
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
41 Chs

Beast of Howling Treetop [9]

The following morning, the sun's early rays burst into the small house, casting light into every corner. It illuminated the kitchen and the cozy bedroom shared by Claus and Vanella. Their magnificent bed boasted a custom-carved pattern resembling a bell-shaped flower, a creation meticulously crafted by Claus himself.

The light also spilled into Iva's room through a glass window. His bed was of regular size but had a distinct shape, resembling that of a horse. Additionally, a wooden horse toy sat in one corner, complete with a seat.

Iva often enjoyed sitting on it, pretending to 'ride' the toy as it rocked back and forth—Claus had ingeniously designed it for such play.

Today, Claus, enjoying a rare day off, was roused from slumber by a beam of sunlight creeping into his eye. He shifted positions but still held Vanella close.

Meanwhile, Iva was engulfed in a distressing dream, emitting occasional muffled and frightened noises.

In his dream, he found himself crouched on a sandy shore, gazing at his reflection in crystal-clear seawater. The gentle movements of the water occasionally distorted his reflection, then restored it to normal.

As he observed, a bubble emerged and expanded slightly on the water's surface, capturing his attention. Sensing an odd sensation in his mouth, he felt around with his tongue, discovering an itch above his teeth. Suddenly, a rock-hard object fell from his mouth. Startled, he retrieved it—a tooth that had just fallen out.

Anxious, he turned around and spotted his parents waving near his home. As he tried to move towards them, he found himself immobilized, unable to move, while the images of his parents began to slowly dissolve from their feet upward.

Behind him, another bubble emerged, breaking through the surface with an alluring grace. Its presence enticed him, drawing his attention back to the captivating dance of the water's surface.

As his gaze fixated on the mesmerizing display, the worries and memories of his parents faded into the background. In that moment, the allure of the sea surface and his own reflection became his sole fascination, erasing any trace of the existence he had known before. The ever-captivating movement of the water and the sight of his reflection kept him enthralled, oblivious to the world around him.

Lost in this enchanting trance, Iva continued to watch as more teeth fell from his mouth, spitting them out into the water. Each tooth joined the growing collection on the sea's surface, drifting away in different directions. With every passing moment, his once-complete set of teeth diminished until he was left toothless.

He snapped out of the enchanting trance, his mind abruptly released from the mesmerizing grip of the water's surface. But as his awareness returned, a wave of despair washed over him, for he found himself confronted with the harrowing sight of his home and parents completely vanished.

Overwhelmed by a sense of utter loss, he couldn't contain his anguish any longer, and he cried out in a piercing alarm that echoed through the air.

Gently shaking his body, Vanella whispered, "Iva, wake up. Wake up."

Iva opened his eyes, his heart racing. As soon as he saw his mother, he sprang from bed and embraced her tightly, tears streaming down his face.

She comforted him, patting his back reassuringly. "It's alright, Iva. Mama's here."

Once the boy calmed down, he had already forgotten the details of his unsettling dream.

"Do you want to sleep with Papa and Mama?" she asked.

He nodded slowly, eyes downcast.

Taking his hand, she led him to the bedroom where Claus slumbered, emitting light snores. Gently shifting him to the edge of his side without awakening him, she settled the boy in the middle, joining them on the other side.


Two hours later, they gradually stirred awake, starting with Vanella rising half an hour earlier to prepare breakfast. Claus followed, and Iva, the last to awaken, emerged from his slumber.

After dressing in fresh clothes, Claus and Iva headed to the kitchen, lured by the rich aroma of deer meat mixed with the pungent sulphuric scent of eggs.

Arranged neatly on the wooden table were three plates: two adorned with portions of savory deer meat, while the third held a perfectly cooked egg—reserved for Iva.

Upon seeing the egg, Iva's face lit up with joy, and he wasted no time in sitting down and relishing his breakfast.

Before joining them at the table, Claus leaned over and gently kissed Vanella, whispering, "Why did he sleep with us?"

She leaned toward him, responding softly, "He had a bad dream early this morning," before settling back into her seat.

"Ah, understood," Claus acknowledged, taking his place at the table.

After breakfast, Claus joined Vanella outside to help with the dishes, utilizing a wooden bucket filled with water. Meanwhile, Iva sat inside, enjoying his time on the small wooden horse, gently rocking back and forth.

"Our son impressed me yesterday," she remarked.

"I always knew he was ready to work. But I'm concerned he might miss out on making friends, enjoying his childhood, and playing outdoors. While working early teaches valuable lessons, he needs to socialize and play with other kids," Claus expressed his concern.

"I agree. He's only 8. He'll make friends before he turns 10," she reassured.

"What about Bookloom? Has he made any friends there? He's been there for a month," Claus inquired.

"Not yet. I'm confident he will in due time. You worry too much," she responded.

"I can't help it," he admitted.

Vanella planted a soft kiss on his cheek, comforting him, and they resumed washing the dishes together.


As night descended, they retired to their respective rooms for sleep.

The yellow-red moon hung in the sky, radiating a brighter glow than usual, casting enough light to navigate the island's dirt roads without the need for candles. Behind the moon, a stunning display of red, orange, and yellow light created a thin, fiery ring around its edges, a sight visible from below.

This rare occurrence, happening once every 50 years, lasts merely an hour or two. It results from the sun aligning directly behind the moon, giving the illusion of a halo encircling the lunar body.

Even the usually shimmering stars paled in comparison to the dual presence of the natural satellite and the blazing ball of plasma in the night sky.

Despite the late hour, some men continued working in the timber fields. Their numbers were fewer than during the day as the workplace operated in two shifts: day and night. Those on the night shift earned an extra Nord, totaling three Nords for their labor.

However, due to the fatigue induced by strenuous work and the late hour, most men preferred the day shift.

Emerging from the thick forest, a group of men bearing axes ventured onto the work field. As they arrived, a rotation ensued. A team set out to retrieve felled trees from the forest, allowing the axe team to get some rest.

The woodconner, his messy black hair partially covering his eyes, sat atop a tree trunk, seemingly 'observing' the laborers. In reality, he dozed off, drooling, resembling someone who had toiled all day, despite his idle posture.

Away from the workfield, almost every house had its candles off; men needed to sleep early and remain available for work in case of unexpected events or increased workload. Houses that did have lit candles mostly had women engaged in chores and preparing morning meals for their husbands and children, as they have bookloom tomorrow.

On a specific part in the outer layer center is the chief's huge house. There are, in total, two chiefs, one at the lower part of the island and one at the top, each having its own dock and export. The lower exports wood, while the upper collects sea shells, which the rich and alike buy for various reasons.

In the lower area, where Claus, Vanella, and Iva live, the chief's house was two stories high and had a huge balcony with a view of the whole left and right, and most importantly, the beautiful view of the sea.

A woman sat there on a wooden chair on the seat that had a red-colored cloth whose inside was feathered.

Her oval-shaped face was illuminated in red and yellow hues because of the moon, and her eyes gazed up at the sky admiring the view.

Taking a wooden brush that looked like teeth from the table in front of her, she lightly brushed her long black hair elegantly.

The long, loose, flowy gown she wore wasn't cheap; it was obvious she was the wife of the chief. It featured golden embroidery on the bodice trailing down to a skirt of delicate lace and silk.

The neckline of her dress was a marvel, framing a dazzling gold necklace with a white, almost perfect circle pearl.

After completing her hairbrushing routine, she delicately returned the brush to the table and gracefully rose, leaning her arms on the wooden fence. She hoped to steal another minute or two, savoring the magnificent view before returning indoors.

In the distance, she spotted a large ship unmistakably steering its course toward Polester Island. Its size made it visible from afar, and the brilliance of the moonlight enhanced its clarity in the night sky.

It wasn't unusual for merchants to arrive at the island during the night to procure wood, which was why the two shifts were in place. Polena resumed her contemplation of the moon, absorbing the serene view.

Suddenly, a door opened behind her, and a servant inquired, "My lady Polena, are you feeling cold? Shall I fetch an additional garment for you?"

She pivoted with a disdainful expression and replied sharply, "No, do not interrupt my solitude." The servant swiftly bowed, apologized, and closed the door.

As she turned her attention back to the ship, her gaze fixed on a black Jolly Roger flag instead of the typical white sail.

Her body stiffened, heart racing, unable to believe what she saw. With a sense of urgency, she hurried indoors, retrieved a spyglass from the drawer, and swiftly returned, training the lens on the ship to get a closer look.