
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Stone is the new Gold [1]

A span of hours had gracefully slipped away, finding both Jack and Mary ensconced in the captain's cabin. The wooden barel cradling their rum gracefully swayed, mirroring the rhythmic dance of the ship, while the flickering candlelight provided a refuge from the persistent rain outside.

Having charted a course to an island, approximately an hour's sail from the Silk Harbor, Jack harbored hopes of bartering their silk for Nords. Presently, he clutched a staggering 21 Nord coins, a wealth equivalent to two gold pieces.

Upon the table lay merely two stone pieces, artifacts of mysterious origin that Jack continued to scrutinize with unwavering focus. Mary, her skepticism evident, questioned, "Captain, be ye certain these ain't worthless trinkets?"

"Mary, mark me words, these bits be worth more than the glint of gold, I can feel it in me bones," he declared, his right eye now a deep, pure azure adorned with a symbolic dance of golden circles.

"What say ye, lass? Could these stones be the fount of their mysterious powers? They met a fiery end at our hands, and these remnants are all that remain, alongside their flesh and bones," Jack pondered.

"Could be, captain. Let me have a go at deciphering their secrets," Mary suggested, seizing one of the stones.

As she endeavored to establish a connection with the artifact, her countenance squirmed, eyes narrowing in concentration.

"HAR HAR, look who's got a sea-dog expression now, lass!" Jack teased, pointing out her canine-like transformation.

Undeterred, Mary persisted in her attempt to unlock the stone's mysteries. Meanwhile, Jack took possession of the other piece, deftly juggling it before a momentary lapse resulted in its brief descent. Swiftly recovering, he resumed his casual demeanor.

Various antics ensued in Jack's attempt to coerce the stone into revealing its secrets – slapping it on his forehead, mimicking acrobatics. Ultimately, it found its place near his heart, seemingly guided by unseen legs that burrowed it into his very being.

Observing this, Mary rushed to his aid, but the stone had already started nestling within him. "PULL, MARY, PULL!" he implored as the stone carved a fleeting hole before the wound closed with unnatural speed.

"Incredible, captain," Mary marveled as a surge of newfound power coursed through Jack, accompanied by the sight of a number – 100.

"Oi, Mary, it worked!" Jack exclaimed, motioning her to sit. An ominous grin played upon his lips as he closed his eyes, probing the depths of his newfound abilities. His left hand bore witness to the alteration.

Extending his left hand, Jack conjured two vines that ensnared Mary's neck, momentarily robbing her of breath. The laughter that followed the release echoed through the cabin, yet the number dwindled to 99.

"Captain! Why'd ye test it on me, ye scoundrel?" Mary protested, her indignant gaze meeting Jack's unrepentant grin.

"Did ye fancy the surprise, lass?" Jack inquired, the remnants of amusement lingering on his lips.

As the number diminished, Jack questioned the consequence of reaching zero. The other stone passed to Mary, he encouraged her, "Give it a whirl, lass. Place it near yer heart."

With a measure of hesitation, Mary complied. However, the stone remained unresponsive. Jack reclaimed it, surmising, "Pass it to me, lass. I reckon I know why it ain't responding."

Placing it near his heart, the stone exhibited an immediate reaction, embedding itself once more. "AAAA, DOES IT HAVE TO HURT LIKE THIS?" Jack bellowed as the wound mended. Upon regaining composure, he discovered a change.

In the realm of his sight, Jack beheld the emergence of a small icon depicting a white vine, accompanied by the adjacent number 99. Below it, another icon materialized – a representation of white claws – paired with the distinctive number 100.

"Mary, ye already possess power in yer hands; hence, it didn't heed yer call. I, on the other hand, only harbored power in me eye and later in me one hand," Jack elucidated.

"Captain, not fair! Ye got both these powers, and I only have one. Zap!" Mary retorted, unleashing a bolt of energy.

"I can invoke it a hundred times each, and I reckon it falters thereafter," Jack shared, furthering, "This be worth more than all the treasures I've sought before – a single stone conferring power, setting ye apart from ordinary pirates."

Leaning in close, he locked eyes with Mary, remarking, "Oi, lass, this be a realm of opportunities hitherto unseen."

Leaning back in his fixed wooden chair, Jack exhaled audibly. "I always reckoned me father set me on a treasure hunt, but in truth, he led me to these powers."

Mary absorbed her captain's characteristic narcissistic and rogue-like oratory.

Jack continued, "We're embarking on a hunt for these stones, and amidst our journey, we'll plunder and lay claim to any gold we uncover."

Mary echoed with enthusiasm, "AY AY, CAPTAIN!" before pouring another round of rum for the duo.


The Creature dropped anchor at the bustling dock of Black Leather, an island under the command of Jorkin, a renowned pirate admiral in the Sea of Wales. This island, larger than the last, bore the unmistakable stamp of piracy—occupied solely by pirates and hosting a bustling black market for the exchange of plundered goods.

Black Leather presented a golden opportunity to sell their ill-gotten silk without drawing the attention of the Navy.

No Navy dares to attack an island claimed by Pirate Kings/Queens and Admirals. The boldness of attacking an island claimed by Pirate Kings, Queens, or Admirals would invoke the wrath of hundreds of fleets, deterring any such interference.

As the ship docked, Jack, intentionally testing the air beneath him, attempted a grand entrance by stepping into thin air. He landed on the platform with a comical stumble, miraculously on his feet.

Mary, less theatrically inclined, simply leaped down, her hands laden with silk while Jack's remained empty.

The absence of hired guards this time stemmed from one of Admiral Jorkin's rules: no plundering of docked ships or vessels in the island's proximity. Violating this decree would incur the pursuit of Jorkin's formidable fleet, a fate most pirates sought to avoid.

The front part of the island, where the dock sprawled, housed a grand wooden structure—Jorkin's gift to the merchants. However, it came at a price, with the admiral claiming 15% of every sale.

Behind this stood a network of cobbled stone pathways lined with wood and stone houses—a gift not only to Jorkin's crew but also available for purchase by wealthy pirates.

Navigating the bustling market, they encountered tables of varying sizes offering an array of goods, from gunpowder and leather to silk and gold exchange. Pirates and merchants alike bustled about, some laden with crates and barrels of their acquisitions.

Approaching a merchant displaying leather and silk, Jack pointed to Mary, obscured by the bounty of silk in her hands, and declared, "Oi, I have this for sale."

The merchant, an older man with no hair, brown skin, and crooked black-yellowish teeth, instructed, "Alright, put it down here," gesturing to the wooden floor.

Mary obediently placed the silk as the merchant meticulously counted each sheet aloud. Usually sold in rectangular thin sheets, silk's transport and valuation were made more manageable.

"One, two, three..." the merchant counted, ensuring Jack could follow along.

Upon completing the count, he proposed, "There's a total of 54 silk sheets, hmm, how 'bout 10 gold coins."

Mary corrected him, asserting, "Me counted it too, it was 89."

Amused, Jack laughed, "Lass, keep yer countin' to yerself HAR HAR," as Mary crossed her arms in response.