
MY TEMPORARY WIFE: Sweet Surrender.

"Are you insane? Let me go!" She barked,trying to free herself from his strong arms that tightly and aggressively held her. "I will let you go,but before then,I want to remind you of something,in case you've forgotten. "The only darn thing keeping us under the same roof,is the stupid contract marriage our parents signed. "I do not love you,and never will. I don't even have any feelings for you" He spat,disgustedly. "Just so you know,I have a girlfriend that I love. So,stay off my lane and live happily!" He gruffly said,yanking her hand off without caring. °°° It's like they always say, " Marriage is sweet when you marry right". That feeling when you say "I do" to the one you love. That satisfied and sweet feeling when you marry the man or woman you are mádly in love with. Sweet,right? But,what happens when you say,yes! And marry the one you do not have any feelings for? Not sweet,right? Let's meet Caesar Ruslee,an incredibly handsome 25 years old Thailand guy. A billionaire,Celebrity and owner of CISCO AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. He's a hot talented actor whom ladies dìe for because of his incredibility. He's got the looks,the money,that kind of body every lady desires in her man. He is super sèxy,dark hair and eyes. A beautiful smile that will melt your heart away like candle wax. He smiles a lot,but that doesn't mean he's the coolest person you would ever meet. Caesar is a proud and cold hearted jerk. The only person he cares about and loves,is Cindy,his girlfriend and maybe his mom. Caesar has a girlfriend,but is married to someone else,through a contract marriage that was signed and sealed by both parents,right from their childhood. They did that to save their business alliances. Now,let's meet Georgia Singto,a 23 years old Thailand lawyer,who bagged her degree just few months ago. She's one of the most beautiful ladies you'd ever meet in Thai. Feel free to call her smiley, because she smiles a lot. He smiles can heal a broken hearted soul. She's so hot,with a kìller body that get men drooling. Dark and séxy eyes,brown long hair,cute lips,beautiful smiles. All in all,she's a beautiful and brilliant Lawyer who has won many cases already. Yea,she comes from a very rich family too. I'll describe Georgia as a chameleon. Because,she changes at any time. She can be crazy,fun,boring,annoying,loving,caring,sweet,stubborn,or cool at any time. Well,she's married to the almighty Caesar,and they both have no feelings for each. They loathe each other more than anything,but live under the same roof. What happens when she started developing feelings for her husband who she despised? What happens when Caesar still got no feelings for her? Now,what happens when Caesar finally falls deeply for her,but it was too late?

Nkere_Ella · Urbain
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8 Chs

CHAPTER 6: Never Getting Along.

Ahhh...my skin!!" Cindy screamed,agonizingly as the extremely hot water streamed down her body like a fountain.

Instead of getting out of the shower immediately,she stupídly stood there,screaming.

Georgia who was in her room,heard Cindy's loud scream.

She sat down on her bed,and laughed her a*s out.

She's behind it. Because,after the maid had set the water to how Cindy likes it,she left the room.

So,when Georgia saw that she was gone,she entered the room as quiet as a mouse and did what she did,then came out with no one seeing her.

And Cindy was stupíd enough to have fallen for that. She should have at least,checked the water's temperature again before turning the shower on.

Well,Georgia wanted to pay Cindy back,for calling her an unwanted weed.

"I hope your skin burns and make you look beautiful for your boyfriend. You should even be grateful to me for helping you shed off your old skin" Georgia laughed shortly.

She got her laptop and sat back to start working,when her phone rang.

It's a call from Linda,her co-lawyer.

"Hey,hey Mrs. Ruslee" Linda's voice came sounding from the other end.

"Except you want to be sentenced to dèath,you better don't call me that" Georgia shot at her immediately and Linda chuckled.

"How are you,what's happening?" She asked.

"I'm all good,what's up with you? What's happening over there" Georgia asked back,while turning her laptop on.

"Well,I'm good. Still battling that case I have been handling for long now,yunno" Linda sighed.

"We need to celebrate,once this case is over. I swear!" Georgia said,and Linda concurred with a chuckle.

"I hope you're good,though. When are you resuming work,anyway? I kinda miss you" She enquired.

"I was actually given a one week break,but I don't think I can wait till then. My body is itching me already to resume work" Georgia replied,rubbing her forehead.

"I know what it feels like to just stay home and do nothing. But,you have to stay and give yourself a good treat before resuming,yunno" Linda told her,and Georgia smiled from her end.

They talked for quite a long time before the call was disconnected.


"How are you,Babe. Tell me Caesar did not marry another woman instead of you?" Jade asked,eagerly.

Cindy is actually on a call with her friend,Jade.

She finished having her bath minutes ago,after setting the water back to the normal temperature.

She was so infuriated that she almost went downstairs that very moment,to beat the living hell out of the maid who prepared her water.

The hot water burn wasn't that bad,though. The part that the hot water touched just turned red,which will go back to its normal color in some hours time. So,she just decided to let it go,rather than causing a fuss.

"Not exactly. They got married,but under a signed contract by his parents" Cindy explained.

"A signed contract? You believed him and are okay with that?" Jade's voice was a little raised.

"Uhm,yeah...? Of course I believe him.

Caesar even hates her,they both hate each other. So, I don't think there's really anything to be worried about" Cindy replied cofidently.

"Cindy,they exchanged wedding vows,and she's right now living with him,isn't she. Look,it's not like I'm intruding in your relationship,or anything. But,I don't want you getting hurt" Jade spoke out frankly.

"I trust him. And about the wedding vows,that's even the least of my problems,they mean nothing to me"Cindy replied,dropping her body lotion on the table.

She was still creaming her body when Jade called.

"Alright then,I just called to check on you,though. I tried calling yesterday,but I couldn't reach you.

Just be okay" Jade said,after which the call dropped.

Immediately the call ended,Cindy started giving a thought about what Jade said.

Come to think of this, how come Caesar never told her about the contract marriage thing?


"Wait,where is my sister?" Alvira asked when she finally noticed Alvara's absense.

"She was here a while ago,wasn't she? She should be at the cafeteria,I guess" Michal shrugged,looking around.

They both got out of their seats,took their bag packs,and left the class.

"Why does she always like vanishing at once like the shooting star, all the time?" Michal asked,laughing lightly.

"She's fund of doing that,yunno. Anyway,I hope we'll find her at the cafe" Alvira replied,hanging her bag well.


Alvara just got what she wanted and took it to a seat,where she sat comfortably.

She took out her phone and ear pod to listen to music while she ate.

Meanwhile,a guy was busy staring at her. They were like three of them,but only one was really into the stare.

"She's f**king beautiful" He muttered to himself,still staring.

While she ate her food and listened to her music,two guys approached her.

They were looking handsome,though. But,among the colors of their outfits,there were combinations of black.

Well,black T-shirts to be precise.

They just stood in her front,saying nothing at the moment.

"Uhm....Hi? How can I help you?" Alvara spoke first,taking out her earpods to look at them.

"Hi,someone over there wants to talk to you" One of them said,pointing to the direction of the person.

"Who?"Alvara asked,promptly. Looking at the direction of where they were pointing,to see whoever they were talking about,but did not see the person in question.

"He's over there" They said again,and Alvara rolled eyes.

"Sorry,can't talk to anyone right now. I'm busy"She replied simply,plugging in her ear pod,back.

The two just smiled and left without saying anything.

"Here you are! Why didn't you wait for us?"Alvira asked,sitting beside her sister.

"You were talking too much,duh!"Alvara replied,and Michal laughed.

"You're crazy,swears. Don't you know talking all the time prevents you from having bad breaths"Alvira replied,making both Alvara and Michal to laugh.

"Who were those guys,twin?"Alvira suddenly asked.

She literally saw the two guys. Because,she and Michal were already inside the cafeteria when they left Alvara's side.

"I don't know them,and they don't even matter"Alvara replied,taking a bite from her hamburger,which Alvira ceased from her hand and got off the chair quickly,before Alvara could react.

"Give me back my hamburger,and go get yours!" Alvara shouted,scuttling to where Alvira stood.

"But,I want to eat yours. Plus,you have to catch me first" Alvira replied,running while taking another bite from the burger.

"You dare not finish that,because....

Alvira shoved the whole thing in her before Alvara could finish talking.

"Oh,my gosh!" Alvara exclaimed and increased her pace,while Alvira did same,running to the class as fast as she could.

"I love you,Michal. There are lots of ropes in my bag,for you to carry on with my legacy. Because my sister might not spare me this time" Alvira screamed out funnily,and Michal bursted into a loud laugh.

What stupíd legacy is that? Legacy of tying her offenders and locking them up? Jeez!

She'd rather be a toilet cleaner,than to have such legacy.

Michal was just busy laughing herself out.

There's just something so special about this twins,especially Alvira,that she cannot get enough of.

"Such legacy" She laughed again,picking both Alvira and Alvara's bag packs.


"And he couldn't even stay home to enjoy his honeymoon. What a workaholic" Kyrian chuckled lowly as he walked into Caesar's Office.

Caesar scoffed, on hearing that and actually seeing his friend walk in.

"If that's the only rubbish you have come here to say,just make an about turn and leave" Caesar rolled eyes.

Kyrian ignored him and just went straight to the chair and sat his a*ss down.

"Hope you weren't too hard on her,and I bet she's good in bed" He sarcastically said,making him angry.

Of course he knows how those two hate each other. He just wants to make a little jest of his friend.

"I swear,I would have disowned you a long time ago,if you were my son.

"Nothing sensible comes out of that pipe of yours" Caesar insulted and Kyrian chuckled instead.

"So,how was it yesterday. Wait, what about Cindy? Have you told her already?" He asked curiously. He crossed his leg on the other,with his hand placed on Caesar's desk,rubbing his chin in the process as he stares at Caesar,waiting for a reply which he is so eager to hear.

"Same Cindy that is currently in my house?" He replied with a question.

"What?! Cindy is home right now? With Georgia around?" He asked,totally shocked and imagining the drama that must have taken place yesterday.

"I swear! I could hear my forefathers calling and telling me the hour has come for me to join them,after I received a slap from Cindy, yesterday night" Caesar explained, and kyrian couldn't hold back the laugh.

"Man,you're in for it" He laughed more.

"I wish there was never any stùpid signed contract. This is just too stùpid,why did they have to make us get married?

I loathe her so much,and I can't stand her" Caesar venomously said,throwing his pen carelessly while resting back on his chair.

Kyrian sighed and shook his head,melancholily.

"And you think this Company would be so great If not for the contract? That is what is still keeping the Company going,yunno" Kyrian spoke,and he scoffed.

"I know. But,they could have just signed it with something else, not the stùpid marriage. Shit!" He cursed, roughening his hair.


"Dude,you won't believe this!" Kraisee's friend exclaimed in surprise,making Kraisee to pause what he was doing.

"What?" Kraisee asked,not really interested in whatever his friend has got to say.

"Georgia is a married woman now" He said as he scrolled down his phone to see Georgia and Caesar's photos that are still circling around the net.

"You know how much I hate expensive jokes,right?" Kraisee frowned,not believing what his friend just said,one bit.

"This isn't any joke. Are you using your phone at all,to have not seen this on the internet" Lamon replied,scoffing.

Kraisee collected the phone from Lamon and saw the news himself,with wide eyes.

"It's not true! Georgia can't be married" He retorted,handing over the phone back to Lamon who collected it with a chuckle.

"Why do you look so upset about this?" He curiously asked.

"You do not expect me to be happy and celebrating,do you?" Kraisee replied with a question.

"Georgia can't be married" He mumbled,roughening his hair seriously.



"I can't believe I missed our Master's wedding"Brandon the chef,said.

He actually wasn't around on the wedding day.

It's evening,yunno. So,all the chefs are in the kitchen right now,making supper.

Also gossiping while the cooking is going on.

"It's good that you did not attend the wedding. It was the most boring wedding I have ever attended" Another chef replied Brandon.

"Well,what did you expect a wedding under a contract?" Claire replied,too.

"And now,Ms. Cindy is here. Fire on the mountain,because Mrs. Ruslee is a pack of trouble on its own,and doesn't take shit. She's giving it back to back without hesitating.

"Gosh! You needed to hear her call Ms. Cindy Master's grandmother,yesterday. Like,I tried to hold back the laugh,but couldn't"She said,chuckling seriously.

"This is actually crazy,very very crazy. I can't wait to see how this turns out to be"Claire said,shaking her

"That's if you don't get fired before then" Lisa joked,and they laughed.

Meanwhile,Brandon's whole attention has been on Claire. He's been staring at her with so much interest and love.

Well,Lisa was busy staring at Brandon instead.

"Hurry up,you guys. It's almost time for dinner,and Master will be back,soon" Clair told them.

She's actually the head.

"This is all ready! Come take this to the dining,and start setting the table,please" Claire turned to a maid and said.


"Can I really still stay at home,tomorrow? This is just one day of not going to work,and it feels like I haven't gone to work for months" Georgia sighed out,frustratedly.

She already had her bath and she's wearing her PJs already.

"Smokes! I miss my family so much,haven't spoken to them throughout today" She said,taking her phone.

She started giggling when she remembered her younger sisters. Especially,Alvira who makes the house fun,always.

"Ugh...I should go get my food,first,I think. My stomach is growling seriously and I can't ignore that" She groaned,getting out of the bed.


"How are you,Baby? Hope your day wasn't so boring?" Caesar asked,kissing Cindy on the lips seriously,in the presence of everyone.

He just got back from work and met Cindy in the living room.

Georgia walked out of her room that moment,and saw them kissing,too.

"Eww! Can't believe I actually just saw that. Smokes! I've lost my apetite,I should probably go back to my room. I seriously do not want to puke" Georgia rolled eyes and made an eww face,before going back inside.

"What happened,why is your skin this red?" Caesar asked,when he noticed Cindy's skin color.

Though,it's almost gone and one could hardly tell,but Caesar was quick to notice it.

Cindy then explained to him what actually happened. He did not scold the maid who prepared Cindy's water,nor even attempt to fire her.

He knows she has never made a mistake as such,before.

Deep down in his heart,he already knew who can do such.

It's no other person than Georgia.

"Sorry about that" He said,holding Cindy's hand as they both walked to the dining room.


Bang bang bang!!

Came at Georgia's door.

"Holy smokes! Who the hell let the màd dogs out?" She asked funnily, getting off her bed swiftly.

She trudged to the door like a crazy person,and opened the door sharply,revealing angry Caesar.

"Did the mental hospital test all their drugs on you today? Because,Who in his right senses knocks at the door like a màd dog?" Georgia shouted seriously.

"I know you're crazy,and everyone does. But,can you be normal for some seconds.

"Why the hell did you burn my girlfriend's skin with hot water?!" Caesar growled.

"If you do not want a sarcastic reply, do not ask me dumb questions.

"Wait,do you have a girlfriend? Smokes! No one told me about her,mind introducing her to me?" Georgia sarcastically answered,giggling. Which made Caesar more infuriated.

"Keep your distance far far away from my girlfriend, if you want to live happily in this house" Caesar threatened.

"Oh,your meant your grandmother?" Georgia asked with a smirk, while Caesar widened his eyes.

Does this girl have ears at all? How in the world did she graduate from law school when she doesn't listen to instructions?

"What? Did you just call her?" He asked,angrily.

