
My Star Crossed Lover

In a forest deep in the sacred mountain, a child was born. Born of mixed blood, which was taboo in this time period. The child's mother looks over the child in the basket and weeps. She leaves a golden chain necklace with a blue jewel on front, and on the back has a name "Tomoe". As the child slept the mother had said her last goodbye and left him. As the child started to grow, he was shunned out by the rest of the village because of his mix-breeding; especially when the whole village was full of yokais. Yokais, a stubborn and traditional race, have a very deep hatred of mix breeding because it went against their beliefs. The child had no clue what he was growing up. He had beautiful, silvery white hair with blue eyes as clear as the sky, something not normal for yokai. He later learns to harness his skills and powers for the journey ahead. Concerning the story of his birth parents and the tragedies that lead to his birth. And, with the help of Spirit animal Empress's Goddaughter they both find the reasons in which their lives are so crucial to their clans.

KokoroSetsuko · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

New Beginnings

A few days later, "Get him!" "Hurry, run!" "pant pant" Now, trapped with nowhere to run, Tomoe was cornered by five yokai children ready to harm him.

"Let's get him!" The yokai children pounced on Tomoe with rocks and sticks hitting him.

Tomoe, on the ground not able to fend for himself, was near the brink of death when a voice called him saying, "I trust you with these powers for you are worthy of it." Then a burst of fire, the purest of colored fire, appeared, incinerating everything in its path.

Meanwhile, a carriage was riding along the path near the incident.

"Tell the driver to stop," "Yes my young lord. Stop the carriage!" The carriage stopped and the young lord had taken a step out. "I sense a very strong but pure fire magic user in the area, and a newly awakened one at that."

They walked in the direction of Tomoe to find the five yokai children burned to death. All that was left were the ash silhouettes of the children. The young lord walks closer to the scene then stops. Tomoe looked at the man with a glare then took a step forward.

"Step away from the young lord you half-breed! Unsheathing his sword. "It is quite alright, step down Takeno," Takeno was the young lords guard at the time. "But, alright." He sighs and draws back the sword. The young lord starts to walk toward Tomoe.

"Child may I ask, what is your name?" Tomoe looked up looking at the man and said in a suspicious tone, "Tomoe". "Ah what a fitting name for you young man, if you don't mind can you explain to me what happened here?" Tomoe looked over to the bodies, then to the man. For some reason the look in the man's eyes looked gentle but had a very strong yet almost familiar gaze. Tomoe paused before answering, "I was being chased and got trapped here by them. They started to beat me until I felt no strength left. Suddenly, a voice called out to me. The next thing I knew, the others were on fire but so was I. The fire didn't hurt me though. It felt rather warm and safe."

"Hmph! Okay, I understand. Well, if you don't mind and your parents don't..." Tomoe looked straight at the man and said, "I don't. I have no family." The man looked at him and said, "Then, if you don't mind, would you like to train with me and get stronger?" Tomoe looked at the man with a confused look, then his look turned serious, "Are you able to make me strong enough to where no one can ever hurt me or the ones I love?" "I can." Tomoe thought about it for a moment then answered, " If I can get stronger then yes!" "I would like to teach you to harness your powers, but since you have no family, I will take you in." "Okay," Tomoe said. 

Then Tomoe went back with them to the carriage. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention. My name is Hachiman and you will be in my care from now on. I look forward to our future together!" They all went inside the carriage. Now, leaving the village, Tomoe looked back and said in his mind, "I must get stronger, there's no turning back now. It's not like there was anything waiting for me in that village." Tomoe turns back and faces straight ahead.