
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime et bandes dessinées
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89 Chs

43: A Tale of Blood and Monsters By: Cambrian Beckett (GOT)

Fic type: oc/ si

Vali in westros. This fic was updated recently so it seems its not dead. Evil mc who is conquering the world but this time he is acting as a cult leader.

I have posted two chapters.


I have decided just to list the names of the novels that I wanted to reccomend previously as you can't get interested in a novel by reading one or two chapters. I will make that list later but for now, I will continue posting fanfics.

Sorry about not posting these few days. I couldn't post as my internet was down and it is difficult to get it fixed when my country is in lockdown.


A Tale of Blood and Monsters

By: Cambrian Beckett

The next installment in Vali's adventures. This time he is unleashed upon an unsuspecting Planetos, at a time when the world just is not ready for his presence, if ever they could be. Humans and White Walkers alike beware, Vali very rarely plays nice. By the time he's done, there will be no Game of Thrones, no Song of Ice and Fire. Only a Tale, one of Blood and Monsters.

Rated: Fiction M - English - Horror/Fantasy - Chapters: 19 - Words: 83,021 - Reviews: 418 - Favs: 1,202 - Follows: 1,294 - Updated: 11h ago - Published: Apr 12, 2016 - id: 11891798

Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11891798/1/A-Tale-of-Blood-and-Monsters


Chapter 1

WARNING: Heads Up! This story is a sequel of sorts. You don't need to read all of it's predecessors to get whats going on, but the basics are that we've got an SI who's spent 4000+ years in other worlds at this point, and sort of evolved into a psuedo Original Character. He is also pretty much the definition of amoral and Villain Protagonist. If you think that might interest you, read on~!

A/N: Well now, here we are again. Another foray into the Game of Thrones fandom and the next in Vali's growing list of adventures. I'll admit, part of me is a little bit anxious to see where this story goes. My first GoT story has long since been one of my most popular stand alone stories, garnering the most views by a landslide on . But my Vali series has been the longest expanding, and I owe most of my current viewership to the stories that make it up.

So here we go, combining the best of both worlds! Hope you all enjoy!


Somewhere in the White Void

"You've kept me entertained for a while now, so I'm sending you on a bit of a vacation."

I raise an eyebrow at that, as much as one can when in a white void devoid of anything approaching a normal reality. I was also standing, sitting, lying down, and all manner of things inbetween right now as well. Being in the realm of the Omnipotent Version of Me who controlled my travels was always quite an eye opening and frankly humbling experience, though I imagined he'd tamed it down considerably to keep my brain from dribbling out of my ears.

"Is that so? If it's to be a vacation, I suppose I get to know where I'm going this time?"

The response I received was just a tad disheartening as a childish giggle filled the void and I was answered with, "Now where would the fun be in that?"

Of course, where indeed? Doing the equivalent of closing my eyes and rubbing the bridge of my nose as I sigh, I ask the important question, "So when you say a bit of a vacation…"

"I mean it literally yes. A bit of a vacation, with a lot of work tacked on. But fun work! Entertaining work! It's the sort of work that makes you feel like you're on a vacation!"

I stay silent, but do my best to convey just how unimpressed I am through every inch of my currently unraveled being. I know the fucker can read my mind and I make sure to express my displeasure despite the possible consequences that could come from it. After a moment he continues despite my vitriolic thoughts

"… Right, well the good news is that there's no real point in any of my usual limitations for you, so just going to send you in as you are! Isn't that nice? You can abuse compulsion to your heart's content!"

I make a good impression of pursing my lips together and rubbing the bridge of my nose between two fingers before responding, "You know I already decided for myself a while ago that self-limiting compulsion made things more interesting, so that's not really any sort of consolation prize. And besides, when you start with good news I can only imagine there's more bad news. So what is it?"

"Oh… I'm sure you'll figure it out quickly enough."

There's no chance to respond to that, as in the middle of his sentence a whirling vortex appears and sucks me in. I suppose this is my consequence for speaking my mind quite literally and pissing him off, as it's nothing like my normal portal rides. I'd compare it to traveling through the Time Vortex from Doctor Who, but as I'd never actually done that before, I could only assume the tearing sensation I was feeling both mentally and physically was similar.

Still, all bad things come to an end and after a few minutes of that unpleasantness, I fall out of the sky into a new world and land on one knee. I believe Deadpool would call this a superhero pose, though the word hero very much does not apply to me. Slowly standing from the landing, I straighten up and take in my surroundings. A clearing surrounded by trees greets me. From my sight, smell, and hearing, I seem to have found myself somewhere in a tropical region. I-

I stopped suddenly, freezing up for a single second, but quite a long single second it was as I processed something. Slowly, I look down at my completely buck naked body and let out a low hiss from my mouth. So, here was the bad news as well as the second consequence to my earlier impertinence. The bastard had once again stolen my clothes. There was really only one acceptable response to this.

"Mother. Fucker."


Year 275 AC (After Aegon's Conquest)

Summer Isles

I calmed down after a little while. And by that, I mean I tore apart more than a bit of the local fauna before finally taking a deep breath and actually taking stock of my situation. Expanding my senses gave me clarity. I heard all of the normal sounds associated with the tropical biome I seemed to have found myself in, and continued to reach out until I caught the crackle of fire in my ear. The faint scent of smoke filled my nostrils as I turned in that direction.

Now focused in one direction I could also hear voices, shouting in a language I didn't understand. Well, that was easy enough to fix so with a wicked smile growing across my face, I flashed forward and made my way towards the sounds of civilization. The crackle of flames got more powerful the closer I got, and I discovered shortly that what I assumed had been a camp fire or a bonfire was in fact an entire village burning to the ground.

Stopping a ways off from the village proper, I take a moment to actually figure out what's going on, my eyes narrowing as they focus on the people moving around near one side of the burning huts. There are three groups from what I can see, those on their hands and knees, currently being trussed up by those still on their feet, the majority of which held swords or another type of melee weapon. The third group was a pile of corpses seemingly created by the ones with weapons.

All were dark skinned, and I couldn't help but suspect that my presence would weird them out for more than just the fact that I was naked. Still, now that I was close enough to listen in on what they were saying, I was finding out quite quickly that I didn't understand a word of it. I did not know this language, which made me begin to suspect that I wasn't on Earth anymore. I'd spent a few centuries of my long life here and there acquiring knowledge of every language that had been even remotely popular.

I would use the same technique here that I'd used then and just take the knowledge straight from the mind of one of these mortals. Taking in the scene before me, I wait as the last of the male villagers are executed and tossed on the corpse pile. From the looks of things, these were slavers given the way they were more interested in taking the women and children away in chains than ransacking the village.

My opportunity came only a few short minutes later as one of the weapon wielding slavers broke off from the main group and moved into nearby foliage. Following him led to the discovery that he had done so to relieve his bladder. As I'm not a complete monster, I waited respectfully for the man to finish pissing. Once he'd covered himself back up and turned around, I appeared before him in a flash, caught his sword arm in one hand while my other closed over his mouth to stifle his scream.

Then and only then did my fang filled mouth descend on his exposed wrist. Draining him of his blood took no time at all, and at the same time I pulled all of the knowledge I needed from his poorly guarded mind. Dropping the fresh corpse to the ground after a few moments, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and blink at what I've learned.

So then, this is Planetos. More specifically, I'm on the Summer Isles and the only real thing I remember is that they worship a goddess with sixteen tits here. On the other hand, I was right and this man and his cohorts are slavers. Specifically they came from slaver's bay, a place I had much more experience with.

Smile still quite bloody, I turn back to the burning village and zoom forward until I'm standing amongst the still living villagers and their captors. I suppose I make quite the sight, naked as the day I was born yet standing tall and unabashed as everyone registers my presence and I quickly gain the attention of every set of eyes in the clearing.

After a moment of frozen shock, the man I know from my snack's memories to be the slaver's leader steps forward and points his sword at me, speaking in the Low Valyrian I've just learned how to understand and articulate myself, "You! Where did you come from?! On your knees now wretch!"

Still smiling, I step forward towards the man instead of following his commands. I do believe he's beginning to notice the blood covering me. I know he does when I give him a bloody smile and respond with, "Hello there. I have an offer for you my dear Captain."

He takes a moment to look me up and down, before a slow mocking smile spreads across his face. I know the look in his eyes. I can even guess what he's probably thinking. I suspect he believes me to be Westerosi, and to have fallen on considerably hard times. He probably believes that I'm putting on a show to make myself look more threatening, more intimidating. Furthermore, I suspect he's already considering just how much gold he can get for a specimen of my caliber, given the very blatant view I'm giving him.

"Is that so? I'll be glad to hear it once you're kneeling. That's a good lad."

I effect a frown at the blatant condescension in his tone, and purposefully make my tone as affronted as possible, "Now see here-"

This causes the slaver to my right to finally react as with a snarl he moves forward to shove his sword into my face and force me to kneel before his Captain. I've been waiting for this though, having noticed early on his elevated heart rate, his anticipation… he was the definition of a short fuse. An instant later I was behind him, my hand was plunging into his back, and he went from a short fuse to a limp spineless pile as I tore his spine straight out of his back in a spray of blood and gore.

Smile once more affixed onto my face, I turn back to the Captain and drop the spine contemptuously atop the corpse of his crewman. The Slaver Captain is no longer smiling mockingly. He's not smiling at all. Now he's afraid, shocked, and confused and I watch as the blood drains from his face in the face of my casual monstrosity. Bringing my hands together, I make a show of wiping what I can off of the bloody hand, though in the end all I really do is succeed in staining both of my hands red with blood.

"Now then, about my prop-"

"Please, help us…"

Before I can finish repeating myself, I'm stopped by a whisper. I can immediately tell it comes from a woman and after a moment I'm able to pinpoint the voice as I lock eyes with an olive-skinned beauty who's on her knees with the other villagers who have been rounded up to be sold into slavery. Nobody but me has heard her, her voice seemingly beaten out of her at some point to the point that all she can do is whisper.

But of course I heard, and I find myself stopping all of the theatrics to flash over to her, kneeling before her and taking her chin in hand to look her over. She flinches but does not resist, letting me manhandle her while keeping her eyes locked on mine at all times. Around us everyone is still frozen from the brutal and inexplicable murder I've just commited.

My voice is quiet but firm as I respond, "What did you say?"

She shudders, because of course I'm now getting blood all over her chin, but still the woman shows great strength of will as she hardens her resolve and speaks in that same quiet raspy voice from before, "Help us, I beg of you."

My lips pull back as a wicked grin full of blood and teeth spreads across my face, "And if I do, what will you give me?"

To her credit, she still does not shut down despite the demented terrifying sight I must be presenting her with. She does grow a bit confused, her eyes becoming searching as she tries to find what answer I will consider sufficient. Eventually, she goes with the easy answer, only a slight stutter as she pledges, "A-anything… everything."

Leaning in until my mouth is next to her ear, I speak in a quiet tone, "Now that is a deal I will hold you to my dear. You're going to want to do your best to make sure the young and the innocent don't watch this next part. I'm a bit messy."

I straighten up as she spreads word through the tied up villagers, even as I turn my attention to the Slaver Captain, who is finally managing to process what I did. My bloody grin is still in place as I spread my arms wide, "Well, I did have a proposition for you… but unfortunately for you, I've gotten a better offer."

His mouth opens but I'll never know what he was going to say, as the next instant his head is rolling across the ground, forever locked in a rictus of shock and fear. The rest of his crew gets a single moment of respite as I take a deep gratuitous breath of tropical air combined with the smell of smoke and blood.

Then, they all died as well.


Year 275 AC

Summer Isles – Tall Trees Town

With their village gone and their husbands, sons, and fathers dead, the women and children I'd ended up rescuing had nowhere to go except for the largest settlement on the Summer Isles, Tall Trees Town. Which at the end of the day, was just fine with me as I needed a port town to find suitable passage to the more interesting parts of Planetos.

The Slaver's ship had been nearby, but with my massacre there hadn't been enough men left on the boat to get it anywhere. So I'd killed all of them as well, taken the Captain's finest clothing from his quarters as well as all of the valuables I could possibly carry on my person without being overburdened. Then, I'd burned the ship to cinders out of a sort of "If I can't use it, no one else is going to" mentality.

The deal I'd made with the abnormally strong willed Summer Islander had been rather vague in nature. In essence, help her and hers. I considered the death of all the slavers terrorizing them to be part of that deal. She considered an escort for her people through the wilds to the nearby Tall Trees Town to be part of that deal as well. I didn't mind doing both, though the majority of the survivors were understandably terrified of me before the trip even began.

By the time we arrived in the port town, they were as glad to escape me as I was them, I was sure. I didn't mind children in small quantities. An entire village of them was not a small quantity. In the end, it was just me and my newest pet, who had already reasserted her original vow to give me anything and everything. All she was and all she had was mine to do with as I pleased, and I was quite pleased with that.

Heh, she was lucky she did not have a child as I'd probably have taken that as well. Though perhaps I was also lucky, as I had no desire to raise a child so early in my time on Planetos. Finding lodging for the two of us was easy enough, and I was content with searching out passage off the Summer Isles tomorrow, more interested in getting to know this woman tonight.

Once we were alone and the door was barred, I turned to her, "It occurs to me that I do not know your name. I assume you have one?"

She nods carefully, "Yes. My name is Chatana."

I take a moment to process the name, rolling it around on my tongue, "Mm, Chatana. A beautiful name. You may keep it."

She blinks and doesn't seem to know how to respond beyond saying, "Thank you."

"Yes, your name will remain Chatana, but I have a title for you that I will require you to grow used to answering to. You will be known as Ravia from this day forward."

She takes this in before nodding with a bit more confidence, "As you wish. What does it mean?"

I smile in fond remembrance, even as I take a moment to lament the fact that my newest disciple does not have the red hair I've long associated with my most loyal disciple, "It means unfaltering loyalty, though in your case it also means first of my followers. For now, it will seem like it means little. Soon enough, you will see that it means the world."

The newly christened Ravia soaks this in before voicing something she's clearly been wondering for a while, "What are you?"

I smile, because I've been waiting to say this next bit since I'd been about to say it to the Slaver Captain, before this Chatana had caught my attention instead, "I am an Agent of Divinity."

Her eyes widen at the claim, and I'm a little surprised by how quickly she seems to accept it. I suppose it makes sense what with Planetos being very religious and superstitious still. She'd also seen firsthand that I clearly wasn't human, "You were sent by the gods?"

Chuckling, I shake my head in the negative, "Not by your gods. No, I was sent by the Almighty One. His reach in this realm was minimal until now. I have been sent to enlighten your species to the Joys of Blood."

The brave face she's been keeping up ever since she mustered the nerve to speak up even after seeing me pull a man's spine from his back finally cracks just a bit and I'm treated to an honest moment of vulnerability and uncertainty as she repeats what I said in a questioning voice, "Blood?"

"Yes Ravia." Best to get her used to the name now, even if I was masquerading it as a title, "I hope you aren't having second thoughts about our deal. Anything and everything for saving you and the others wasn't it? I do believe I've done so. Now it's time to hold up your end in full."

I can see her indecision war across her face, but I can also see the realization in her eyes that I could kill every single being in this little port town if I really wanted to and a moment later she swallows thickly and nods, "What would you have of me Master?"

I don't bother to correct her, on the contrary I enjoy the way the word rolls off her tongue. I'd spent four thousand years being known as the Master. It would always bring me joy to hear the title from my followers. Still, I'd probably have to find some sort of title that felt more religious if I was going to be creating a religion centered around the annoying bastard who kept sending me to difference universes.

Wasn't sure how he'd react to this, but I knew better than to actually claim godhood for myself. One did not claim godhood in a world where a.) one was not an actual god and b.) there were actual gods one did not fully understand the true power of. There were only two things I was absolutely sure of concerning Planetos' numerous pantheons of gods and religions. Given the supernatural lurking just under the surface of the setting, there was probably at least some truth to some of the religions. And no matter what that truth was, my Omnipotent Benefactor was far more powerful than any of them.

That satisfying thought in mind, I smile and wave a hand at Chatana's body, "To start with, remove your clothing for me."

She blinks at that, surprised for a moment before a sultry smile spreads across her face, "Your god is more like ours than I expected."

Punctuating this statement by shucking her dress over her head and dropping it to the floor, she preens under my attention as my eyes fall upon her naked flesh. I beckon her forward and she puts a seductive sway into her step as she makes her way across the room to where I stand. Still smiling, I let my fangs slide out into view, my eyes turning gold and black as I look down into her own eyes. Her reaction does not disappoint, and my hand lashes out to grab her arm as she instinctively tries to take a step back in the face of a predator.

To her credit, she does not scream or shut down in terror. No, on the contrary she proves her intelligence once more by swallowing thickly and then tilting her head to the side to expose her neck for my fangs. I chuckle at the submissive move, before bringing my free arm up to my mouth and biting into my wrist. I present the bloody wound to her and give my command, "Drink, before the wound closes."

She stares at me in hesitation, but eventually does as I say without the need for compulsion or any other form of coercion. Bringing her hands up to take hold of my arm, she leans in and drinks long, not stopping until I tell her to. She's left with blood staining her lips and chin and a slightly confused and euphoric look on her face as the aches and pains she'd still been suffering from the slavers' less than gentle actions were healed.

Still smiling, I release her and spread my arms wide, "Now you undress me."

My order has the intended effect of focusing her and with the familiar ground of intimacy and sex back at the forefront of our interactions she's much more confident than before as she slowly undoes the ties and belts holding my outfit together, first revealing my chest and then moving lower to remove my pants. It's nothing she hasn't seen before of course, I hadn't been shy in that clearing, and everyone there had gotten an eyeful of me in all of my naked glory.

Still, there was an element of reverence and worship I wasn't really expecting as she took my length in her hand and began to work it over, her head bowed before me as she studied it in detail. My hand came up and I took hold of her chin to raise her face to mine, our lips meeting as my blood mingled between us from the exploratory kiss.

Only then did my hands move over her own body, our close proximity turning into quite an intimate embrace as she explored the monster she'd chained herself to, and I began searching out the nerve clusters beneath her skin that would most quickly allow me to turn the girl into a puddle of pleasured mush. It didn't take long for her legs to start giving out from under her at the sheer pleasure, and only then did I move us to the bed.

Pressing her down on the mattress, my mouth moved off her lips down to her chest even as she spread her legs and guided my hard cock into her sex. It slid in easily, her entrance quite well lubricated by her own arousal at this point as my hands and mouth did their work. Taking her nipple between my teeth, I pulled slightly while at the same time the tip of my tongue darted forward to tease the very tip. She let out a gasp even as one hand went above her head to grab onto the sheets for support, and the other moved between her legs to frig her clit right above where my cock was beginning to slide in and out of her.

Her orgasm came before mine, as did her second and third as I toyed with her body in a way only a hedonist with four thousand years of experience possibly could. Eventually though, I did hit my own release and I pulled out to paint her belly with my seed as she lay there with half-lidded eyes staring up at me with a dopey smile on her face.

Things escalated from there as I fed her more of my blood to revitalize her, and we explored the entirety of her sexual experience before moving onto lessons from my own sexual experience that left her almost comatose. In the end, she was resting with her face on the pillow, her ass up in the air, and my dick plowing into her from behind as she bit into the pillow to keep from shouting and begging for more in a repeat of what I'd caused her to do during an early part of our fuck-a-thon.

Still, by this point I deemed it about time to move onto the next stage, and as I filled her with my release once more, I leaned over her, brushed her hair from her neck, and sunk my fangs into the unblemished smooth skin. Her body tensed up as I drank from her, but she did not struggle, even as I continued past any reasonably safe limits, and she breathed her last beneath me as I emptied her veins of every last drop of human blood.

Pulling out of her only mostly dead body, I wipe my mouth clean and sigh. I'd fed her more than enough of my blood over the last few hours, and it was only a matter of time before she came back to life in transition to become an immortal monster. Which meant I had to grab one last ingredient.

When Chatana gasped back to life and immediately sat up with wide eyes, I was waiting for her with a glass of blood. Compelling it out of the mortal barmaid was not difficult, and all I had to do was hold it out for Chatana to get a whiff of it and grab for the cup, drinking down the blood with a gusto I'd grown familiar with a long time ago.

Then she finishes the transition and her fangs assert themselves as she spends a few seconds howling in pain. Panting heavily, she looks up at me and I can see the slight glaze in her eyes, "Master? What has happened?"

The sire bond seems to be asserting itself quite well here, but then I would expect it to. Even if Hybrids weren't immediately bonded to their sire, I had spent the last few hours giving my newest childe a very in depth and very intimate appreciation for me. Smiling, I bring a hand up to caress her face, "Ravia my dear, I've given you the Gift. The Gift that we will spread to all who throw down their past gods and their outdated beliefs to accept the love of the Almighty One. The world will soon know the Joys of Blood as you now do."

Instead of the fear and uncertainty she'd first expressed at hearing such words from my mouth, I get a radiant smile as she nuzzles into my caressing hand, "Of course Master. The Almighty One's mercy must be spread."

And then in a blur of unexperienced Hybrid speed, Chatana is atop me, straddling me as she runs herself up and down my length, her lower lips still dripping with arousal. Looking down at me, she purrs out in a hungry tone, "But first… More!"

I was more than happy to oblige.

A/N: BOOM! First chapter done. Was it sufficiently Game of Thronesy for ya? Heh, in all seriousness though, please let me know what you think, I thrive on feedback, any feedback.

I will give a bit of insight into the making of this chapter and let you know that once again my writing got away from me. The original concept here was to have Vali be entirely uncaring of the villager's plight, and secure passage with the slavers back to Slaver's Bay, either through physical coercion or compulsion and all along the way passing himself off as an "Agent of Divinity"

But then this young woman had to speak up in the back of my head, a sort of whisper that caught my attention. And I was presented with the situation where, if one is calling themselves an Agent of Divinity, one must answer one's first prayer yes? And so the young woman who Vali is already remaking into the image of his most loyal follower from the previous stories, spoke up and gained his attention.

And as a result, every slaver died and the village was saved. Not because Vali is a good guy/anti-hero or anything. But because she beat the Slaver Captain to the punch and Vali decided on a whim that he liked this path better.

Only time will tell if that was the right decision or not, so please go ahead and follow and favorite my story, then leave me a review would you kindly?


Chapter 2

A/N: So wow, the response to this fic has been phenomenal! The most reviews I've ever gotten on one chapter, and over a hundred favorites and follows! Thank you so much guys, it really means a lot to me to know you enjoy reading what I write, so please keep giving me feedback so I know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong! =)

Also a special thanks to the commentors on my other website "Questionable Questing" as they pointed out that my knowledge pertaining to the Summer Isles was rather lacking and that there was a lot more to the place then I originally thought. You have them to thank for this chapter being focused on the Summer Isles, instead of Vali immediately leaving for somewhere else at the start of it.

Hope you enjoy!

Year 275 AC

Summer Isles – Tall Trees Town

The next day I did not seek passage out of Tall Trees Town because of one simple fact. It turned out that my already incredibly limited information on the Summer Isles was flat out wrong. Tall Trees Town was not even remotely close to the largest settlement in the Summer Isles like I'd originally believed, and in fact I wasn't even currently on the biggest landmass in the Summer Isles. The map I remembered from so long ago had lied to me, and wasn't that just sad? If you couldn't trust fanmade maps on the internet, what could you trust?!

Luckily I'd chosen a sharp woman as my first follower and replacement for Ravia. My inaccurate beliefs had come up in conversation and she'd been quick to correct them as I'd made sure to reinforce my appreciation of her intelligence and willingness to express said intelligence. Oh sure, Tall Trees Town was still an important part of the Summer Isles, home of the Talking Trees, thus a center of Summer Islander culture and history. It just wasn't what I'd originally thought. This still made it the perfect place to launch off my religion, at least in my mind.

So instead of finding a ship to carry me away from the Summer Isles, I decided to stay and start the conversion of Planetos here and now. After all, I quickly found that the lecherous pervert I was now holding up as a deity would fit in perfectly well with the Summer Islander's gods and goddesses, something I'd already suspected to be true from the knowledge I had concerning the Summer Islander's ways.

That information all turned out to be accurate at least, the Summer Isles teemed with open-minded folk and sex was a part of the daily life style. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the most progressive part of the Summer Isles. In every other way, they were as barbaric and brutal as any of the people I'd find on Westeros and Essos. It worked for me though, because it meant there were downtrodden and weak to take advantage of. Even in a culture center like Tall Trees Town, there were the destitute, the homeless, and the weak, sick, and injured.

In the end, this made my path forward quite obvious. So over the course of a week, in the morning I would give Chatana a supply of my blood and we would part ways. She, using her beauty and grave to put people at ease, would give out my blood to the injured and sick and spread the word of the Almighty One to those who would listen.

While she did this, I spent my days amongst the Talking Trees, where the Summer Islanders had engraved their history onto tree trunks. I'd always been a bit of a scholar and even when I'd conquered my original world and ruled it for almost four thousand years, I'd still found the time to sit down every once in a while with a good book. Magical knowledge in particular fascinated me and I had owned the largest library of Grimoires in the world largely for that reason amongst others. But that was then and this was now. Reading the history behind the Summer Isles that no fan of the show or books had ever known about was truly a wondrous experience.

Unfortunately, a large portion of the Summer Isles history was recorded via oral tradition, which meant I was not getting the whole story just from my forays into the forests of Talking Trees. Luckily, I could easily acquire the rest… but what was the fun in doing things the easy way? Instead, I'd take my time, savor the moment, and at the end of the day, gaining the knowledge I sought would be that much sweeter.

Thus, my first week on Planetos came to a close, and I found myself standing in the common area of the Tavern Chatana and I had been staying at, a hundred pairs of hungry eyes staring at me, lips sealed and silent as they waited for me to speak. Even the barkeep was listening intently after a few drops of my blood from Chatana had restored three of his fingers a few days prior. That had led to us getting room and food for free indefinitely, as well as the use of his tavern as a meeting place.

I let a low smile build across my face and spread my arms wide, "I welcome you in the name of the Almighty One. As his Messenger, I stand before you now not with words of whimsy and empty promises, but instead with infallible proof to my god's existence, and his power in this realm."

A voice immediately rose up from the crowd, a loud boisterous and quite large fellow who stood from his seat and pointed a thick index finger at me, "And who're you supposed to be Messenger? I came tonight to hear the pretty lady speak. She's the one that healed me, not you."

Instead of being taken aback or agitated by this heckler, I just grinned wider, even as murmurs of agreement rose from the crowd. There was a reason I'd worn a sleeveless vest tonight and I lift my arms up to expose the undersides while Chatana brings out a wicked looking knife and steps up even as I speak, "The Ravia has done well in spreading my message and the Almighty One's will. But make no mistake Summer Islanders."

As Chatana slowly draws the blade up from my wrists one after the other, cutting deep and slicing my flesh open until red gushed forth before the eyes of my audience, I maintain constant eye contact with the man who'd spoken up. Chatana steps back, but I do not lower my arms, keeping them in view of every member of my audience as they heal in seconds, "The Healing Blood you have all imbibed is my own. The Almighty One has sent me, his Messenger, to lift you up. To bring you into Salvation through Blood."

I can see my display has had the desired effect on those in the tavern. There is awe, there is fear… and in the far corner, I can see greed as a certain Islander's heart rate elevates. This one does not know it, but I have been watching him for quite some time. This man works for the priestesses of Tall Trees Town, and while I have been here not but a week, Chatana and I have already gained their attention with our antics.

With the bait now set, I bring my arms together and clasp my hands before me as my grin reverts into a more gentle and welcoming smile, "You will all need time to process what you have seen here tonight, and I will give it to you. The Almighty One is both understanding and generous."

Gesturing at Chatana, I finish with, "The Ravia will continue to spread the Healing Blood during the day. In a week's time, we will meet here once more and you will have a choice. The Almighty One does not share in his worship. You will each need to decide if you are ready to lay down your old gods, so that you can accept the gifts that the Almighty One wishes to give you. Good night."

I bow and exit the common area, leaving a room full of loud conversation behind me as Chatana follows me back to the privacy of our rooms. I can already hear the heartbeat of a certain individual exiting the tavern, no doubt to report to his superiors. A wicked smile spreads across my face at the thought, before other thoughts invade my mind as Chatana strips down and moves to help me do the same.

She is quite the insatiable minx these days.


Year 275 AC

Summer Isles – Tall Trees Town

Two days later, a group of men came for us in the night and I had to stop Chatana from ripping them to shreds as they tore us from our bed stark naked. A quick look from me kept Chatana docile as they quietly hustled us out of the tavern into the dark streets of Tall Trees Town, towards the Priestesses' Temple. They were never going to actually let that second meeting I talked about happen, I'd known that.

In fact, I'd been waiting for this, and I couldn't quite keep a small smile from forming on my face as we were led into a back entrance of the Temple and brought before a woman who radiated power and authority. Given her dress and the way she looked at us, along with the attendants arrayed around her, I would not hesitate to peg this woman as the High Priestess, who I'd heard quite a bit about in the past week I'd been in the town.

I was a bit surprised though, as she didn't look a day over thirty five, and it was a damn good thirty five as well. I couldn't help myself, as she looked upon us I grinned and said, "Here I was, expecting an old crone. I suppose that's what I get for assuming."

This draws the full attention of the High Priestess to me, and a moment later the men who kidnapped us from our beds are forcing us to our knees. I'm still curious about where this is going, so I go along with it and Chatana does as well, knowing full well to take her cues from me at this point. Only once we're kneeling before her, still completely nude, does the High Priestess finally deign to react, stepping up to us and inspecting us as if we were particularly interesting cattle.

After a moment of this inspection, during which her eyes linger long enough on my cock for my already monstrous ego to grow just a bit bigger at the approval, she finally speaks, "So, this is our miracle man? The one who's blood heals all wounds and cures all ailments? I would see this first hand."

It's clear that she intends for my blood to be forcibly taken to use on someone else, but I just grin at her from my position on the floor, "I am always happy to demonstrate for nonbelievers."

This sets off one of the men behind me as the High Priestess' lip curls in disgust and he steps forward to bring the pommel of his sword down on my head. It never reaches its target however, as my hand lashes out behind me, grabs onto his wrist, and pulls hard. He flies over my head, causing the High Priestess to stumble back in wide eyed disbelief to avoid being hit by his body. Falling before me, his sword clatters to the ground as I break his grip by crushing his wrist, and a moment later Chatana is on her feet holding it up in a guard to keep the other men behind us at bay.

The entire room is frozen in that moment, so I take advantage of their undivided attention, "Like so."

Bringing my free hand down on the man's torso, I plunge it into his body and purposefully pull out his spleen. He screams in pain and horror as I toss aside the organ, bite into my wrist, and feed him my blood. In moments everyone in the room watches as the dying man's screams quiet down to light whimpers and his shaking hands come up to check the spot where I'd torn a hole in his side. No one even notices that his wrist is also healed by now.

Still smiling, I stand up. Once again I am naked, surrounded by enemies. I don't think I'll be making a habit of this, but still… second time's the charm right?

"My dear priestess, I would like to offer you a deal."

The High Priestess, who has barely managed to regain her composure at this point, looks at me with a mixture of fear and anger. We're clearly not quite to respect, but she doesn't immediately order an attack so I count that as a win, "We do not make deals with blasphemers."

I scoff outright at that, "Oh come now, I've spent the last week reading your histories! You're more historians than priestesses, what's a bit of religious upheaval? All you truly care about is power anyways, else you would have just tried to have me killed, instead of bringing us here, most likely with the intention of imprisoning me and draining me dry of my blood."

Her eyes narrow at that accusation, and now she gives the order to attack, "Subdue them."

I can't help it, I grin even as I give my own order, "Ravia, kill them all."

Chatana is untrained and untested, brand new to her abilities and a baby in terms of all things immortal and hybrid. She's also vicious, bloodthirsty, and pissed off. Hell hath no fury like a woman who's beauty sleep had been interrupted. The High Priestess' muscle dies graphically, as I stare down the woman who sent them to their deaths, my eyes turning gold and black and my fangs filling my mouth. The High Priestess and the women behind her are frozen in terror as I stalk forward, quite confident in Chatana's ability to deal with the riff raff.

"D-demon! Evil Spirit! S-stay back!"

Holding a finger to my smiling mouth, I catch her eyes with mine and initiate compulsion, "Shhh, it's alright. You're going to tell those girls behind you to calm down, and then you're going to get me a cup."

I'm in for a surprise, instead of the usual pupil dilation, I'm treated to the High Priestess' eyes hardening in anger and her nose turning up at me, "You may kill me demon, but I will never serve you."

Blinking a bit, I look behind her at the still cowering priestesses and then back at her, brow furrowed in confusion. Had he lied to me? Whistling sharply, I catch the eyes of every terrified priestess and initiate mass compulsion, "Step forward darlings."

They do so, even as the High Priestess whirls around. Still, not quite proof, "Pat yourselves on the heads and rub circles on your stomachs."

To a one, every single priestess does exactly as I say, much to the horror of the woman in front of me who immediately calls to them, "Stop! Do not do what he says! What is wrong with you?!"

My chuckle draws her attention back to me. I can't help it as I take another moment to appraise her, the smile on my face turning just a bit sinister, "So, it's something about you then? What, are you supposed to be my peer and thus your mind is an unassailable fortress?"

A moment later, my hand fists in her hair as I pull her head back to look into her terrified, yet resolved eyes. Grinning a mouthful of fangs, I whisper to her, "Don't worry love, I'll watch over your flock for you. I'll be so very good to them."

That said, I bite down into her exposed neck and drink her up, every last drop of blood and more importantly, every last drop of knowledge she had of her people's oral history. After all, it was the main reason I'd let them bring us here. As I finished with her and let the High Priestess' corpse drop to the ground, I blinked a bit as all the pieces fell into place and the gaps in history left by the Talking Trees filled in.

"Huh, so that's how that happened."

Satisfied that I'd gotten the rest of the story finally, I turn my attention away from my little hobby and back to the present. Before me stood a group of sobbing, fearful priestesses, all still patting their heads and rubbing their stomachs at the same time. It made for an incredibly dark yet also pretty funny scene. Still, all good things must come to an end, so with a sigh I put a stop to things, once more compelling the lot of them.

"Alright, stop that, all of you calm down. You, go grab a chalice for me, the rest of you kneel and wait patiently. It is time for your conversion. The Almighty One is both merciful and forgiving. He does not judge you for your past sins and neither do I. All that matters, is the future."

I smile as I look down at the tranquil group of priestesses. This right here, was the start of something quite fun.


Year 275 AC

Summer Isles – Palace of Prince Wahano Fo

After turning the priestesses of Tall Trees Town into Sire-bound Hybrids, the religious conquest of the Summer Isles' cultural center was all but guaranteed. In the space of a month, much of the town was following the religion I was mostly just making up as I went along. However, only a portion of the town's civilians were turned into Hybrids, as it was something to be earned and keeping the numbers down made sure the blood supply didn't run out any time soon.

Still, eventually word of the changes happening in the town reached the ear of the Prince who owned the territory it rested upon. And so, a very firm invitation came to me in the form of a group of warriors assigned to escort me to his palace. I went gladly of course, the man's reputation claimed he was pragmatic and focused more on politics then religion and I was looking forward to putting the belief of my 'god' in him.

Brought into his throne room, I use just a bit of unnatural speed to avoid the guard's attempted shove directed at my back, instead giving the appearance of a visiting dignitary as I regally walked the length of the hall to come to a stop before the seated Prince. He's reserved as he stares at me, but disdain is the one thing he cannot mask.

"Your Highness, in the name of the Almighty One I, his Messenger, pay you homage and thank you for the invitation to visit your beautiful palace."

Ah, there's the anger as his eyes flash and he slashes a hand through the air, "Cut the act Westerosi. I care not for your god or your religion. You are here to answer for the rumors I am hearing from Tall Trees. Of Blood and Murder."

I smile thinly but do as he asks and speak more bluntly, "Ask, and I shall answer your Highness."

He peers down at me and then speaks, "It is said your blood heals all injuries and cures all disease."

I nod simply, "It is true."

With a snap of his fingers, a nearby door opens and a servant enters. A moment later he stands beside me awaiting his Prince's orders. Instead, a signal from the Prince has a nearby guard suddenly drawing their sword and slashing across the servant's torso, sending the screaming man to the ground in a spray of blood, much of which hits me.

Raising my eyebrow at the Prince, he gestures at the fallen servant and commands me, "Heal him."

My smile takes an edge to it, but I do as he says. Pressing a nail into my wrist I break the skin and let drops of blood fall onto the man laying at my feet. A kick to his side has him rolling over, and I direct the flow of blood into his mouth as he opens it to scream, "Drink fool."

A few drops make their way down his gullet despite his flailing, and minutes later he is completely healed, gasping with wide eyes as he feels where the hole in his tunic rests, where his bloodied skin is now unblemished and the pain has disappeared. He stands slowly, staring at me with the sort of awed reverence I've been growing accustomed to, but my eyes stay on the Prince as my smile stays affixed to my face.

The disdain and anger are both gone from Prince Wahano's face as he stares at the healed man for several long moments before finally turning his gaze back to me. He's quiet as he studies me with new interest, before finally speaking again, "And in your own words, what happened to the High Priestess of Tall Trees?"

I grin widely at that. My teeth are still normal but I know I look somewhat feral anyways as I reply, "I killed her of course. She cared nothing for my Faith and the Almighty One. She thought she could simply use me for my blood."

The throne room is deathly still at that, and I know that the Prince will probably do something stupid if I wait him out, so after a few seconds to let him take in my words, I continued on, "Prince Fo, I would like to offer you a deal. You are not the first I've tried to offer this to, but I am hoping you will be the first to hear me out. I've heard good things about you."

Perhaps it's the fact that I'd dropped all of the religious stuff for a second, but the Prince actually nods after considering me for a moment, "Very well, what would you offer me?"

I blink and have to take a moment to look around. Am I finally going to get to do it? No last moment interruptions? He actually wants to hear me out? Huh, that's new. Spreading my arms wide, I say my piece, "I wish to offer you two things your Highness. Eternal Life to start, and control of the entirety of the Summer Isles afterwards. United under your rule in exchange for being united under the worship of the Almighty One, the one true God."

There's the silence again, as everyone in the throne room just stares at me. My attention is focused solely on the Prince as he takes in my words and then replies, "You offer a good deal. I wonder at the veracity of your claims though. The Healing Blood is certainly miraculous and used correctly I could potentially leverage it into expanding my territory. Perhaps in a decade I could even be the undisputed ruler of the Isles."

He pauses for a moment, brow furrowed, "However, you claim to be able to offer me eternal life. I require proof that what you offer is possible."

Still smiling, I nod, "Of course."

I don't need to look around for this next part, my hearing has already told me all I need to know as I speak, "You currently have twenty three guards in this room with us. Send them at me with the order to kill, and I shall show you exactly how I intend to help you conquer the Summer Isles under your singular rule."

He frowns in silence, clearly not liking the idea of risking the already miraculous blood flowing through me by threatening my life. Still, he seems to pick up on my confidence and eventually he nods, gesturing with his hand, "Very well. Kill him."

The sound of swords being drawn fills the room for a moment as I'm quickly surrounded on all sides by the Prince's Royal Guard. I take a moment to turn slowly in a circle, locking eyes with each man before spreading my arms wide, "Well?"

They move in as one cohesive unit, and I hear the Prince's heart rate skyrocket for a moment as he believes I'm about to be skewered on twenty three different swords. But I'm already gone, back flipping over one guard's head and landing behind him. A kick to his back sends him sprawling forward into the death trap, and the rest just barely pull back in time from cutting into him.

Using their confusion and hesitation to great effect, I take them down methodically, sending men into nearby pillars, into each other, and sometimes just hammering them into the floor. The Royal Guard fairs no better than the High Priestess' muscle did against Chatana even once they do get their bearings back, and eventually I'm standing in a room full of groaning fallen men, facing off with one last panicking guardsman.

Smiling, I step forward arms spread wide. He immediately steps back, provoking a bark of laughter from my lips, "Don't be afraid. Here, I'll give you a free shot, promise I won't move. Run me through with that blade of yours."

He's too nervous, too terrified to get close to me so in the end I lock eyes and compel him, "Do it, now."

In an instant he's back in a perfect stance, one, two steps forward and he thrusts his blade home into my chest, directly through my heart. I cough up blood even as the Prince nearly comes out of his throne in shock, his eyes wide and lips pressed tightly together as he stares at the scene, thinking my hubris has led to my downfall.

My hand comes up and grasps the wrist of the poor guard who's staring at his close proximity to me with dawning horror, the compulsion ended. Slowly, I push his arm back using my grip and his blade comes with it, sliding out of me. As the tip exits the gaping bloody hole in my chest, the guard stumbles back as I let him go, falling on his ass. Finally, I am the only one in the room left standing.

Turning back to the Prince, I smile a much bloodier smile, "As you can see, I am not just immortal, I am also powerful. I am stronger and faster than any mortal in every way. This is what I offer you Prince Fo. Immortality and the strength to take the Summer Isles as your own."

The Prince leans forward, all traces of his original disdain long gone. Now there is only eagerness and wanton greed as he grins widely and shows off his own pearly whites, "I accept."


Year 276 AC

Summer Isles - Tall Trees Town

Prince Wahano Fo became a hybrid that night, and the sire bond bound him to me and my religion more assuredly than his greed ever would have. From there, I turned the majority of his warriors into Hybrids as well, leading to further conversion to the worship of the Almighty One, and more and more joining in on experiencing the Joys of Blood.

From there, things snowballed. Wars on the Summer Isles were more like deadly sporting events then anything one would find on the rest of Planetos, but when Prince Fo won enough of these mock wars to solidify his complete control of Walano in just two months, the other two major islands took notice. Omboru still fell within a reasonable time frame, but the inhabitants of Jhala had just a bit more time to prepare and even partially unify in the face of the threat my puppet Prince posed, and as a result it took the better part of the rest of the year to convert properly.

In the end, the result was the same. The Summer Isles had thrown down their old gods in exchange for worship of the Almighty One. Not that much changed in their day to day lives. Sure, a good portion of the fighting men had become hybrids, and that number would probably grow as time went on, but at the same time, sex was just as integral to the fake religion I was constructing as it had been under the old religion.

That said most common Summer Islanders had no problem with it. Only those who lost power, wealth, and influence from the conversion proved to be problematic, and most of them were dealt with in short order. The thing I found most interesting about the process was the traditional method of exiling defeated enemies and rivals. I actually quite liked it, as it meant that every Prince my puppet defeated and forced off the Summer Isles would have to go elsewhere, inadvertently spreading tale of the Almighty One as they went.

Now though, a year was gone and the Summer Isles were effectively mine. Which meant it was time to move on. That's why I stood on a dock in Tall Trees Town, observing the loading of a merchant ship called the Cinnamon Wind. A distraught Chatana stood beside me, "Master, must you go? Must I stay?"

I chuckle and bring a hand up to stroke through my first servant's hair without even looking at her, "Yes my dear Ravia, to both your questions. I am the Messenger, it is not my place to sit and become complacent in one spot. All of the world must be made aware of the Joys of Blood like you and your people have been made aware."

"As for you staying, you know your place is here. There is still much to be done on the Summer Isles, and as the Ravia, you must be the one to do it. Prince Fo must be directed in productive ways, and he knows that you speak with my voice in all things."

A sniffle causes me to finally turn to face Chatana, only to find her actually crying. Chuckling, I pull her into a quick embrace, "Ah now, there there. It won't be the last time we see each other my dear. I will call for you one day, and given that we are eternal, there is no such thing as never again for beings such as us. Prepare and await word from me, alright?"

She nods, calming herself visibly even as I pull back to regard her, "Yes Master."

I grin, "Good girl."

In that moment a decently dressed young man interrupts us, "Ah, M-messenger? We're ready to go if you are."

I turn to Quhuru Mo and smile, "Excellent Captain Mo. Let us be off."

He bows quickly and leads me away. I let Chatana slip from my grasp without a look back, boarding the ship and staring out into the open ocean as we slowly began to make our way out of the bay.

The Summer Isles were mine, but there was so much more out there to take and control. All of course for the good of "The Almighty One". I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I wondered just what the Omnipotent Version of Me who'd sent me here thought of this newest form of conquest I'd chosen.

I hoped he was having as much fun with it as I was.


Somewhere Between a Familiar White Void and the Higher Planes of Planetos

(Takes place sometime between Vali's arrival on the Summer Isles and his conquest of them.)

When the abomination in mortal skin had first shown up, the gods and goddesses had made little of him. Until he killed the High Priestess, then they took more notice of what he was doing. There was a general sense of annoyance and aggravation that this so-called Messenger was converting their followers to a god none of them had ever heard of, one who even had the audacity to call himself "The Almighty One".

So, their first order of business had been an attempt at collectively pulling this upstart god to their place of power so they could judge him either worthy or unworthy of joining their pantheon. The rebuke they received sent them all reeling as much as celestial beings can 'reel' and left them all taking a 'sick day' that stretched out a bit longer than a single day.

The next attempt was made by the High God in an effort to follow the line of power between this Messenger and his Almighty One back to the source, so that the gods and goddesses could storm the upstart's place of power and show him what for. The High God of the Summer Islander's pantheon was not heard from again and no one really knew what had happened.

After the second failure, the general sense of annoyance and aggravation had become confusion with a faint undercurrent of fear and unease. Then had come a polit, if surprising invitation from the Almighty One to meet in the middle so to speak. The pantheon of the Summer Isles had collectively breathed a celestial sigh of relief that the new kid seemed to be reasonable, put the disappearance of the High God from their minds as him just going on a random vacation to another part of the Higher Planes, and gone to the meeting place in force.

They were met almost immediately with an overwhelming sense of inferiority as if scrutinized by a giant beyond their comprehension, "Well hello there. You're the gnats who have been buzzing at my gates, aren't you?"

The undercurrent of fear and unease was now full blown panic and terror. There was probably an attempt to communicate, maybe some bluster, maybe some pleading. It didn't matter, because all but one of them were wiped out in less than an instant, gone as if they'd never even been there to begin with.

This did little to help the goddess who was left, as she did the celestial equivalent of hyperventilating and freaking out. The next words did little to calm her either.

"Hm, I've never met a goddess with sixteen tits before. I mean, why would you even need them? Have you ever actually used any of them for their intended purpose? Well, I suppose I've always wanted a pet. I have Vali, the Messenger you lot were freaking out about, but he doesn't really count does he? He's more like a stray cat that I feed every once in a while then a real pet. Ah, I'm rambling aren't I? Right then, I think yes I will keep you. Come along now, no point in wallowing amongst the dust of your disintegrated fellows any longer."

The aforementioned sixteen titted goddess was quick to agree with her new master that there really was no point in that. And thus, with nary a whisper, the Summer Isles Pantheon was no more.

A/N: So there it is! And some of you may have noticed I didn't exactly elaborate on where Vali was going next chapter. It's because, I'm still not 100% sure where he should go! The original plan was Slaver's Bay, so he could grab an easy army of Unsullied and turn them into Hybrids. That will remain the plan unless someone has a convincing argument for him going somewhere else!

Let me know what ya think of both this chapter and what should happen next chapter in a review please! I thrive and grow off of reviews!

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