
My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

A collection of novels that I enjoyed. I am posting this due to lack of good mcs on this site. I will mostly post stories where mc is calm or rational for the most part. I will be posting the first chapters of all novels in it, you can just go to their respective sites for more and support the authors. Inspired by 'My Self-Insert Stash '. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the stories mentioned here.

Ms_Magician · Anime et bandes dessinées
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89 Chs

08: Emporium of Everything (Multiverse) by Cambrian

Fic Type:Oc

This story is similar to trafford's trading club but he takes another form of payment for his goods. NSFW.


Words: 52k

link: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/emporium-of-everything-multiverse.8307/reader


A/N: From the same commissioner who funded Making a Collection comes this fun new romp in which there's a guy with a shop and the shop is filled with cursed items... all designed to make sure the shopkeeper gets laid.


"What… what is this place? How did I get here? Who are you? Answer me!"

The feminine voice gets shriller and shriller and by the end there, Warrick lets out a sigh as he slowly puts his bookmark in the novel he's currently reading before closing it up with just as much careful finality. Only THEN does he turn his attention to the intruder in his shop, lifting a brow as he finds himself looking at a beautiful red head with gorgeous green eyes… and a stick pointed at his head.

"Are you a Death Eater? You have five seconds to tell me where I am before I start cursing!"

Warrick lifts a brow at that and waits out the next five seconds patiently. As they draw out into ten and then fifteen seconds, the beautiful young woman seems to understand he's all but mocking her. With a growl, she jabs her stick forward… only for it to turn into a bouquet of flowers, thrust out towards him as if she's proclaiming her love.

As the red head stares at her stick-turned-flowers in shock, Warrick lets a smile spread across his face, clapping his hands together sharply and causing her to nearly jump out of her skin as he speaks.

"So! Terrible first impressions aside, welcome my dear to the Emporium of Everything! As this humble little shop's owner, I greet you with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, I cannot accept your gorgeous gift of flowers. Especially not when I know you're married, sweet Lily Potter."

The witch freezes at that, staring at Warrick with wide eyes, her transformed wand all but forgotten as she swallows thickly and takes a step back.

"You… you know my name."

Warrick inclines his head in acknowledgement of this fact.

"That I do. What sort of shopkeeper would I be if I didn't make an effort to get to know my customers?"

Lily pauses at that, and Warrick takes the time to study the young woman a bit more. She's still got that post-pregnancy heft to her bosom and her hips, which means she just recently gave birth to her son. A hot young MILF walks into his transdimensional shop… what's a man to do, really?


Chuckling, Warrick spreads his arms wide.

"But of course. Look around my dear. Browse a little while. Peruse my wears. I'm quite sure you'll find what you need."

Lily glances around, finally seeming to take notice of the fact that she WAS standing in the middle of a quaint little shop. Of course, for the Emporium of Everything it was quite small at first glance. That was just the way Warrick liked it though. It made it all the easier for his customers to find exactly what they were looking for, when he kept most of the useless rabble that they didn't want hidden away in the back.

Shifting her gaze uneasily back and forth, Lily swallows again and then takes another step back.

"I think… I think I should go now."

Warrick doesn't let his smile falter as she moves towards the door. Rather, instead he simply waves her away with as wide a smile as ever, chuckling to himself and nodding his head.

"Very well, very well. Have a good life, Lily Potter. And good luck."

She's just closing her hand around the doorknob when those last words hit her. Warrick can see the way they sink into her back like hooks, pulling her back in as she slowly turns around, not quite releasing the door handle yet.

"Did you say… Emporium of Everything?"

Warrick just smiles genially and nods his head again, gesturing with one hand this time.

"Indeed I did, Mrs. Potter. Indeed I did."

For a moment, Lily is still hesitant. Warrick admires her willpower, especially since the same cosmic energy that drew her to his shop should also be hard at work on her mind, nudging her towards purchasing something from him. That's just the way this place works. Once you enter, the likelihood of you leaving empty-handed is so very, very low.

Which is why its so impressive that Harry's mother lasts another five seconds before she finally pulls away from the door with a blush on her face, ducking her head and steadfastly refusing to look him in the eye as she begins to look around the shop. Of course, Warrick shamelessly watches her the entire time, enjoying the way she glances from item to item. Most are useless to her, but that's the beauty of the shop. Just when the customer is growing restless, just when they're wondering if what they want isn't there…

Warrick smiles as he watches Lily Potter's eyes alight upon a certain item. A scroll, with a small plaque beneath it that describes the ritual it instructs one on how to make. The 'perfect' thing for a witch who needed to protect her newborn son from a dire prophecy. Snatching it up off its pedestal, Lily turns and makes a beeline for the shop counter, placing the scroll down and then reaching to her side for a pouch there. Moleskin, no doubt, meaning that its deep and probably has all sorts of galleons in it.

"H-How much?"

Warrick chuckles darkly.

"Oh, my dear Lily Potter… your money is no good here. What use would I have for gold?"

Lily's gaze finally snaps up to meet his, sharp and indignant as if he's tricked her. Warrick just grins.

"My little shop accepts a different type of currency, I'm afraid."

Pressing her lips tightly together, Lily places her moleskin pouch back at her hip, her gorgeous green eyes glancing down at the ritual scroll for a second and then back to him.

"And what is that?"

Grinning, Warrick points at her.

"You, my dear."

Lily stiffens.


Shrugging his shoulders, Warrick just smiles.

"More specifically, some of your time, spent creating a very special kind of energy. It won't hurt you all that much, I promise. An hour or so of menial labor, and you'll be done."

Blinking in confusion, its clear that Lily Potter is trying to parse his words.

"Menial labor… what kind of energy?"

Warrick grins.

"Why, the best kind of energy! The energy of life itself! Emotions, desires, memories! The stuff that dreams are made of. The stuff my shop runs on."

Its clear that the red head isn't convinced, another mark in her favor as she frowns slightly, still glancing at the scroll between them every once in a while.

"… What do I have to do?"

His grin widens. Hook, line, and sinker.

"First, you'll have to strip down. You're wearing far too much clothing, my dear."


Lily sputters in shock, while Warrick laughs.

"Did you not hear me? I said life energy? How else does one create life but through intimacy?"

And now the young MILF is blushing almost as deep a color of red as her hair, standing there frozen in indecision as she stares at him with those wide green eyes of hers.

"S-Surely there's another way…"

Warrick shakes his head.

"There isn't. Well… there is. Look, you seem like a nice girl, so I'll be blunt with you. The currency I'm after is pure, raw emotions. That's the sort of power I want. You give me an hour of STRONG emotions, and the scroll is yours. Of course, there's really only two ways to go about doing that. Either you allow me to torture you… or we have sex. Either one requires you to be naked, so you have a choice to make. Do you strip down before me, or do you walk out that door and don't look back?"

Lily opens her mouth, probably to protest, probably to bargain, but Warrick cuts her off with a raised palm.

"Ah! No. No more talking. Time to decide, Lily Potter nee Evans. Just how badly do you want this scroll, and the ritual that rests within it?"

Of course, Warrick already knows the answer to that question, just as he knows the decision Lily is going to make. He IS a god, after all. Grinning wickedly as the flushed, embarrassed witch reaches up and begins to unbutton her blouse, the unassuming shopkeeper watches as Lily Potter strips naked right before his eyes, pulling her clothes off garment by garment, piece by piece, not even hesitating by the time she gets to her underwear. The bra and panties join the rest of her clothing in a pile at her feet, and the young MILF-y witch is left standing there with her full breasts and wide hips and absolutely gorgeous figure completely on display before him.

Slowly, Warrick makes his way out from behind the counter. Lily stiffens as he approaches, but she doesn't try to stop him from touching her. She doesn't even look in his direction, staring straight forward as Warrick runs his hands over her body. If you'd told him that he would one day ascend to this place, that he would gain the ability to do this to a hot fictional character from one of his favorites stories, he would have laughed in your face.

But now he knew how the universe worked better than most. Now he knew that there was no such thing as fairness when it came to cosmic power. Sometimes you became almighty just on the whim of some other god-like being who wanted to see what you would do with the power gifted to you. Such was Warrick's lot and life… but if manning the shop meant being able to draw gorgeous babes like Lily Potter to him while they slept, allowing him to have his way with them…

Leaning in, Warrick ghosts his lips across Lily's neck as he runs his finger tips along her sides, up to her breasts where he gropes them quite harshly. This draws a gasp and a hiss from the poor woman, even as Warrick nibbles at her ear before finally speaking into it.

"So, Lily Potter. Have you decided? Will it be torture or sex? Pleasure or pain?"

For a moment, there's silence. Warrick knows that Lily doesn't want to betray James, but he also knows she can't possibly put herself through torture when she needs to be in tip-top shape to protect Harry. Just as he knows she'll do ANYTHING to get that scroll from him.


The moment the word leaves Lily's lips, Warrick is pushing her forward. The red head yelps as she ends up bent over the shop counter, her hands palm down on the wood surface, the scroll she was currently earning right in front of her face. With one hand on the back of her neck, Warrick brings the other down between the young MILF's legs, spreading them apart and palming her cunt, rubbing the heel of his hand all over her mound.

In no time at all, Lily is panting with need, positively gushing into his palm. Another bit of the power of this place, making her all the more responsive to HIS touch. As the Master of the Shop, his will was absolute, no matter how strong a customer might be.

"There we go, Mrs. Potter. Look at you, finally enjoying yourself."

Lily whimpers, but Warrick just leans in, continuing to whisper in her ear.

"Its alright. You need to enjoy yourself. Don't hold it back, don't hold anything back. An hour of raw, unfiltered emotions. That's the bargain. You give me your lust, your desire, your need… and I give you the scroll. Understood?"

A pause, but then Lily nods her head.


Chuckling, Warrick leans back.

"I don't think you do. But you will soon."

And then he thrusts into her, his cock all too ready to bury itself in her hot, wet cunt. She's surprisingly tight for having given birth recently. But then, Voldemort didn't come for Harry until he was one. Just how far away was that for this sexy red head he was now fucking up against his counter? Ah, it didn't matter, in the end. Be it one month or several, Lily would have the time to figure out the ritual and make it work. And in the end… it would be Warrick who reaped the rewards for that. Because that was how the shop worked.

Fucking Lily with all his might, Warrick groans as she in turn moans, lewdly and wantonly. The power of the shop turns even her into a lustful, needy whore, and its not long before she's pushing back into his pistoning prick, her bountiful behind bouncing off his crotch. Eventually, Lily climaxes, crying out as she tosses her head back, her sexual energy feeding him and his shop. But then, HE is the shop, and the shop is HIM. The body he's currently fucking the sexy MILF-y witch with is more a construct than anything else.

His avatar and Lily Potter fuck for the entire hour, in more than just the first position too. By the time they're done, Lily's tongue is halfway down Warrick's throat, and she's wrapped her limbs around his body as he stands there like a tree trunk, bouncing her up and down on his massive 'branch'. But all good things come to an end. Warrick swallows up Lily's last few orgasms with gusto, and then slowly pulls the sweaty, red-faced witch off his cock.

"That's it, my dear. You're all done."

Lily stumbles and ends up catching herself on the counter, gasping for breath as she stares at him.

"That was… w-we're done?"

Warrick grins as he slowly walks back behind the shop counter, ultimately retaking his original place and gesturing to the scroll.

"It's all yours, love."

Clearly unable to confront what had just happened between the two of them, Lily grabs up her ritual scroll and her clothing without even bothering to get dressed, ultimately rushing out of the shop entirely naked. That's okay though, because when she 'leaves', it just means she's waking up. Not that she hadn't gained something very substantial here today. The ritual that she'd purchased from him is now ingrained in Lily Potter's thoughts.

Its unfortunate that she'll think it was something she herself came up with, barely remembering her time in his shop as anything but a particularly lustful wet dream. But that's just how it goes. Better this way, that she not know anything about him, and thus can't write anything about him down. Lily will use the ritual, and she will sacrifice herself to save her son.

Unfortunately for her, there's nothing in Warrick's shop that doesn't come with a price. In this case, the cursed life Harry will inevitably lead thanks to the ritual she's used to give him the best protection she can will ultimately lead yet another witch to his shop as she looks for a way to overcome her friend's misery. Warrick can see it now of course, he can see exactly what will happen. But then, he is a god.

Still, even if he knows what will happen next, its fun to watch all the same. And there are so many potential customers just waiting to buy something from the Emporium of Everything. Warrick can hardly wait to draw them in.

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