
The reencarnation

10 years later...

"Get ready for school!" I shout from the kitchen "If you aren't here in..."

"We got the message, sheesh mom!" said my kid, Dave, scratching his neck, tired as always "Where is Richard?"

"Is on patrol today."

He sighed and then looked at me, curious and I got confused.

"What is it, my dear?" I asked.

"My wolf said that dad is here!"

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking around "Where?"

Right after I ask that the front doorbell ring and I looked to my son, surprised. Was it really them?"

"Hi!" I heard someone's voice "Is your mom home?"

The moment I heard the voice, I turned off the stove and run to the door, it was Adam's father.

"So? Did you find him?" I asked anxiously, I missed them so much.

"Yeah, but..."

"Mom it's the dad!" my other kid said, Liam, pointing to a guy around the twenties.

I looked to both and Adam's refused to look me in the eyes and I realized what happened and started to cry, making my kids try to comfort me.

"I told you that this wasn't going to work," said Adam's voice, behind the two man's and I looked up, confused.

They got out of the front door and I saw Adam and Julian, smiling.

"Hi, there!"

I didn't know what to say or do, was I dreaming? I closed my eyes and opened them again, they were still there. He must be a hallucination.

"No, we are not!" Julian said inside my head "I was hoping to receive a hug, but..."

I run and gave them a huge hug.

"I'm so happy! I didn't think I would see the both of you again."

"It took us some time, but we are back.

Near their necks was a swell that surprised me and I let them go, waiting for the explanation.

"We died!" they said and I got confused "We..."

"Tom said that he saw you in the underworld, fighting with the original" kid Dave said and I looked into Julian's eyes, still waiting.

Adam got inside and we followed him, my eyes never leave them.

"We died and we got reincarnated somehow..." Adam explained. "But, don't worry..."

"Who are you?" Liam asked, curious "Why are you with dad?"

I looked at my son and realized what happened, so I tried to not laugh when I saw Adam get confused.

"What are you talking about? I am your father, we both are."

"No, you aren't." said Dave getting in front of his brother "Don't touch him."

Julian got up from the sofa and got on his knees, beside my kids.

"So, am I your father?"

"Yeah!" they said at the same time, before hugging him "We missed you."

Adam's face was hilarious, but then he looked at me and I knew exactly what was going to happen so I started to walk back.

"Oh, no you won't."

"Julian?" I called him, but he smiled and picked up Liam and Dave "What are you doing?"

"Let mom talk with that guy. He ISN'T you father but he is a nice person."

Adam smiled when Julian got out of the house, but I wasn't ready at all, was he going to hit me.

"Now is time for me to make a baby with you. You lied to me."

I started running toward the door, but he got a hold of me and threw me over the shoulder, making me embarrassed and I stop to get out. I relaxed with his scent, I missed him so much. I love him.

"I love you too." he said and I got more embarrassed, ten years without using the link, made me forget it.

"No!?" I answered, hiding on his neck "Maybe?!"

From then on it was a wonderful life and Adam made me another kid, angry that I lied to him. Even if I was happy, I knew that sooner or later it would happen, so I must appreciate this moment.