
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Tesco [3]

The man observed their presence, his unmoving figure betraying no indication of surprise or alarm. He simply stood there, an observer of their every move.

"Sir, there's a riot upstairs. Please, lend us your aid," Jack pleaded, hoping to rouse some sense of assistance from the enigmatic figure.

The man tilted his head slightly to the right, his slow, deliberate steps bringing him closer to Jack and Mary. His cold gaze remained unbroken, an impenetrable fortress of determination.

Realizing their plea had fallen on deaf ears, Jack whispered urgently, "Mar, shoot him."

Mary swiftly positioned the musket she had confiscated earlier, taking aim at the man. With a resounding click, she cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger.


The shot rang out, directed straight at the man.


Yet, to their astonishment, the bullet met an unexpected obstacle. The man, in a display of supernatural power, conjured chains from his left hand and cuffs from his right, expertly using them to shield his body.

Before Jack and Mary could fully comprehend the situation, a long iron chain shot forth from the man's hand, hurtling towards Jack with deadly intent.

Reacting instinctively, Mary pushed Jack out of harm's way, only to receive a devastating blow from the chain that sent her crashing to the ground.

"Mary!!!" Jack's voice trembled with anger and concern as he witnessed his companion's fall.

Driven by fury, Jack unleashed the powers of both his artifacts. Swinging three ropes with all his might, he aimed to ensnare the man's neck.

Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh.

Yet, to their dismay, the guard stood there, a sinister smile gracing his lips. With deft control over his own chains and cuffs, he effortlessly maneuvered them through the air, expertly restraining Jack's vines.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Jack pulled with all his strength, attempting to retract the vines back into his grasp. However, his efforts proved futile, the power of the guard's restraints overwhelming his own.

Letting out a primal scream, Jack charged towards the man, evading the onslaught of incoming chain attacks with a blend of agility and determination.

The guard, unfazed, leaped backward, releasing the rest of his chains and cuffs. They disentangled themselves from the vines, no longer restraining them. With swift precision, he launched a cuff towards Jack's chest.

Jack reacted swiftly, evading the attack just in time.

Seizing the cuff linked with a chain, Jack foolishly tugged at it, hoping to gain an advantage.

The guard's smile widened, a testament to his confidence. With lightning speed, he retracted the cuff, launching Jack towards a nearby stone wall. The impact was brutal, causing Jack to cough up blood.

"This is as far as you go, pirate," the man declared, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction as he seized Jack's hair, asserting his dominance over the defeated pirate.

He continued his taunting, relishing in his perceived superiority. "In all my years as warden of this dungeon, I've yet to witness a soul, be they man or woman, slip past my watchful eye. This fortress's walls have held steadfast against every attempt, regardless of any Linker's futile effort. Ha! Few even muster the courage to try. It's become a tedious cycle indeed"

With a swift gesture, he summoned chains, securing them tightly around Jack's body. With his other hand, he grasped Jack's neck, effortlessly lifting him off the ground.

The guard's arrogance knew no bounds as he continued his gloating. "But you, my friend, are different. Unlike the rest, you possess the audacity to venture into this treacherous domain."

As the chains tightened, Jack struggled to breathe, his face contorted in pain. He could've fought against it, yet, he maintained a facade of weakness, a calculated ruse to deceive his captor.

A subtle smile crept upon Jack's lips, causing the man to question his expression. "He doesn't have any courage, he's nothing more than a fool," the guard sneered.

1 minute ago:

Mary's senses slowly returned as she fought against the darkness that enveloped her. The searing pain from the blow to her face and the echoing thud of Jack colliding with the wall pierced through her consciousness.

With a determined effort, Mary opened her eyes, her gaze shifting to the left. There, she witnessed the sight of Jack sprawled on the ground, his hair firmly clutched by the imposing figure.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Mary's veins, instantly restoring her full awareness. Rising to her feet with caution, she approached the man, her every movement calculated.

In the present moment:

As the chains continued to tighten around Jack, Mary stealthily approached from behind, swiftly placing her hands on the man's back. Letting out a piercing scream, she channeled every ounce of electricity she could muster, unleashing it upon him.

The shockwaves surged through the man's body. Standing upright, he trembled uncontrollably, his entire frame convulsing under the overwhelming force of the electricity.

But he was not the sole recipient of the electric surge. Due to the interconnected nature of the chains and direct contact to Jack's neck, the current found its way to Jack as well.

The man crumpled to the ground, his body wracked with convulsions, and Jack followed suit, trembling uncontrollably.

Rushing to his side, Mary crouched down and uttered hastily, "Apologies, apologies, me Captain!"

Placing her warm hands gently on Jack's face, she caressed his features with tender strokes.

Jack's convulsions subsided, and he weakly retorted, "Ye scurvy wench, ye've zapped me too."

"Me sincerest apologies, Captain. Be ye alright?" Mary inquired with concern.

"Aye, help me up, lass. Be he dead?" Jack asked.

Mary rose to her feet and placed her hand over the man's chest, checking for signs of life. To her surprise, she felt a faint heartbeat.

She turned to Jack and spoke softly, "He be alive Captain."

"Kill him," Jack commanded.

Mary nodded solemnly, positioning her hand on the man's forehead. She closed her eyes and summoned her electric power, causing the man to tremble even more.

After approximately 20 seconds, Jack intervened, pushing Mary's arms away. "Lass, be ye daft? Ye be cookin' 'im up like a feast! Can't ye see?"

She glanced down and noticed the man's forehead and chest charred like charcoal.

"Arr, forget that. Did ye find his artifact?" Jack inquired.

Mary leaned in closer, touching the man's chest, but found no trace of the artifact.

"Fetch me the blade," Jack requested.

Once handed the blade, Jack swiftly carved open the man's chest, creating a cavity. As he leaned in, he discovered two stone artifacts nestled inside.

With his fingers, Jack carefully retrieved the first stone artifact, then the second.

Just as he was about to secure them in his leather pouch, the sound of thunderous footsteps echoed from the upper level, originating from the second dungeon.

"I must be the unluckiest pirate to ever sail these treacherous seas if this be what I reckon it to be," Jack muttered with a heavy sigh, well aware that their escape be nigh impossible.

Mary cast a wary glance towards the staircase, bracing herself for the impending arrival of their new adversaries.

"If 'tis the navy, best ye keep yer hands still. 'Twould be wise if they just lock us up in this cursed place, savvy?" he instructed.

In a matter of moments, a swarm of navy guards stormed in, their presence ominous and relentless. They swiftly apprehended Jack and Mary, securing them with shackles and unceremoniously confining them within a cell.