
My Ship Is Full Of Women

VOLUME 1 IS SLOW! VOLUME 2 IS ISEKAI! The protagonist is no ordinary anti-hero; he wields a unique power that allows him to traverse two worlds—each more dangerous and alluring than the last. In one world, he's a pirate captain ruling the dangerous Sea of Calamity, filled with monsters, different laws of Physics and power-hungry foes. In the other, he walks among gods and mythical beings, scheming to rise to their level and ultimately claim the throne of divinity for himself. His journey is a relentless ascent to power in both realms, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction in his wake—pirate crews obliterated, navies crushed, and even gods themselves kneeling before him. But don't be fooled by the allure of power; an evil entity stalks him across all three worlds, threatening to end him for reasons unknown. **Warning:** Even if you're not a fan of harem or R18 novels, this story will grip you from the very 30th chapter. Expect to find yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions—laughing, crying, and gasping in shock as the protagonist's journey unfolds. Yes, there are R18 scenes, but they are seamlessly built into the narrative, enhancing the depth of the story rather than detracting from it. These scenes are rare, appearing only a few times per 100 chapters, ensuring that the focus remains on the story itself. -Mass Release Info- - 1x Massage Chair = 1 chapter - 1x Dragon = 4 chapters - 1x Castle or Spaceship = 10 chapters + character insert Get ready for a story that will consume you, leaving you craving more with every swipe of the page.

monawrita · Fantaisie
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103 Chs

Tesco [7]

The next morn, a sudden, jarring voice echoed from up the stairs, rudely rousing everyone other than Jack from their slumber. As he descended into the dungeon prison, it became apparent that it was the same wretched man as before, flanked by six guards.

"Ehm," he grumbled, clearing his throat and peering at his paper, "Pirates with the names: Tesco, Jack, Mary, Rob, Mel. Your demise is scheduled for this very moment, right before the prying eyes of the public."

He grinned with a twisted delight and continued, "There is a shiny new execution contraption I want you lot to behold. Swift, but far from painless. And all of you pirates have the honor of being its second fortunate pigs."

From the distant corner of the dungeon, Rob bellowed, "I'm not a bloody pirate!"

The naval man glared at him, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Hah hah. Keep deluding yourself. You were sailing aboard a pirate vessel, toiling away."

Rob protested, "No, I was kidnapped by 'em. I be a humble merchant."

With a weary sigh, the naval man retorted, "You truly expect me to swallow your empty words? Don't insult my intellect. I am sharper than the whole lot of you combined. And besides, I have me orders."

Rob contemplated proving his innocence, but wisely opted to seal his lips, resigning himself to the grim reality that his demise was nigh.

On the opposite side of the dungeon, Jack lay sprawled on the cold ground, still lost in a deep slumber, his snores filling the air.

Tesco sat leisurely, his legs crossed and arms resting on his thighs, a picture of calmness without a shred of worry or remorse.

Mary, on the other hand, was a bundle of nerves, anxiously biting her nails and stealing glances at the sleeping Jack. Her mind raced, desperately thinking, This can't be the end, it just can't.


The navy man kicked the bars of Jack's cell, jolting him awake in an instant. With tired eyes rimmed with darkness, Jack fixed his gaze upon the man and spoke in a somber, yet cunning tone, "Oi, how 'bout we make a deal? Set me and Mary free, and I'll reward ye with a hefty treasure of gold coins. There be a noble indebted to me."

The man simply raised his hand, signaling the guards accompanying him to start extracting the soon-to-be-dead pirates from their cells.

As they led Rob, Mel, and Tesco away, there was no resistance to their impending fate. However, when they attempted to take Mary and Jack, they were met with a fierce struggle as the pair fought tooth and nail to escape their clutches.

But alas, the peculiar cuffs placed upon them nullified their powers, rendering their attempts ineffective, and they were ultimately overpowered and threatened into submission.


As they emerged from the imposing stone fortress of the navy, a raucous crowd lined the pathway, shouting and cheering, praising the navy for capturing the vicious pirates and protecting the island from their wickedness.

"The navy be supreme!"

"Death to the pirates!"

Jack and Mary walked side by side, flanked by two guards to prevent any escape attempts. Ahead of them, another guard led the procession, with the remaining pirates and guards following closely.

Mary, who typically fretted in such situations, now harbored a glimmer of hope, inspired by her captain's quick thinking and cunning. They had faced countless challenges before, and every time, Jack would act concerned while secretly devising a plan to escape.

So she walked with a newfound confidence, though she silently reassured herself that everything would be alright.

Meanwhile, Jack's stride was noticeably different. Something weighed heavily upon him, evident in his sluggish movements and troubled countenance. His back slightly hunched, his eyes devoid of life, and dark circles etched beneath them.

Mary glanced at him, observing these changes, and nudged him slightly with her elbow, mindful of the handcuffs restraining their hands in front. "Avast, what be goin' on?" she whispered.

He blinked, his gaze unfocused. "What?" he asked in a dazed tone.

She smiled gently and said, "No need to pretend, Cap'n. I now trust in yer schemes and escape plans. So, what be our next move?"

His shoulders sagged, his gaze distant. "Nay, Mary," he admitted, his voice subdued. "I've never faced a situation like this before. Always had a trick up me sleeve, a scheme to slip away."

"What do you mean, nay!? Stop lying, Jack," she insisted.

The weight of uncertainty bore down on Jack, not just for his own life but also for Mary's fate, evident in the weariness etched across his troubled face. "I haven't slept a wink, Mary," he confessed quietly. "I've been racking me brain, but this time, I'm truly stumped. No tricks left."

Mary's expression softened, understanding the rare vulnerability in Jack's words. "We've weathered storms worse than this, Jack," she offered, her voice a soothing whisper.

"Fear not capt'n. We'll find a way through, together."

Jack nodded weakly, a flicker of hope reigniting in his eyes at Mary's unwavering support.

As the procession reached the designated area, now filled with people, their eyes fell upon several tall wooden frames, each holding an angled blade suspended at the top by a rope. The execution devices were stained with the blood of previous victims.

"You're no different from the swine we slaughtered here to test these devices," the navy man taunted.

But the words fell on deaf ears as the pirate's attention was fixated on the crowd cheering with fervor. Even Tesco, who had appeared fearless and impassive in the dungeon, now wore a face of shock, mirroring the emotions of the rest.

Tesco's thoughts raced, Blast it all! They didn't send a single man to liberate me, even after learnin' of the failed attempt. This can't be, I've been abandoned to get me head chopped off!

"SILENCE!" the navy man bellowed, his voice echoing through the air, causing the crowd to gradually hush their cheers.

"These wretched pirates stand before you, guilty of heinous crimes such as murder, theft, rape, impersonation, and various other vile acts," he proclaimed.

"AAAA KILL THEM!" the crowd roared in response, their bloodlust obvious.

Raising his hands, the navy man commanded their attention once more. "Today, we unveil these new contraptions specifically designed to bring about the most excruciating and swift demise for these despicable pirates. Behold, the guillotine!"

"Now, guards!" he ordered, and the guards stepped forward, each leading a pirate to the ghastly apparatus. With their heads placed within the ominous hole, the executioners secured them in place, their arms still bound by the cursed cuffs.