
Landslide victory.

The rules were quite simple but it was hard at the same time. Just like professor Gibson said, arcane spells weren't part of them yet and it would surely feel weird when being unable to use their elements.

"Practice ground 5, Blake vs Vlad." Professor Gibson announced.

This was pleasant news for both the nobles and commoners. It was a chance for the nobles to gauge his power level and if he ends up failing, it was a chance to mock him.

As for the commoners, most of them didn't have malicious intentions against Blake, they always watched his match in other to learn new things.

Also, watching Blake trash a lot of nobles gave them a sense of satisfaction, earning him quite a lot of fan base among the commoners which he had no idea of.

'Time to show who is boss.' Vlad couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when he heard the announcement.