
Chapter 679: All will be as the King wishes.


Chapter 679: All will be as the King wishes.


"Today is Judgment Day," Helena announced, turning to face a certain direction.


Unconsciously, the entire audience followed her gaze, and soon they saw a sight that made everyone's eyes open wide.


Hundreds of Demons of various sizes and shapes, all shackled at the throat, wrists, and legs in a straight line.


All these Demons had several open wounds and blood dripping onto the ground, and it was evident they had gone through a great deal of torture before coming here.


But it wasn't just that which shocked them; it was who held these Demons by the collar.


Lily Baal née Lucifer, The Daughter of Lucifer, the First Demon King.


The woman walked with neutral, confident steps.


"Hey, isn't he..." One Demon nudged another Demon and pointed to a spot in the line of Demons.