
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Lady Eleanor [5]

In the early hours of the morning, just before the pirate prisoners were to be led to the gallows, Eleanor awoke in her lavishly adorned chamber alongside Robin.

"Good morrow," she murmured, her voice still heavy with slumber.

Robin, with a drowsy nod, responded, "A pleasant morning to you as well."

"Eloise, I have spent the night contemplating a matter, and I hold your esteemed opinion in high regard," Eleanor began, their voices hushed as they remained nestled in the opulent comfort of their beds.

Robin's gaze met Eleanor's, curiosity mingled with a touch of concern etched upon her face. Eleanor continued, "I find myself pondering the audacious notion of joining the crew of these pirates and embarking upon a life of swashbuckling adventure!"

Startled, Robin jolted upright, settling herself on the edge of the sumptuous bed, her mouth slightly ajar and her eyes widened. "What in the world do you mean?"

Eleanor joined her, delicately taking Robin's hands in hers. "You are well aware of my yearnings, my longing for something beyond the confines of our noble existence. Becoming a pirate seems to offer the very liberation I seek—a chance to embrace my authentic self and revel in newfound freedom."

Robin sighed, placing a hand upon her forehead. "Eleanor, I implore you to consider the gravity of your words. It is possible that you are romanticizing the notion of piracy. Instead, mayhaps redirect your focus towards the prospect of matrimony. Once wedded, you will be shielded from the constraints of our present circumstances. You shall be cherished, adored, and provided with the opportunities that our elevated station affords. You are aware of the lengths to which our noble suitors will go for a woman of beauty and loyalty."

Eleanor cast her gaze downward, her voice filled with a subtle resignation. "If only I possessed the authority to select my own betrothed, I would not entertain the notion of piracy. Alas, it is my father who wields such power, and his choice is likely to be an aged gentleman with abundant wealth and opulence. Such a future holds no allure for me."

Robin forced a genteel smile, striving to be supportive. "Consider this, Eleanor. Should you find yourself united with an elderly gentleman, his remaining time upon this mortal coil would assuredly be limited, perchance no more than five to ten years. Upon his eventual passing, you would inherit his estate, assuming the mantle of a woman of substantial influence. Then, you would possess the freedom to carve your own path and pursue your desires with an even greater abundance of resources at your disposal."

Eleanor let out a sigh, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and yearning. "I cannot fathom enduring another five to ten years of this existence. I have already weathered the trials of eighteen."

But then, a spark of excitement infused Eleanor's tone as she spoke dreamily. "Robin, the allure of the pirate crew is undeniably captivating. The captain, Jack Thunder, is refreshingly authentic. He does not feign nor assume false pretenses like the majority of our noble peers. He is forthright and candid. He even admitted, in his own unique manner, that he saved me solely for the sake of obtaining riches, and I found his honesty rather refreshing. Furthermore, his crewmate, Mary, defies conventional expectations, a woman who fearlessly traverses the seven seas by his side. While most pirates shun the notion of employing women due to their superstitions regarding ill fortune and perceived frailty, Jack dismisses such archaic beliefs. I can already envision myself sailing alongside them, exploring distant islands, and braving perilous encounters."

Robin adjusted her posture, embodying the grace of nobility, as she spoke with measured poise. "If that is truly the sentiment that resonates within you, Eleanor, and if you have meticulously weighed the risks and challenges that lie ahead, then I suppose there is no inherent flaw in entertaining the prospect of joining the pirate crew. As long as you are well-informed and resolute in your decision."

Eleanor's excitement overflowed, and she embraced Robin with the grace befitting their noble upbringing, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I am profoundly grateful, Robin. I shall carry your friendship in my heart, even as our paths diverge towards divergent destinies."

Robin's emotions overwhelmed her, and she began to sob uncontrollably. "I will miss you dearly. I cannot fathom who I will spend my days with once you depart."

Eleanor's tears mingled with Robin's, her voice quivering as she whimpered, "You will undoubtedly find someone as genuine and loyal as yourself. It is inconceivable that anyone would not desire your friendship."

They released their embrace and wiped away their tears, their teary eyes locked in a poignant moment of connection.

"I have cherished our friendship, dear Robin," Eleanor uttered with a heartfelt tone.

Robin replied with equal sincerity, "And I, too, have treasured our bond. If it weren't for your presence, I fear I would have succumbed to despair."

They spent the next fifteen minutes sharing cherished memories, and Eleanor promised that she would visit Robin someday when her adventures brought her back to the shores of Wales. After changing into a different attire, they silently left the mansion, ensuring to lock the door behind them to avoid revealing their absence.

As they stepped into the bustling town, they paused, gazing at each other one last time, and embraced once more, whispering their final farewell.

Then, they embarked on separate paths. Eleanor first ventured to the executioner's abode, claiming Jack's belongings. She then made her way to the tavern, reentering the underground pirate network, until she finally reached Q.

"Ahoy, Q," Eleanor greeted respectfully.

Q, in his rough and grizzled manner, retorted with a mischievous smirk, "What be troublin' ye, lass?"

"I have a question to ask, if you would be so kind," Eleanor began, her tone humble. "How can I locate a pirate ship on this island? Specifically, Jack's pirate ship. If you wish, I can compensate you for the information."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Q scoffed, "No need to hand over yer gold, lass. Ye've already filled me coffers quite handsomely. Now, tell me, how many scurvy crewmates does this Jack scallywag have?"

"Only one," Eleanor replied.

As Eleanor provided the answer, Q's eyes gleamed with knowledge. "Aye, then his ship be lurkin' in the shadows of the tradin' dock, masqueradin' as a merchant vessel. But ye'll see through the deceit, mark me words. Look for the Jolly Roger, folded, high upon the mast. Or if ye dare, venture into the belly of the ship, the Captain's quarters. Mind ye, there be only two other pirate ships docked 'round these parts."

Eleanor exhaled, gratitude evident in her voice. "Thank you, sir Q, for sharing your knowledge. But how will I know if it is indeed Jack's ship?"

Q's patience wore thin, his irritation seeping through his words. "Lass, we be engagin' in business, but ye be askin' too many questions. I be a man o' trade, and this be me final say. With only one crewmate by his side, Jack's vessel be a wee sloop, dwarfed by them other behemoths sailin' nearby."

Bowing respectfully, Eleanor expressed her gratitude and departed from the underground tunnels, making her way towards the dock, her heart brimming with determination.


Thirty minutes ago, just after their parting:

Robin, who had held back her tears during their farewells, now found herself overcome with emotion. Her tears flowed freely as she whispered, "Oh, Eleanor, you daring soul. I am genuinely happy for you." A smile graced her face at the thought of her dear friend.

Standing near the gates of the navy fortress, Robin anxiously awaited the eruption of explosive sounds that would signal the beginning of their grand distraction. After a short while, the cacophony commenced.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Explosions thundered throughout, their deafening echoes reaching even the cliffs where Eleanor's mansion stood. Robin stood resolute, patiently awaiting the precise outcome she had meticulously calculated.

And it happened. A guard sprinted toward the gate's arched, wooden doors, shouting, "ALL GUARDS, ASSEMBLE! ALL GUARDS, ASSEMBLE!"

From within the fortress, two navy men pulled on the chain connected to the door, causing it to swing open wide.

"GUARDS, ASSEMBLE!" the guard bellowed once more.

Without hesitation, the guards rushed out of the fortress and congregated at the designated spot. No questions were asked, for they too had heard the resounding blasts.

As soon as the guards marched forth, Robin, who had been observing the scene, suddenly felt her equilibrium falter, causing her to sway unsteadily.

She donned an elegant, silk white dress adorned with delicate pink floral patterns, along with a regal gown befitting her noble status.

The guards took notice of her but refrained from intervening. Then, as if in distress, she tumbled to the ground, convulsing rapidly. Her entire body trembled, capturing the full attention of the guards, for she appeared to be a distressed noble lady. Nobles were considered of higher rank than navy guards and were to be safeguarded from any potential danger.

Five guards swiftly crouched down, positioning themselves around her, while the others stood guard nearby. One guard gently turned her body to the side, another fervently called for her to awaken, and a third splashed water onto her face from a flask.

Continuing her charade for another minute, Robin slowly fluttered her eyes open and inquired, "What happened? Where am I?"

"Lady, are you alright? We found you in this state. May we inquire about your full name?" a concerned guard asked.

"My full name is Robin Welker," she replied.

The surnames of all noble families residing on the island were well-known to the inhabitants, prompting the guard to relay to his fellow navy comrades, "The two of us shall remain here to assist the lady. The rest of you, march swiftly to the gallows. All will be explained there visually. GO!"

A slight curl of Robin's lip hinted at her satisfaction as she thought, This is the best I can do, Eleanor. I pray that everything unfolds as we have meticulously planned.