
My sister was a Disney fan, now I am going through hell.

Nicolas Wolf had a quiet happy life. He got up every morning and full filled his daily routine, he was satisfied. He got a call it was his mother, Nick's sister had died. He attended her funeral, cried, and comforted his mother. Then a man in a lawyer's suit arrived at Nick's doorstep saying that his sister left something to him in her will. ------- THIS IS WON'T JUST BE DISNEY PARODIES ------- Hello, i hope you enjoy and fair warning. I have no idea how I am going to turn what was like a 5 minute idea into a legitimate story. So bare with me, because I am flying by the seat of my pants here, this should be enjoyable for anyone once i get the story truly rolling. If you have any thing to say please tell me, mainly because my content is undefined currently and i don't know which audience i should direct it towards.

SpadesPenndragon · Fantaisie
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59 Chs

Helping the villain

{Author's Note: So in inkstone, my published chapters don't show chapter 9 so i am not sure if this is gonna get placed out of order, But this is chapter 10}

After Nick's rant Jafar simply left having no idea how to progress the situation. Nick still in the cell had no idea what he should do. So he decided to finally take out the sword he found earlier, he examined it but it was just an ordinary sword with some flair. He decided to swing it around to get a feel for it. He decided he would practice using it just in case he would need to fight later,he did this for several hours. When Nick finally stop practicing he got a new skill, "After such diligent training your swordsmanship is now level 3, once you get to level 5 you will need to practice on dummy or living creature." He put the sword away and started to try to get better at shape-shifting, he was able to do it earlier but he didn't really understand how it was so smooth. He felt vibrations again telling him that someone was coming down again.

A soldier was coming down with a hand cuffed scruffy boy. The boy was pushed into a cell across from Nick and the soldier left. "sooooo what are you in for?", Nick had changed his skin tone so he couldn't say that so he began trying to think of a believable story. "I am Aladdin what's your name?" "Well the name is Nicolas but everyone calls me Nick, I impersonated a prince and was arrested for lying about my origin. Apparently they plan on beheading me my home country has already planned on giving me a stoning{1}, so getting beheaded is much better in my opinion. Why are you imprisoned?" Aladdin was shocked at Nick's reply but shrugged it off trying to act cool, the punishment Nick described was likely to be his fate too. "I..I sneaked into the princess room as a servant to give her necklace back." "Oh that's bad they will likely behead you as well, you did what i did but much worse after all the sultan might view that as an attempt on the princesses life. After all I doubt the Sultan's advisor would let you explain yourself." Nick had a completely blank look while Aladdin had a very pale look after Nick's words. "Although i have no idea I have been sitting down here a while i think an entire day has passed for me." Nick wanted to get Aladdin to not pursue...the princess, now princess Jasper. He didn't know how this story would go down so he decided to just assume fore the worst in this case, the worst being the happy ending where The Genie is freed. Nick could craft wishes that could enhance his skills or stats so he required the actually genie to do so. Nick hoped that after getting out of the cave Aladdin would still go about trying to win ...Jasper but without becoming prince Ali.

The Two prisoners sat in silence and as they did Nick revised his plans. Finally after some time Jafar came down again,Advancing the plot with the cave of wonders where Aladdin would get the lamp. By this time Nick came up with a down right devilish plan, when he was soaked in that oasis he knew that Aladdin would go there by tricking the genie to get them out of the cave. His plan would be to get cut off Aladdin story there hopefully, and help Jafar to actually succeed in become sultan.

{1} A stoning is where they tie and bury a person up to there head, After that a crowd of people will gather rocks and stones to throw at the person from a far away distance. Whoever kills the victim usually gets some kind of gift, this was to implant the idea that the person who got stoned deserved it and would make people more likely to through stones at the victim. This was how some kingdoms controlled the mob mentality to avoid rebellions, it was an even much like gladiatorial combat in Greece.