
Chapter 4 Protecting the Weak_1

"Get the hell out of here!"

Liu Xin hated it the most when people said her daughter was a sickly child.

A curable illness, yet due to lack of money and the heartlessness of her family, it had been dragging on.

This was her greatest pain.

"Heh, the ones who should get out are you and your daughter!"

Jiang Dong sneered, "But, trying to run away is useless. If you want to leave, you must leave your shares behind.

Otherwise, you won't escape Linhai City!

If you get caught, my men don't hold back. If they break your legs, don't cry about it."

"You and your father will definitely get what's coming to you,"

Liu Xin said angrily.


Jiang Dong slapped Liu Xin across the face, leaving a striking red imprint.

"You filthy wretch, dare to curse us? Thinking your uncle is still alive?"

"Jiang Dong, how dare you hit my mother, I'll fight you to the death!"

Jiang Meng, seeing her mother get hit, summoned courage and strength from nowhere.

She actually crawled out of the car, determined to fight Jiang Dong to the end.

At that moment, Xiao Chen stopped her and closed the car door.

"Heh heh, not bad, not bad, you might be a good-for-nothing, but you still understand what's going on. Take this money and buy yourself some booze, drink more."

Jiang Dong was very pleased, tossing two hundred-yuan notes at Xiao Chen's feet.

Jiang Meng was thoroughly disappointed.

Liu Xin was utterly despondent.

But just then, Xiao Chen stepped on the banknotes and swung his arm wide.

He slapped Jiang Dong across the face.

Jiang Dong fell to the ground, several teeth flying out of his mouth.

His head was spinning.

"How dare you hit my mother-in-law, who gave you the guts?"

At that moment, Liu Xin was stunned.

Jiang Meng was also stunned.

Jiang Dong was completely baffled.

After a while, the buzzing in his head gradually subsided, but he still felt dizzy.

"You're crazy, to even hit him."

Although Liu Xin said this, her face couldn't hide her joy.

Xiao Chen actually dared to stand up to Jiang Dong; this was totally unexpected for her.

"Mengmeng is my wife, and you are like another mother to me. He shouldn't have hit you, no way!"

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"But that's Jiang Tian's son, the future heir to the Jiang Family!"

Liu Xin couldn't help saying.

"So what about that."

Xiao Chen remained indifferent.

Inside the car, Jiang Meng had already started crying.

Since her father's death, no man had protected her and her mother like this.

Moved by his actions, she also felt a surge of fear.

Knowing Jiang Dong's vengeful nature, he surely wouldn't let Xiao Chen get away with this.

This was trouble.

"How dare you hit me? You lowly live-in son-in-law! You actually dare hit me, the heir of the Jiang Family!

I'll kill you!"

After some time, Jiang Dong finally came to his senses.

He scrambled up from the ground and lunged at Xiao Chen like a mad dog.

All his life, no one but the old man had ever hit him, and a mere live-in son-in-law!

He actually dared to make a move, this couldn't be tolerated.


But before Jiang Dong's fist could hit Xiao Chen's face, he was kicked away.

Curling up on the ground, he clutched his abdomen and rolled in pain.

"Ouch! That hurts like hell! My kidney!"

Jiang Dong's movements were too fast, and Xiao Chen didn't even see how the kick was delivered.

He just felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he was already sprawling on the ground.

He grimaced in sheer pain.

"One's my mother-in-law, and the other's my wife.

Whoever dares to bully them, I'll beat them up!"

Xiao Chen coldly dropped a sentence, let Jiang Meng and Liu Xin get into the car, started it, and left.

"Damn it! Damn it all!"

Jiang Dong roared in pain, "Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen! You remember this, I will definitely kill you!

Just like that Jiang He guy!"

His face twisted with ferocity.

The car accident last year was orchestrated by him under his father's orders.

In order to fight for the family inheritance, it didn't matter if he was a real uncle, he'd kill just the same.

Let alone a live-in son-in-law, a lowly one at that.

After screaming for a while, he managed to climb up from the ground and staggered back into the hall.

Inside the hall at that moment, Jiang Tian was chatting with several prominent figures of Linhai City about business matters.

Just then, Jiang Dong barged in, barking like a mad dog, "Dad, won't you do something? Your son was almost beaten to death."

Jiang Tian frowned; this son was really spoiled by his wife.

He was totally unreliable.

"Heh, if President Jiang is busy, we won't disturb you further; let's talk some other time."

Those bosses were tactful, they smiled, turned around, and left.

Jiang Tian saw them to the door.

Then he came back and said coldly, "Is it something so important that you can't see the situation for what it is?"

"Dad, I was almost beaten to death, and you're saying it's not important! My stomach still hurts.

Look at this handprint on my face.

It's killing me."

Jiang Dong complained.

"Who dares to be so bold as to lay a hand on my son, Jiang Tian?"

Jiang Tian's expression turned icy.

"Who else could it be but the good-for-nothing son-in-law you found for that wench Jiang Meng!"

Jiang Dong cursed, "That damned brute, he really did have some strength.

No wonder the records said he almost beat his ex-wife to death."


Suddenly, Jiang Tian burst into laughter.

"Dad, have you lost your mind? Your son gets beaten up like this, and you're laughing?"

Jiang Dong was displeased.

"You keep courting trouble outside; it serves you right to get a beating as a lesson," Jiang Tian glared at Jiang Dong and continued, "As to why I'm laughing, don't you understand?

An intermittent violent lunatic like him, how long do you think Jiang Meng and Liu Xin will last?"

"Right, how come I didn't think of that!"

Jiang Dong was stunned for a moment and then overjoyed, but feeling the pain on his cheek, he couldn't help saying, "That violent maniac can be ignored for now.

But shouldn't we deal with that woman Liu Xin? Jiang Meng is just a piece of sickly trash, she won't live much longer, probably will croak after a beating from that maniac."

Jiang Tian shook his head and replied, "What do you know? If that woman could be dealt with, do you think I would've waited until today?

Liu Xin, honestly speaking, has quite a network of connections. That project with Boss Chen is the most important deal for Jiang Corporation this year.

If we can seal it, our family clan will undoubtedly reach a higher level.

The problem is, Boss Chen only dealt with Jiang He and Liu Xin.

Now that Jiang He is gone, only Liu Xin can close the deal.

We still need that woman."

"Dad, you're giving her too much credit. I know Boss Chen's nephew, he's one of my close buddies.

Leave this deal to me.

I guarantee I'll seal it.

See who'll dare to say that I, the Jiang Family's eldest grandson, am incompetent, or any less than that lowly whelp."

Jiang Dong disdainfully said.

What bothered him most was that he wasn't as good a student as Jiang Meng, who graduated from the best university in the country.

He, on the other hand, had bought a diploma abroad, which everyone knew was not worth much.

Therefore, in terms of career, he had to prove he was better than Jiang Meng, even better than that Liu Xin!