
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime et bandes dessinées
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89 Chs

57: Gamer of the Wild By: metaltilldeath666(Gamer x-overs)

Fic type:Oc/si

Found this a while ago. I am posting it now as it has more than one chapter.

Seems good and has potential. Also mc is a druid/hunter which is different from other gamer fics.


Gamer of the Wild

By: metaltilldeath666

Welcome to My First FanFic. Some poor schmuck wakes up in absolute nothingness to be given the powers of the Gamer. Let's Hope he can survive the worlds he will be thrown into. Not every world he goes to will be ready for him and he won't be ready for every world he goes too. Expect chapter updates on Saturdays. OC. Swearing. Violence.

Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 19,395 - Reviews: 138 - Favs: 562 - Follows: 721 - Updated: 10h ago - Published: Mar 26 - id: 13532117



Shout out to my friends who encouraged me to write this and to Dark Wolf Shiro who was a huge influence as you will no doubt see if you decide to read. I hope everyone who reads this will enjoy it and leave comments about what you like and don't. This is my first fic so there is going to be a lot I am going to need to improve but I hope I will get better with every chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of any series that may or may not be written.

"Yelling, Screaming, Roars, Game System Talking, Author" - Bold

"Talking" - Normal Font

"Thinking" - Italic


You know the feeling of waking up in absolute nothingness? The one where every fiber of your being is screaming to know what is going on? Well you most likely don't but I just found out and let me tell you it is very disconcerting.

Ok where the hell am I and why can't I see or feel anything?Looking to my left and right I see absolutely nothing around me. I'm not even sure if I am breathing right now.

Ok I hope someone or something will tell me what the fuck is going on right now because I am about to start freaking the fuck out!

Ask and you shall receive.

Ok as soon as I heard that I may or may not have screamed like a child but if anyone asks I did not and was a stoic badass about the whole thing.


Oh, don't be such a baby I was going to explain what was going on...


If you don't stop screaming or I will give you something to scream about!

And just like that I shut the fuck up.

Thank you, now as I was going to say before you began to scream..

Welcome to the Gamer System you my lucky/unlucky friend shall be going on the journey of a lifetime!

"Oooook? What the hell is the Gamer System and how come I can hear you in my head?" I mean seriously what the fuck is the Gamer System and how the hell am I even here? Seriously the last thing I remember is...wait...why can't I remember anything?

Oh, dear god why can't I remember anything! At this point I was hyperventilating, my mind was racing trying to think of who I was and what my life was like but nothing was coming up.

Huh, so you can't remember a thing then. Well that sucks but let me explain a few things first before you freak out anymore.

The Gamer System was designed for mortals so that their lives would be treated like a game.

Classes, perks, stats, you name it and you go it. You will have to level up to become stronger so you can survive in every world you enter.

This motherfucker is telling me about my life being a game but won't tell me why I can't remember a damn thing! Seriously what the fuck man!

Ok I have had enough of that.

Skills Gained

[Gamer's Mind] Passive

Allows the Gamer to think calmly and rationally in most situations.

Grants boost to Mental Defences

[Gamer's Body] Passive

Allows the Gamer's body to function like a video game including leveling and gaining new skills and spells

There hopefully that will shut you up so I can continue.

Well, whatever he did seemed to work since I am no longer having a mental breakdown. At least for now but I am still not comfortable with not knowing who the fuck I am.

Don't worry about who you were and focus on who you will become instead! After all this is a new beginning for you so make the most of it!

I am willing to bet he/she or whatever the fuck it is, is just saying that so they won't have to go through the hassle of helping me figure it out.

Clever but no and I am the Game. The source of your new powers. Think of me as the backbone to all the crazy fun you are going to have!

Backbone huh? So does that make me the muscle then or am I just a puppet on a string?

Ok I am getting tired of this. I will help you out with your memories later..maybe..

But First! Time to pick your starting Class and Profession?

Aren't those two the same thing?

No they are not. Profession is what you do for a living like a cook or a businessman.

Whereas a Class is how you will level and become stronger to survive in every world you go to.

Soooo time to pick!

Quest: Baby Steps to the Multiverse! Pick your Class and Profession!

Rewards: A class and profession! (Obviously) +5 stat points.

Failure: If you somehow fail this you will know an eternity of pain and suffering for being worthless.

Note to self: The Game Doesn't Fuck Around!

Choose your Class.

[Warrior Tree] [Rouge Tree] [Mage Tree] [Divine Tree] [Locked] [Locked]

Ok am I going to go on a limb here and guess their names are the giveaway to what's in them. Though I am curious as to what is in the locked trees.

Pick now, wonder later.

Ok then they all sound fun but I'll start in the Divine Tree.

Classes Available.

[Priest] [Druid] [Warlock]

Wow aren't many to choose from, so can I get an idea of what each is before I make a choice after all if this is going to be what I start I want to get some info instead of choosing randomly and hoping for the best.

Smart. Just for that I will give you a reward afterwards.

The Priest is your Typical Divine Class. Lots of healing and holy magics.

The Druid is your Nature Class. Healing capable though not as good as the Priest but gains control of Nature. Birds, Bees, The Elements, Weather, Dinosaurs...

While the Warlock is..

Stop right there buddy! Did you say Dinosaurs?

Why yes I did.

You also said controlling the weather?


I'll take it.

Don't you want know about the Warlock first?

It's basically going to be the opposite of the Priest isn't it..

Yes it is. A lot of unholy magics and the like.

So I have the choice between Holy, Nature, and Unholy?


I am going to with the Druid then. Both Holy and Unholy sound like a way to draw the attention of a lot of nasties. Quicker than the Druid at least, besides being about to control weather sounds amazing. Wait how the fuck do I know what Dinosaurs are and why was I so excited?

Probably snipbits of your memory resurfaced after hearing something you probably like in your previous life.

Oh...Well I will try not to take up more of your time with my questions about my life and finish this...introduction?

Smart boy.

Class Gained:

[Druid] - Level 1/100, [0%]

Gain +4 Int and +6 Wis every level

Skills Gained:

Torch - Create a small fire in your hand that sheds light like a torch.

Damage = Wis Score

Cost 100 MP + 10 MP per second to continue to burn.

Gust - Summon a small gust of wind to push objects or people.

Mph = ¼ Wis Score, Mph Damage = Mph X2 (10 Mph = 20 damage)

Cost 100 MP + 10 Mp per second to continue the gust.

Animate Plant - Animate/control any plant you touch.

Animate/Control # of plants = ¼ Wis Score

Plant Damage = Wis Score (Plants made to attack will hit with Wis Score worth of damage. 18 Wis = 18 damage)

Cost 100 MP per Plant + 10 MP a minute to maintain control per plant.

Speak with Animals - Speak with animals/insects/ and other creatures of the wilds.

Cost 100 MP per hour.

(Note: To convince an animal not to attack you, you must succeed on a Cha check)

Speak with Plants - Speak with all different types of plant life.

Cost 100 MP per hour.

(Note: To convince a plant not to attack you, you must succeed on a Cha check)

Control Insects - Control insects within your Aura.

Aura = Druid level + Wis score per foot.

Damage = ¼ Wis score per insect.

Cost 100 MP + 100 MP a minute.

Well damn that was a lot to take in all at once but hell if some of those aren't going to be powerful later on. I need to make sure I use them to the fullest whenever possible otherwise I could be in some serious trouble.

Looking everything over again I have to say I am happy with my choice.

Ok buddy I am ready to pick a profession.

Good now here are your choices.













Huh...kinda thought there would be more. Probably just limited the choices to begin with and more will unlock later.

Looking everything over I have to say Alchemist and Hunter seem to be the two that would fit the best for now. So the choice is between those too but I am leaning toward Hunter since I have no idea if I will be forced to survive if inhospitable areas. Knowing how to hunt would be a huge boon.

Screw it I am picking Hunter.

Profession Unlock:

Hunter - 1/100 (0%)

Gain + 5 Dex a level

Skills Gained:

Track - 1/100 (0%)

Track your prey's foot prints. Higher levels will allow you to follow older tracks and allow you to spot them in more difficult terrain.

Bowman – 1/100 (0%)

Every hunter needs a trusty weapon and yours is the bow.

Damage = Str + Weapon Damage.

Accuracy is increased every level

Harvest – 1/100 (0%)

Harvest the meat, bone, skin, and organs from kills. Every level increases the speed of harvesting and the quality of the materials.

Stealth – 1/100 (0%)

Being a hunter isn't always about running after your prey, sometimes you need to have patience and set ambushes. Being quick and quiet are essential.

Ok that is rather nice to have. It will go great with the Druid class since I will be able to level three stats at once as long as I don't neglect one of them.

Which reminds me how are the stats laid out?

I was getting to that. Ok I will give you the basics real quick then its PERK TIME!

Wow he sounds supper happy about that.

HP/Health = End X10

HP Regen = End X2

SP/Stamina points = End X10

SP Regen = End X4

MP/Mana points = Int X10

MP Regen = Int X4


Str/Strength - How hard you hit with certain weapons including your hands and natural weapons you may have. Also how much you can carry.

Carry Capacity = Str X3

Dex/Dexterity - Weapon Accuracy as well as how quiet, nimble, and how fast your body can react.

End/Endurance - Your overall health, resistances, and regeneration for your HP/SP

Int/Intelligence - How smart you are, how much MP you have, regeneration for MP, and how much damage spells from the Mage Tree do.

Wis/Wisdom - Experince boosts, how wise you are, how much damage your Divine Tree spells do, and your mental defences.

Cha/Charisma - Your force of personality, how easy it is to lie, convince, bribe, or seduce someone/something is.

Lck/Luck - How lucky you are, affects all other stats in certain situations.

Ok thanks for that. Now about those perks?

Ah yes where you can add a bit of flavor to whatever you are or are doing.

You get 2 perks at random and 1 granted to you by choosing your class.

Wow that is generous.

You are gonna need it. Ok and Rolling on the Wheel of Misfortune!

Wait what?!

Calm down I'm fucking with you...mostly. Oh, and there is your first perk now!

Perk Gained:

[Power Stats]

Gain + 10 stat points per level!

-20% xp will using *******

-20% drop rate while using *******

-20% rarity of dropped items while using *******

Well plus ten stats is awesome all those minus twenties is disconcerting to say the least especially since I don't know where it will be applied.

You'll find out later. Here is your second perk!

Perk Gained:

[Advanced Mana]

Gain +20 MP per point of Int.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I like that one a lot. Wait what was the normal modifier then?

+10, so you are getting double the MP right off the bat. Nice, also here is the final perk for class choice.

Perk Gained:

[Divine Born]

+2 to Class Bonuses for the Divine Tree classes.

-1 to Class bonuses for all other Class Trees.

Wait I can multiclass?

Not yet but you will be able too.

Well that sucks and pretty much makes my first pick my go to class. Though I suppose it isn't all that bad since it should help give me a sense of self by focusing on it.

So now that that is out of the way what is next Game?

Well I am getting tired of all this explaining so stat allocation then I will be dropping you off in whatever world is rolled up.

Ok sounds fair enough. Though I am curious if I will know what world I will be going too or if I am going in blind.

I will give you the basics but no more until you regain your memories.


Str – 10

Dex – 15

End – 10

Int – 18

Wis – 18

Cha – 10

Lck - 10

Stat points = 15

Ok so my Dex, Int, and Wis are higher automatically due to my classes but where did that extra +2 to my Int come from and the extra +5 to stat points?

Those are from me. You will only be getting +10 Stat points a level after this and the +2 is from being somewhat logical.

If you do things to increase your stats they will increase naturally.

Good to know and thank you.

After looking everything over I allocated my stats.


Str – 15

Dex – 16

End – 15

Int – 20

Wis – 20

Cha – 10

Lck – 10

Stat points = 0

Ok I can live with this.

Now let's take a look at your character sheet.

Name: ? (You will find out when you are there.)

Race: ? (You will find out when you are there.)

Level: 1

Class Level: Druid 1/100 (0%)

Profession: Hunter 1/100 (0%)

HP = 150 [Regen 30 HP a minute]

SP = 150 [Regen 60 SP a minute]

MP = 400 [Regen 80 MP a minute]

Str – 15

Dex – 16

End – 15

Int – 20

Wis – 20

Cha – 10

Lck – 10

HP = End X10

SP = End X10

MP = Int X20

Carry Capacity = 45lbs

+6 Int and +8 Wis per Druid Level (-1 to all other classes from outside of the Divine Tree.)

+5 Dex per Hunter Level

Druid Skills:

Torch - Create a small fire in your hand that sheds light like a torch.

Damage = Wis Score

Cost 100 MP + 10 MP per second to continue to burn.

Gust - Summon a small gust of wind to push objects or people.

Mph = ¼ Wis Score, Mph Damage = Mph X2 (10 Mph = 20 damage)

Cost 100 MP + 10 Mp per second to continue the gust.

Animate Plant - Animate/control any plant you touch.

Animate/Control # of plants = ¼ Wis Score

Plant Damage = Wis Score (Plants made to attack will hit with Wis Score worth of damage. 18 Wis = 18 damage)

Cost 100 MP per Plant + 10 MP a minute to maintain control per plant.

Speak with Animals - Speak with animals/insects/ and other creatures of the wilds.

Cost 100 MP per hour.

(Note: To convince an animal not to attack you, you must succeed on a Cha check)

Speak with Plants - Speak with all different types of plant life.

Cost 100 MP per hour.

(Note: To convince a plant not to attack you, you must succeed on a Cha check)

Control Insects - Control insects within your Aura.

Aura = Druid level + Wis score per foot.

Damage = ¼ Wis score per insect.

Cost 100 MP + 100 MP a minute.

Hunter Skills:

Track - 1/100 (0%)

Track your prey's foot prints. Higher levels will allow you to follow older tracks and allow you to spot them in more difficult terrain.

Bowman – 1/100 (0%)

Every hunter needs a trusty weapon and yours is the bow.

Damage = Str + Weapon Damage.

Accuracy is increased every level

Harvest – 1/100 (0%)

Harvest the meat, bone, skin, and organs from kills. Every level increases the speed of harvesting and the quality of the materials.

Stealth – 1/100 (0%)

Being a hunter isn't always about running after your prey, sometimes you need to have patience and set ambushes. Being quick and quiet are essential.


[Power Stats]

Gain + 10 stat points per level!

-20% xp will using *******

-20% drop rate while using *******

-20% rarity of dropped items while using *******

[Advanced Mana]

Gain +20 MP per point of Int.

[Divine Born]

+2 to Class Bonuses for the Divine Tree classes.

-1 to Class bonuses for all other Class Trees.

Damn that is a lot of info to look over. I hope this won't pop up all the time or my brain will get fried.

Nah it'll only come up when it is needed so you will have to remember it on your own.

(AN: Or it will come up when I feel like it.)

Did you just hear that?

Um nooooo?

Really, I swear I just heard someone else. Maybe I am just worn out.

Yeah, it's probably just that. Ok I am going to go ahead and roll up your world now.

Well here we go. I can only hope it isn't too crazy where ever I go. I would like to live a little bit and hopefully regain my memories. I shouldn't worry too much the Game has been an alright guy so far.

…..Well...sorry man but good fucking luck...

What? Where am I going? Is it really that bad?

Well...welcome to your home for now...welcome to Warhammer Fantasy...

How come I have a sense of impending doom. Oh, dear god I am getting images of this place.

"OH YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I was screaming again. Not talking to him in my mind like I had been but screaming bloody murder. Some of my memories came back and apparently I knew this place in my last life. I know that I am going to a world of Dark Gods, Legions of the Undead, Sadistic monsters of all kinds, beings able to destroy cities with a flick of their wrists.

Of course! I was getting sent there as a level 1 character!

"I GOING TO FUCK SOMEONE UP FOR THI.." I was cut off as a bright light engulfed me.

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