she is a greedy person, She is also a special human she can control blood that is the reason why she is so haughty. her coven consists of thirty people, which would have been very impressive if not for the fact that all of them are a new coven formed by merging three covens.

"You know I am really tired" I am really tired I wanna go back and lay chess with Betty and the other, "So I will say this again, join us or die" I might also agree to play Baseball at this rate.

It seems like my advice fell on deaf ears, she lifts her hands to control the liters of blood she hid behind the building.

She waits for a while before she starts frowning, I laugh as I show her the thing in my hands

"It's a chemical agent...it breaks down blood into water, plasma, and stuff...I was never into biology you know" I said right before I heard the pesky voice of Yuji

"That's why I had to come all the way from the south side to aid you...Or were you just missing me that much" He said with his cheeky grin

"True and true...I never thought I would miss you of all people"

"HEY!!! DONT YOU ACT AS IF I DONT EXIST" the women whose abilities we rendered uselessly was too angry to notice that we had her cornered, rather than running away she ran towards us with rage-filled screamed. Right after that, I delivered a roundhouse kick sending her towards Yuji as if she was a football and Yuji took off her head, and there some chemicals on it causing it to ignite into flames and dissolve.

"Now you are gonna be helping me get rid of Vampires from my side of America so that we can get this done," Yuji said with a happy tone as if I would agree to his demands

I started running the other way while he was distracted with dissolving the body of our target.hehe



Betty POV:-

I was sent here by father to make the Vampires of this place into one of our vampires. And I am pretty sure I can convince them once they find out that they won't need to rely on human blood since the humans in this area are very little compared to animals and stuff.

Only two Covens live here,

One is the size of three, a family of three vampires, and the other is a vampire family that likes to be the nightmare of many other weak people. I will make sure that the nightmarish vampires dont get a chance to say yes.

I really hate it when people start doing things that hurt others just because they can even though there is another way to resolve things. This is one of the things I hate about father sometimes he goes overboard...but who am I to say that... it's not like I am any different.


Two years later:- Argos PoV:-

It's been two years since we started our conquest, we have more or less unified every vampire under us and those that did not listen were taken care of.

Betty was the last one to come back, it's mainly because of her getting slow in all that snow.

She also told me how she got ambushed by a whole group of bears, she narrowly dodged death.

Jacob became a wolf and finally found the love of his life who he imprinted on, I am happy for him as well as the fact that he got the minor recognition of my pride as a wolf.

the little mutt was able to stand up against me, though I did fling him far away for that mere arrogance of his.

Bella also came one day along with all the Covens, she brought her mother and father to me in hopes that I would turn them as well since it was becoming hard for her to let go of her parents....which earned her a hug from me since I was really disappointed that she ignored her father for four or so years.

I turned them right away, though now The chief will have to look for another job since he cants do his duty as police unless he wants someone to find him glowing in the daylight.

I also decided to use my unlimited financial and political powers to make a safe way for the vampires to live in the society, I also have failsafe made with the help of Alexis in case the world ever comes to know about the vampires.

There is a brutal plan as well as the nice plan. Today everyone is back home, in Forks and we are going to have a nice dinner after two years of going here and there.I also wanted to create some kind of city or something like that just for the Vampires or every other shifter and monster but i dont think that idea will be entertained over here.Sigh so sad this life.