
My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere

Devon slaps Eleanor across the face for turning down his advances. This was nothing new; in this world, women of lower status are treated like slaves and toys because they are the primary reason that the corrupted She monsters known as Divas exist. ... ... ... [4 weeks later] Devon's body was located at the bottom of a deep cavity in the Divine Forest, with both hands and legs cut off, and evidence of severe torture was revealed, including a level of violence that is too awful to describe. The injuries found on the body, however, were extensive, with the major ones including seven broken ribs, 519 shallow cuts all over the body, both eyes forcefully removed, his manhood gruesomely stretched beyond repair, and his teeth and fingers forcefully ripped off and wrapped around his neck, the arteries as a base, almost as if it was a warning. ... ... ... Kerja was almost taken advantage of by the head trainer Leon, but a great disturbance occurs in the courtyard, compelling the trainer to stop his evil crime. [8 hours later] Leon's body was discovered, and the cause of death was 495 stab wounds to the chest. At the scene, only a mysterious girl claiming to be him was discovered, and all evidence points to her committing the murder. The delusional woman was sentenced to life in the Orc lab as a breeder girl for the heinous crime. ... ... ... "Lord Agnus, you must believe me, Xander your son is dangerous, I saw it with my own eyes, that thing you brought back from your mission isn't human, I saw him kill my sister, he took her wings and forced her to eat it, and forced me to watch, please husband, you must kill him while he is still young, you must... *Slap* "Silence woman who allowed you to speak, that thing you call a monster was one of my blood brother's son." He is the last remaining Overdeath in existence, like his father, he will grow up to be a fine assassin, do not defame such noble blood, as long as I breathe no harm will come to him, you will treat him with respect, am I clear?" Angus yelled at his fifth concubine, irritated by her slanders; after all, she has always been down his throat since Xander arrived, and if he doesn't correct her now, she will definitely enrage him, forcing her to fuck about and find out. Meanwhile, Ram looked over at Xander's bed and noticed the black hair Demon in the guise of a toddler floating and gliding in the air, silently laughing at her, all the while keeping that awful sadistic smile of his. It was plain to see what Xander was thinking. He was relishing her agony, as well as the several fruitless attempts she made to expose him. To add insult to injury, he suddenly brought out a familiar skull as he began sharpening his keen demonic claws, Yes! this demon child who torments her even in her dream, kept her sister's skull as a file to sharpen his claws. "Please believe me, my darling... l-l-look, he's flying again, that technique shouldn't be feasible for a one-year-old... it's a saint-class performance, I tell you, he's the devil!!!" Angus turns around, but Xander is sleeping quietly on his bed, not bothering anyone, until he looks back at Ram. For the fifty-fifth time, she was slapped over the balcony for lying about his adopted son. «Congratulations. The task "Rightful discipline" is complete» «Reward 1: Three-level advancement» «Reward 2: Stealth has been promoted to Level 34» «New mission established» «Use the astral body technique to stalk Priscilla without her divine intuition detecting you.» «Reward 1: ???» «Reward 2: An angel's inquisitiveness»

Iam_hastur · Fantaisie
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131 Chs

50mTh¡Π¶... T3R®1fYiNG

The reality within Hasha's dreamscape began to take a massive change for the worse. What was once a beautiful scenery of nothing but a large forest that seems never-ending in size and was flooding with unique greenery, sunlight, and a wonderful cover of majestic blue from above?

Had become something opposite to what was presented earlier; the once beautiful and majestic meadows that encompasses the land around the inhabitants were now filled with large trees and a variety of plant & animal life, has now become a large city, with giant floating buildings, pyramids, broken spaces vessels were all present within the one peaceful dream world that Kila found herself in.

Yes the city was large, but, the surrounding was far from welcoming; as the streets were cracked, and filled with blood stains, old moss, and countless amount thick vines & branches, you can say that the vast majority of plant life here has mutated into a series of colossal structures, that grows into the buildings, some so large that giant vines, and branches, caused even the largest of skyscraper here to be crushed under their wrapping force.

But the vines weren't the only thing here that became large. No! The animal life was also large albeit the theme of this world seem to be mostly insect base.

A large number of giant insects the size of two-story buildings could be seen in more than notable spaces of this world. At this mere sight alone; Kila was shaking in her boots at the very sight of a giant cockroach that was far bigger than even a normal car could be seen crawling on buildings, and flying about aimlessly.

The Background of the world itself was apocalyptic in design seeing that, the sky was red, the clouds were black, and the sun itself was a giant eyes ball, with a single red serpentine eye that was ominous looking at first glance, and many protruding black tentacles came from different parts of its spherical body. But what made this even more creepy was the fact that the large planetary body was also glitching like crazy as if it was a part of some kind of twisted augmented reality with a bug our virus implemented within its initial programming.

These were the thoughts of Kila who became a victim of the sudden change; her eyes focus on the glitchy figure that was approaching her; awe soon became wonder, and wonder turn into concern, and it wasn't long before her concern became fear.

She had never seen anything like this before; she has never experienced anything like this before, and she doesn't want to find out what this thing does, but as the glitchy figure approached her, she slapped herself with both hands, knocking herself out of her fearful state as she looks at the gravity ball pushing her down; but this was nothing to her, as a mere 500× gravity was nothing to her if she unleashed a little bit more of her suppress powers, currently speaking she was 15%, and if she doubled that destroying the gravity orb would be easy as boiling water on a stove.

With that said; she began to release 30% of her suppress physical strength. Her hand and entire body glowed a menacing pink aura as her power increased to a large margin so much so. Vehicles, insects, and buildings began to fly, tremble, and crumble at the very release of her power.

The gravity ball disintegrated into nothingness as it was crushed with nothing but the pure physical force of her fist going upwards immediately upon physical contact. But due to the force of the punch, a large bombardment of constant wind flew from her fist going upwards creating a powerful air cannon that travels at immense speed, the pressure from the attack was so strong Kila made a giant 40km hole in the large cloud above as red sunlight touches the ground from beyond the wall of blackness.

By doing this she freed herself from Hasha's restraint and imprisonment; however, she immediately followed up by sending another one of those air cannon attacks directly at the glitch figure before her. And a loud sonic boom could be heard, as a powerful set of multiple shock waves tore the street apart without mercy, and the powerful air cannon easily obliterated many buildings in her line of sight, destroying a large chunk of the infinite city.

This of course caused a loud dusk cloud to form around the surrounding area; as it sway off from the surface of the ground, essentially blocking her line of sight, the destruction was potent; although Kila had to ask.

When she saw the level of destruction unfold before her due to her attack as it was common knowledge that a person could intrude and conquer another person's mind if their will is stronger.

Albeit she highly doubts it seeing this thing seems to have overpowered Hasha's mind with no difficulty at all. And she was confident that Hasha's mind and Will were far superior to hers due to her background.

But one thing was for sure though, this wasn't Hasha, the Seraphs Oath was made in such a way that it made Divas behave passively against the brotherhood members as a way to protect the inhabitants of Archlight island under the protection and guidance of the Almighty Seraphs.

Albeit she still had to ask.

"D-D-Did... My attack connect?"

Kila nervously asked herself; however things weren't always as simple as it seems, because in the distance she could see a familiar distortion emerging from the dusk cloud; her face contorted into one of worry, as she said.

"What the hell are you?"

In worry, but that worry soon became anger as she shouted out in frustration.

"¡Are you some kind of dreams monster?!"

She wondered briefly, even going as far as to speculate other minute possibilities that could explain what the hell this thing was that seem to infect the entirety of Hasha's mindscape like a parasite.

The closest thing was a dream monster; which was classified as a creature that exists beyond all conceptual levels of dreams, and imagination, albeit they can only affect dreams, one can summon them with the aid of a succubus or an anomaly; albeit they are hard to run into much tamed.

But there was one definitive fact that made this theory impossible to establish as a possibility.

"No Hasha has to be conscious to control a dream beast, that and the fact that I don't sense a single shred of her initial consciousness at all, this domain belongs to a different will now, and even then a dream monster wouldn't attack me due to the Oath."





She began to feel frustrated and cornered, her emotions were rising, and the sudden influx of unexplained Paranoia and Anxiety she was suddenly feeling didn't make it any easier, to begin with, either.

"I... I-i have to...OOO! ESCAPE FROM HERE!.... Tsk, I can feel my psyche being affected, SHIT."


She shouted out to the glitchy figure that was slowly walking towards her, completely unfazed by the previous attack, her heart rate in her real body was increasing, she could feel it, whatever this thing was, was not only affecting her mentally, No! Her real body was in danger, yes she was moments away from having a heart attack.


'I need to do something quickly; if I don't I will die; damit and I can't escape because the main exit was inside Hasha world and this isn't Hasha world; if somebody doesn't forcefully wake me up I will die; I don't want to die... FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCKKKK... Stupid Katty what the hell are you doing, my husband gave us one job, you're supposed to be protecting my body while I'm inside the conscious space of another person, what the hell are you even doing you useless cow?'

*Somewhere Else on Archlight Island*

A familiar pink hair girl was sleeping on a large bed, in a fancy room, she was unconscious and immobile, but her body was twitching, as she held her chest instinctively, sweaty was pouring from her head, and her muscles were tensing like crazy as she fight for her life.

Meanwhile, a blond girl in boredom had headphones on her head, as she was playing a FPS online.

"Get wreck newb."

"That's right im here you here Me, Mwhahaha!!!"

She laugh arrogantly, and in joy, as she had a kill streak of 32 heads in the popular Killing lobby game with over 2000 players remaining on the map. Her focus was at its peak, seeing this was a rank game; there was too much to sacrifice if she lost.

This girl's name is Katty Gelfagord; the 14th wife of Zack Gelfagord, she was the weakest of the 15, but the most motivated or so she said, her hobby was games, animes, and collecting expensive figurines, she had one goal in life, to live carefree without worry, especially in a world where a weak woman like her are treated as mere toys.

She has recently remarried about six months ago to a rich, powerful, and generous man. With a net worth of 3000 Red GS yearly, her life was lavish and complete and all she had to do to be here was spread her legs, cook, and make her husband happy, truly she was winning at life. What else can a woman ask for?

Albeit she was supposed to watch Kila who was on a mission to get information on a new woman call Hasha that her husband Zack was interested in but got bored watching her after five minutes.

But she wasn't worried as she knew that Kila was one of the strongest women in her husband Harem of powerful and skilled women, so she decided to play her favorite online game as she was confident that Kila would succeed in her mission.

Albeit. Unknown to the tan blonde; her so call Kila was having a severe anxiety attack behind her, that would soon turn into a heart attack if she doesn't forcefully wake her up soon, as she has encountered something beyond her comprehension.

"Hell Yeah, another Kill!"

*Back to the Dreamscape*

"Damit, that bitch, she playing that stupid online game again can't she."

"FUCKKKKKKK my life!"

"This is all your fault you stupid whateverthefuck you are, like hell why are you doing this, what are you, how did you shift me to another dreamscape?"

Her shouts were getting weaker, and her body and her psyche were deteriorating at a rapid rate before Xander's mere presence.

"Answer me, you bastard!"

And finally, Xander speaks.

"D3@d... M3π, tElLs n0 t@1l5."

And as for usual; the creature's voice was distorted; and its replies were vague and hard to understand. This of course pissed Kila off as she send another punch toward Xander in frustration, anger, and fear.

But it didn't do anything, not one thing at all, apart from causing pointless destruction in the dreamscape that was ineffective against him.

"¡Speak normally you creep!"

Kila said as she adjust her fighting stance, meanwhile, Xander who came here after the system told him that someone forcefully enter the dream space of his beloved Hasha in an attempt to steal her true name; became so furious to the point he forcefully broke into her dream realm by utilizing her true name, essentially taking full control of her mind against her free will.

Of course, Xander manifested within this space not with his conscious mind, but via the new technique his body acquired after memorizing the power of his real body to some extent albeit it was extremely inferior to the original ability that his true form had, yes this was his newly acquired p0LtERgeiSt.exe technique LVL: Error.

Currently speaking; he appeared as a glitchy hologram, in a form that was randomized with how he might look as an adult, albeit you can't truly see it properly as he is in his user state which is classified as an illogical error when he uses p0LtERgeiSt.exe technique LVL: Error.

Think of this as a game avatar, and he is outside playing with his victim like a mere video game, to Xander, this bitch was a mob character.

Hasha's mind was under his full control and Xander was practically in creative mode, in simpler terms he was God, the admin, hell even the developer if you need context as to how absolute he is within Hashas's mind right now.

But with all honesty, Xander acted on pure emotions; he didn't have a plan on how to deal with this woman; after all, he could kick her out as this was Hasha's mindscape, and Hasha belong to him so by right even her mind was his just as much as her soul; but it would run the risk of her telling her husband what she saw here, yes they would be puzzled by what he is, or what exactly was within her mind.

But this bitch had sensitive information about Hasha, and he couldn't allow this witness to leave that's why she trapped her in here with him.

As a result, it was her ass the moment she step foot on his property to take Hasha away from him, he could not allow that, he wouldn't allow that, he could not allow that, why would he, why should he, what his; is his, no one else would have Hasha, no one would take that away from him, any rivals, kind or not was nothing but unwanted victims.

But as Xander stepped closer multiple Air cannon was being blasted from her hand, and not one connected with him.

What was even sad was the fact that Kila was now going all out, as she was beginning to use many techniques, stalling for time in the hopes that Katty wakes her up on the outside.

'Penta tap technique + Enhance destruction technique + Conceptual physical improvement technique + War cry technique + Speed Increasing technique + Triple damage technique + Initial Boost technique + lesser fear resistance technique + Greater fear resistance technique + Five life technique + Double Jump technique + Power up ×10 technique.'

Her scream, or more so her war cry alone was loud and so powerful, everything within its range was being physically destroyed at an atomic level, this city that was created within Hasha's dreamscape was infinite in size yes, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Kila full power released was enough power to destroy the entire moon within the real world easily.

But as she began to attack Xander with kicks and punches, it just phases through him.

"... Katty you bitch."


"If I make it out alive I'm going to rip your skull out and pull from through your ass."


The power of her attacks was now at the level it made giant fireballs and sound waves be released by the consecutive thousands, in short, nuclear-level attacks ×10,000 the original power was being released in various constants.

Each punch created giant craters below, and each kick separated the clouds in the sky and made the earth beneath shake at unbelievable magnitudes.

The word catastrophe was too meager of a word to describe the scene and display of raw power being unfolded by Kila Gelfagord, a Saint rank existence.

But despite this impressive display, it still means nothing before Xander, as this was his world, and if it was in an actual game world where he had to trick his victim into playing a game with him, then it would have been a different story, but this world, this dream, this mindscape was his territory, and this woman before him, was nothing more than a victim of her own stupidity.

Because as she jumps from building to building, and attacks from a distance, Xander became tired of this game, and with his irrelevant level of speed that he possesses within this world.

She simply grabs the intruder by the neck, choking her so tightly, and said to now terrified Kila, and for the first time she understood him.

"Now then; how do you want to die?"