
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Tesco [5]

FLASHBACK 18 years ago

Eighteen years ago, in a humble wooden abode that lacked opulence but exuded a warm and inviting ambiance.

Young Mary Grace sat upon a bed filled with straw, Tesco by her side.

With her short dark blue tresses and wide, innocent eyes, Mary wore a delicate white silk gown adorned with flowers, a true rarity in this world.

Tesco, his brown hair slightly unkempt, possessed eyes that were not cold but rather filled with sorrow. His scars, though fewer, still bore witness to his past.

Mary gazed at her father and inquired, "Papa, where mommy?"

Tesco's eyes welled up with tears, turning red as he spoke in a feeble voice while gently patting her head, "Lass, yer mother has departed to a better realm. Ye shan't lay eyes upon her again, but rest assured, she watches over ye always, wearin' a smile upon her face."

Mary jolted upright from the bed, her expression fraught with anger. "Papa lyin'. Where mommy?"

Tesco let out a heavy sigh and replied, "I speak the truth, me dear. I understand it be difficult to believe and accept, but she be naught but a memory now."

He continued, "Dost thou recall when ye had that feline companion?"

Mary nodded fervently.

"Aye, and when the feline took its final breath, we laid her to rest, and ye never laid eyes upon her again. That be what happened to yer momma."

Mary's eyes widened further, tears streaming down her cheeks as she began to sob, fleeing from Tesco. Yet, he followed her, and soon they found themselves outside, seated upon a grassy meadow.

Mary clutched at the grass with her tiny hands, tossing it into the air while whispering, "Momma."

Tesco's arm enveloped Mary's trembling frame as he uttered, "It be only thee and me now, me dear."


FLASHBACK 17 years ago, aboard a pirate sloop ship with a mere six souls:

The roaring winds howled with fury, unleashing a tempest upon the ship. The sloop, though larger in size, struggled against the relentless storm with its meager crew.

A small navy vessel, relentless in its pursuit, loomed just a hundred meters away on the starboard side.

Unbeknownst to the crew, Mary had managed to sneak aboard undetected, finding solace within the confines of the barrel. Cleverly concealed near the captain's cabin.

Clutching her handcrafted wooden pirate ship toy, a memento crafted by her mother, Mary swung her arms in rhythm with the ship's tumultuous journey.

Steering the ship's wooden wheel, Captain Tesco bellowed, "FETCH THE GUNPOWDER, YE SCURVY DOGS!"

Two crew members swiftly halted their tasks, responding to their captain's command.

One descended into the ship's hold, a cavernous space reserved for cargo and supplies beneath the main deck.

The other made his way toward the captain's cabin, where three barrels of gunpowder were stowed.

"Was it only two barrels?" he wondered momentarily.

Opening the first barrel, he discovered a stockpile of gunpowder. Satisfied, he sealed it and carried it to the crew responsible for manning the cannons.

Returning to the cabin, he opened another barrel, only to find a young girl of six engrossed in play with her wooden toy ship.

Grabbing her arm, he pulled her out of the barrel, exclaiming, "Blimey! A cursed child 'as stowed away! The cap'n will 'ave me hide for this!"

His shouts caught Tesco's attention, who looked over and immediately wore a sly grin, not due to his daughter's presence, but rather the leverage she could provide against the pursuing navy ship.

"BRING HER FORTH!" Tesco commanded.

The crew member brought Mary Grace forward, who gleefully exclaimed, "Papa, I be a pirate, pheww!" while continuing to play with her wooden toy ship.

The crewmate glanced at Tesco and asked, "She be yer daughter, cap'n?"

Tesco replied with a mixture of resignation and pride, "Aye, unfortunately. If not for this young lass, I might've been a pirate lord by now."

Mary, oblivious to the conversation, maintained her infectious smile, simply grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her mostly absent father.

Tesco crouched down, saying, "Papa shall hoist ye high in me arms and show that navy ship how beautiful ye be, aye?"

"Yes, papa," Mary replied eagerly.

With a wry smile, Tesco produced his single-shot flintlock pistol and handed it to his crewmate, whispering, "Aim this at her noggin," before carefully lifting Mary into his arms.

He held her aloft for what seemed like an eternity, while the navy ship hesitated, uncertain about the fate of an innocent child.

"HAR HAR HAR! Well done, lass," Tesco exclaimed with a mix of joy and relief.

Mary beamed, pleased to receive praise from her father.

Suddenly, thunderous booms filled the air. Cannonballs whizzed through the sky, some missing their mark and crashing into the depths of the sea, while others found their mark, striking the sloop ship with devastating force.

Fortunately, the cannonballs avoided critical areas of the ship, allowing the crew to swiftly adjust the sails, catching a favorable gust of wind.

The ship surged forward, propelled by the newfound wind, gaining distance between itself and the pursuing navy vessel.

But the navy ship, undeterred, honed its aim and fired three more cannonballs, striking the mast and hull of the sloop ship, causing irreparable damage.

"Blimey, bollocks, and barnacles! It be the end of the line," Tesco cursed, his realization of the dire situation sinking in. "There be no way out of this mess."

He looked over at Mary, who sat traumatized on the deck, tears streaming down her face. He approached her, a mix of anger and sorrow in his eyes.

"Avast, ye cursed presence! If ye never stepped aboard this vessel, I wouldn't 'ave resorted to usin' ye as a pawn in me game. The ship would've stayed whole, and that navy scum would be reduced to splintered wreckage. It be all yer fault, ye wretched spawn, and ye be resemblin' yer harlot of a mother with each passin' moment."

Mary, her young mind grasping only fragments of Tesco's bitter words, cried inconsolably, desperate to seek comfort in her father's embrace. But Tesco, consumed by his own anger and disappointment, pushed her away.

"Leave me be," he spat, turning his back on her.

The crew, too preoccupied with the ship's impending doom, paid little attention to the emotional turmoil unfolding between father and daughter.

As the sloop ship slowly succumbed to the relentless assault, the crew scrambled to salvage what they could. But their efforts were in vain, and the ship began to sink beneath the unforgiving waves.

With heavy hearts, the crew members took to the lifeboats, leaving behind the shattered remains of their once-mighty vessel.

Though they did manage to make their daring escape to a remote island, the toll on Captain Tesco was unfathomable. For three long and treacherous years, he had sailed the stolen ship, laden with countless spoils, overflowing with gold, luxurious Nord clothes, barrels of gunpowder, and an abundance of rum.

But alas, it all vanished into the depths of misfortune, leaving Tesco bereft of his wealth and possessions. He now finds himself adrift, forced to begin anew, with an empty pouch and no ship to commandeer.

In the depths of the island's dense forest, with Mary faithfully by his side, Captain Tesco succumbed to a fit of manic laughter, pounding the ground with his fists. But as suddenly as it began, his frenzied outburst ceased, replaced by a sinister smile.

Fixing his gaze upon Mary, he uttered with a chilling tone, "Ye shall be me means of income for me new vessel."


FLASHBACK, 16 years ago, in a dimly lit room:

Mary Grace lay upon a bed filled with straw, the flickering light of a single candle casting an eerie glow upon the wooden planks that composed the room.

At the tender age of 6, Mary donned an oversized silk dress adorned with crimson lines, its fabric swathing her small frame.

Suddenly, the door groaned open, revealing a disheveled man in his forties, his long black hair cascading over pirate attire. His gaze fixated upon Mary, his tongue slithering across his lips as his hand ventured towards his crotch.

However, Tesco burst into the room, his voice gruff as he intervened, "Lane, ye've laid yer eyes on her. Now settle yer debt. One hour with the lass be costin' ye 2 gold coins."

Lane reluctantly handed over the coins, and with Tesco's departure, the two were left alone once more.