
Chapter 678: The King Among Kings.

Chapter 678: The King Among Kings.

"M- Mother, what are you-."


"Silence, worm!" The woman kicked a man who looked like the male version of Lily in the gut. He had short spiked black hair with red tips, but the half Succubus was much more muscular than his mother.



"I warned you." She punched the man in the face.


"M-Mo-" again, he was silenced with a knee to the face.


"I warned you several times!" Lily stepped on her son's leg, which gave way to a sickening crunch.


"AHHHH-" Luka's scream was cut off by Lily's hand clutching his throat.


"Stop screaming like a bitch." Lily's eyes gleamed with a cruel glare.


"You are a descendant of Lucifer and Lilith! Even in pain, act proud, worm!"


Lily lifted Luka by the neck and brought his face before her.

Luka looked into his mother's Demonic eyes with pure fear on his face.