
My Sister's Shadow

The door finally opened, and Alex nearly collapsed with relief. Matthew strolled up to the entrance, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower body. He leaned against the door frame, raising an eyebrow. "Wow, a crowd," he snickered. "What brings you here, Alex?" Alex growled and shoved Matthew against the wall, his breath heavy. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?" he gritted out, his face flushed with anger. Matthew displayed no fear; he looked as if he had achieved his goal, and nothing else mattered. "She's right here. Why don't you see for yourself?"

Annabellegrenville · Sports, voyage et activités
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56 Chs

Late rescue and grief

Alex stared at the district displayed on the screen, his brow furrowed. "What is she doing in Dallas now?" he muttered, puzzled.

He tried to recollect if Sarah had ever mentioned a trip to Dallas, but nothing came to mind. He squinted at the row of modest apartment blocks where she was supposedly located.

"Why would she go there?" Joe wondered aloud, his voice tinged with concern. "Unless..."

An unspoken question hung in the air. Deliah let out another sob and collapsed onto the couch. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't ignored Sarah this morning, she wouldn't have gone for a walk, and..."

Alex shot up from his seat and headed to the door. "We need to find her," he urged urgently. "We're running out of time. It's been hours, and we have no idea what might have happened to her." He swallowed hard and turned to the others. "Boys?"

"We're coming," David nodded. The Aerospace boys followed Alex, splitting between his car and Henry's. Philip gave Deliah a solemn look and wagged his finger. "You stay home in case Sarah returns unexpectedly. Let's hope her phone was just picked up by a stranger."

Deliah nodded faintly. "Please, keep in touch."

Alex's hands trembled as he struggled to insert the key and start the engine. Brad gripped his shoulder firmly. "You've got to stay composed, dude. I know it's not easy, but if you want to save your girlfriend, you've got to keep a level head. You can't lose it just yet." Alex nodded, taking a deep breath before finally starting the engine and hitting the accelerator.

Fear coursed through him, but he was determined to ensure Sarah's safety.


The Aerospace boys stood in front of the towering apartment block where Sarah was believed to be.

Henry let out a frustrated cuss upon seeing the building. "How on earth are we supposed to figure out which apartment she's in?" he pondered.

"We don't," Alex mumbled, striding forward. Steve promptly gathered the boys and divided them into three groups, assigning them to different levels with the task of knocking on every door. The Aerospace team scattered to various floors, rapping on doors and peering through windows. "Sarah? Are you in there?" Steve called out.

Alex had already canvassed three apartments when Joe caught up with him. The two best friends worked separately on neighboring units, engaging in a flurry of door-knocking and doorbell-ringing.

"Excuse me, ma'am, is Sarah inside?"

"Sir, do you happen to know a girl named Sarah?"

"Hello granny, have you seen this girl? She's my girlfriend."

The boys combed through the first level, but none of the residents had any information about Sarah. Some apartments were unoccupied, and Alex made a point of pressing his ear against doors to listen for any signs of activity. They reconvened at the end of the corridor, both shaking their heads. Without a word, they ascended the stairs to the fourth floor, aware that the other boys had already covered the second and third floors.

Each time Alex knocked on a door, his heart raced with anticipation. Could she be in there? Perhaps she was visiting a friend, and her phone was off. Maybe she had encountered an elderly lady in need and had gone with her.

However, every time the door opened, it wasn't the person he longed to see. Alex's desperation grew. He needed to see her immediately, to ensure she was safe. That assurance was something he craved, and he was willing to beg for it.

But she wasn't there.

Alex and Joe reached the top floor, simultaneously knocking on the doors. An elderly man answered the door. Alex extended his phone, displaying his wallpaper featuring a picture of him and Sarah.

"Sir, have you seen this girl?" Alex inquired.

The old man furrowed his brow. "No, I'm sorry," he replied. Joe muttered a quick thanks, and the elderly man began to close the door. Just before it clicked shut, he hesitated.

"Wait," he said, deep in thought. "She looks familiar."

Alex turned around with anticipation. "Yeah?" he asked eagerly.

"The boy who lives next door showed me a photo of this girl before," the old man recalled, still frowning. "He mentioned something about seeking revenge. I thought he was joking, but then again, I don't know him well. He's never spoken to me before. A rude boy, but he seemed overly excited yesterday."

Joe urgently asked, "Who is he?"

The old man tried to remember. "I think his name is Matthew McCall."

Alex and Joe exchanged alarmed glances. "SHIT!" Both of them hurried to the apartment that the old man had indicated, pounding on the door, with Alex attempting to force it open. "HEY, MATTHEW! OPEN UP! OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR" Alex shouted.

The commotion attracted the attention of residents on other floors. Some of them rushed up, asking, "Have you found her?"

The door finally opened, and Alex nearly collapsed with relief. Matthew strolled up to the entrance, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower body. He leaned against the door frame, raising an eyebrow. "Wow, a crowd," he snickered. "What brings you here, Alex?"

Alex growled and shoved Matthew against the wall, his breath heavy. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?" he gritted out, his face flushed with anger.

Matthew displayed no fear; he looked as if he had achieved his goal, and nothing else mattered. "She's right here. Why don't you see for yourself?"

Alex's eyes widened, realizing that Sarah was indeed in this apartment, and Matthew's attire made it all the more unsettling. He pushed Matthew to the ground and rushed into the bedroom, while the others confronted Matthew with threats and fierce glares.

The bed was in complete disarray, with the blankets tossed aside, and the pillows scattered on the floor. It appeared as if a violent struggle had taken place in the room. Alex's gaze honed in on a small bloodstain on the pristine white bedspread, sending a chill down his spine.

Alex froze, his heart racing.

"No. No. NO!"

Desperately, he scanned the room, finding no one present.

"Sarah? Sarah, it's me, Alex," he called out, a deep furrow forming on his forehead. He even checked inside the cupboard, his voice growing more frantic. "Sarah!"

From the bathroom, he heard faint sobbing, and he dashed over, his heart pounding in his chest.

What he saw inside was devastating.

Sarah lay on the floor next to the bathtub, wrapped in the missing blanket from the disheveled bed. Her hair was a tangled mess, and she lay there limply, as if all her will to live had drained away. What frightened Alex the most, though, were her eyes. They held a mix of fear, desperation, and confusion, and they seemed distant, not the eyes of the Sarah he knew.

"No," Alex cried, reaching out for her. "Sarah."

Sarah finally registered his presence and immediately shut her eyes, recoiling in terror.

"NO!" she screamed in hysteria. "GO AWAY! GO AWAY!" Her voice was hoarse, as if she had already used up all her vocal strength. She continued to push him away weakly, but her attempts were feeble.

"Sarah," Alex said softly, gently grasping her hands, his lower lip trembling. "It's me, Alex. I love you, Sarah. Please look at me. I won't hurt you. Please, just look at me." He cooed to her, and Sarah slowly turned toward him, her expression a mix of fear and confusion.

"Alex?" she whispered.

"Yes, it's me," He said, pulling her close. "Sarah. Sarah." He held her tightly, tears welling up in his eyes. Sarah remained limp in his embrace.

"Alex," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I screamed for you to come, but you didn't. I thought someone, you, anyone, someone would save me. I thought no evil could triumph over good." She started to cry again. "Alex... I was so scared."

"Sarah," Alex's voice cracked, and he buried his face in her hair. "Sarah, I'm so sorry for being late. I'm so, so sorry," he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry."

Sarah continued to rest in his arms, her gaze distant as she hadn't fully returned to reality, replaying the horrifying moments in her mind.

The door swung open, and Steve and the other boys entered. "Alex, did you find..." Steve's voice trailed off as he took in the scene, his eyes widening. It was the first time they had ever seen Alex cry so openly, his eyes filled with grief.

"No," Philip whispered, turning away.

Alex closed his eyes, letting out a sob as he held her.

He had been unable to protect her. He had failed.

And now, the person he loved more than life itself had been hurt.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he repeated, his words filled with helplessness. He had no idea what else to say.