
my three alpha mates

Dead Wolf Walking... That's me. Jessica Brown I'm supposed to be mated to the Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack. Except when he finds out my secret, he rejects me in front of everyone. Worse. My own pack turns their backs on me too. I have no one, no protection, nothing. I'm on my own against hunters who want to kill us all on sight. And without anyone to help me during the fated blood moon and my first shift, I'm screwed. Until three wolf shifters find me. They ignite a passion in me that I fear I won't be able to walk away from. And my wolf longs for a fated mate even if it's the one who rejected us. But I can't stay with these strangers, it's too dangerous. Once thev find out the truth about me. But I never knew they has other plants for me the three Alpha made a deal with a group of which for the exchange of my life for them to be free so I don't know who to trust I can't even trust myself I just want them to help me find my mother so that I can break this spell

Divine_Gold_7735 · LGBT+
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31 Chs

the truth finally come out

I should have known better than to trust anyone or even my wolf. She has let me down for years... why did I think she would change now?

A whine burrows under my heart and I gasp at the longing and pain shooting up through me. She wants Michael back. Stupid wolf thinks he's our mate. Well, he might have been if she had broken free.

Even if I went back and pleaded for my life, the Alpha wouldn't grant it. Any outcast who returns to the pack is killed on sight. I rush into my home to gather my things.

Behind me, the front door slams against the wall and I jump, whirling around.

"How could you embarrass us like that?" she shouts and grabs my arm. "I should've smashed your head in with a rock the second I saw you."

Tears spill down my cheeks faster than I can wipe them away. I feel like pieces of me are crumbling and I'll never be able to put them all back together again. "Please, I just need to get my things."

She barks out a laugh, pushing me backward toward the door. "You're not taking anything. I'm selling your things 

out with you."

"Mom," the word chokes in my

throat. Of all the times when Dad was alive and we were happy. A family. "Please. I-I need to grab some things." I wrap my arms around my middle, my chest heaving from the tears scorching me from the inside out. "Don't you care at all that you'll never see me again? Or that I'm going to die out there?"

No one survived the wilds without a pack, without help.

"You ungrateful little slut." Her mouth twists into a snarl. "You've always thought yourself better than anyone here-just like your mother."

Everything in me tightens into an aching knot. "What did you just say?" I want to chalk it off to the alcohol talking, but she's never said anything like this before. The way she's looking at me is like she's come across a dead skunk in the woods.

"You heard me," she sneers. "When your dad came home with you, I should've killed you then. But he promised. Said you were blessed." She spat out a laugh. "You know what I think?"

This can't be real. I can't answer because I'm dizzy like the floor is 

dropping out beneath me and I can't find my balance.

"Your father lied. Your mother must have tied some spell to him that unraveled when he died and left me. Cause that's the only explanation why I didn't drown you in the bath as a baby."

My heart feels like it is cleaved in two, but I shake my head, not believing what the hell she's saying. It can't be real.

"Where do you think your blue hair comes from? Why you could never get a dye to take?" Her expression darkens like she's not the woman I remember laughing with Dad during family boat rides along the river or who used to tickle me whenever she acted like a mother and not the stranger standing before me. "It was from her, your witch mother. I hate you. It's because of you that your father died."

"No," I gasp, stumbling back and hitting the edge of my dresser. Glass bottles I've collected clank and several crash to the floor. "You're lying."

She has to be. She's the only mother I've ever known. Dad would've 

told me if she wasn't my real mother. Wouldn't he? Tears burn my eyes and my vision goes blurry. No matter how fast I blink to stop them, tears spill down my cheeks.

"Why are you telling me this now? Why not as soon as father-" I can't even say the word. How every time I think of him it's like a fresh wound that guts me. How life was perfect when he was with us and then everything crumbled away.

"If I had told a soul about us harboring a witch," she says the word like a curse, her face twisted up in disgust. "I'd have been thrown out with you. This way, you're already banished and I can claim you had me under your spell."

If I am a witch or half of one, I'm not very good cause I'd have at least made her kind like she was before and not a drunk now.

"Get out of my house," she screams.

Her words strike me like physical blows and something inside me shrivels. The last little bit of caring I had for her is strangled.

"You try to come back here and I'll tell everyone what you really are."

I take a deep breath, even though

my lungs feel like they're collapsing in on themselves, and glare at her. "Fine. You've never been a good mother or wolf to me."

Not after the misery she's put me through all these years, but it still hurts like a bitch that she hates me this much. That she's not my real mom. The indifference and cruelty aren't an act or even the alcohol. She feels nothing for me except hatred.

"I'm sick of taking care of you." She glowers, running a hand through her hair, pulling at the roots already graying.

"When have you ever done anything for me?" My voice shakes with tears. "All you've ever done is find ways to let me down-"

"Just leave. Everything you touch, you destroy. Your wolf. Your father."

I jerk, feeling the sting of guilt that locks in my chest. I push past her out the front door, knowing I'll never be back, never see her again. It's the most painful thing I've ever done. It feels like part of my heart has been cut out, taken away from me forever.

When the pack finds out the truth about me being a half-breed, they'll hunt me down and kill me Part of me  

almost wishes they would. That way I wouldn't have to feel the pain of all of this.

On shaky legs, I walk out of the house, the only home I've ever known. Everything is falling apart. What am I going to do? How am I going to survive on my own with nothing?

Not even my wolf to help me. Bitterness coats the back of my throat. Part of me wants to beg the Alpha for another chance. Hell, to even take me as Casey's grotesque pack slut for all the males to fuck.

My stomach heaves and I fall to my knees. I dig my hands into the dirt as I dry heave over and over. Each time I try to catch my breath, it's followed by another wave of bile.

When my stomach calms enough to stand, I numbly push up to my feet. I can't stay here. Not like this. Not with everyone hating me and my mother, no, my stepmother hating my guts. The abuse would only get worse now. But she and this pack are all I have left. Everything and everyone I've grown up with is here.

Dozens of eyes were on me, followed by growls and snarls.

There's no way I can sneak back 

There's no way I can sneak back inside the pack's territory. They'll tear me limb from limb if I try and I bet Casey would be leading the pack on that chance even without the added craziness of me being half-witch.

What she said can't be true. Except, I feel the ring of it in my soul.

I glance down at my hands, then squeeze them into fists as I walk. It is a good thing I don't have magic or I would have fried Casey's ass a long time ago.

Swallowing my pride and all the hurt I've carried around for years, I step across the barrier. A whoosh of power blows against me and I nearly fall on my ass. Darla had told me witches used to live with the pack. They erected these invisible magical forcefields to keep the unwanted out. Then the witches and wolves started to war against each other and split off with the witches heading west.

Our lands border theirs on this one side with the north, south, and part of the east taken up by other wolf packs.

My wolf pines again, and I hiss out a breath when it feels like she's raking her claws against my heart.

"Aren't you far from your home?"

I jump back, raising my hands in defense. I take a step away from him and debate if I can run fast enough to find help. Not that I know a thing about this side of the barrier. I've only snuck out one time before when I spotted the human boy and we'd spent the day together by the lake near here.

The man before me chuckles and the full moon illuminates him. My breath catches at his size. Hard eyes that burn with a cold blue fire stare at me. His body is bulging with muscles and tattoos of bones, skulls and flames that seem to glow in the moonlight.

He can't be undead or he wouldn't be able to speak. A sorcerer then?

I close my eyes and inhale deeply, hoping to discern his scent. To me, the air smells fresh, like a new, uncut forest. I try again.

He has a musky smell, a scent of the forest and the crisp fall air. And there's a flutter in my stomach that has me pausing in my retreat.

I open my eyes. "You're a wolf? Wh-why are you out here and not with the other packs?" Unless they are