
Thank You For The Praise

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

"If it weren't for him, would you be who you are today? Now that you have power, you actually turn around and attack the Leng family the first chance you get. Aren't you being too unkind?"

Ye Hai smiled and kept up an elegant pretense. "Aunts, I know your personalities very well and you know mine very well. Therefore, there's no need to reason with me with such righteous words. It's useless. The only useful thing here is your shares. Have you brought the necessary items?"

"How do I know whether you'd go back on your word after I sell my shares to you? Will you continue to hold those evidence against me?" Leng Jinjie asked the question she was most worried about.

Leng Jinchen finally realized that Ye Hai had something on Leng Jinjie.

"That's right, how would I know if you'd release our Lil Feng after I sell you the shares? Or how would I know if you'd keep capturing them to threaten me in the future?"