
Chapter 490: Training with the goddess of beauty. 2

Chapter 490: Training with the goddess of beauty. 2

"Hmm..." Victor was a quick learner, and his experience with control was quite vast, considering that, from the beginning, control was the aspect he'd trained the most in his life.

He was, after all, a walking atomic bomb.

He needed to control his vast power from the start.

The problem that Victor was having in controlling his Charm from the Blessing of the Goddess of Beauty was that he couldn't feel that energy.

It was like trying to look for something in the middle of five seas, those seas being his powers of Fire, Water, Ice, Lightning, and Blood.

  Aphrodite's Blessing was like a small object floating between these seas, and he couldn't feel it.

But thanks to Aphrodite acting as a guide, he managed to find that source and controlled it to form another 'sea' in his body.