
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
41 Chs

Beast of Howling Treetop [7]

The trio headed to Erl's tavern for a discussion of pressing matters.

Inside, the tavern was rather desolate, with only the three companions and an elderly couple present besides the waiter-cum-owner.

The couple, aged and weathered, sat hunched at the bar. The man, his elbows propped on the wooden counter, held his head in distress, while his wife, worn and with dark circles under her eyes, sat by his side, gently comforting him.

Opting for a corner seat, away from the older couple, the trio awaited the waiter's attention.

Ort mirrored the old man's position, his head cradled in his hands.

"Are ye alright?" Mary inquired, concern evident in her voice.

He straightened up slightly and replied, "Not really."

Jack leaned in, curious. "What's happened?"

Ort, though hesitant, raised his voice to order nine rak'vana, three for each of them.

"I know it ain't fair to pin blame on ya, but the truth be told, I do. Last night something dreadful happened, and part of it rests on yer shoulders for sneaking out in the dead of night. If ye hadn't done that, perhaps things might've turned out different," Ort spoke with a weighted voice.

Jack pressed on, "What went down? No more secrets, I've already pieced together most of 'em. Last night, I saw a claw mark on a tree."

Ort, already informed about the altercation between Jack, Mary, Art, and the wolves, wasn't surprised.

"The Howling Protectors... Now, we're only three left. Me, Art, and Ret. The beast emerged last night and attacked us. Art wasn't with us at the time, and I barely escaped," Ort confessed.

Jack, part genuine and part feigned, expressed his regret, "I'm truly sorry for what happened. How did Ret survive, where was he?"

Ort recounted, "We were first besieged by the wolves, defending ourselves with flowers. Amidst the chaos, Ret got separated. Thank the stars, he managed to escape the fray."

Mary interjected, "And this creature, what exactly be it?"

In a hushed tone, Ort disclosed the creature's name, "Beast of Howling Treetop. It's akin to a wolf but far more. Imagine fifteen wolves merged into one, or maybe more. But, can ye cease with the questions? I'm not much inclined to answer."

Both Jack and Mary remained silent, allowing Ort his moment of mourning. Drinks arrived, and Ort downed his three rak'vana swiftly, ordering five more for himself.

It was evident how much Ort valued his team, who ventured out late at night to hunt the wolves, hoping to thin their numbers and, possibly, confront the beast as a united force.

But now, his group dwindled to just three individuals, including himself.

Jack and Mary, conscious of the gravity of the day ahead, sipped only two rak'vana, relinquishing the remaining drinks to Ort. Despite their accustomed tolerance, the circumstances demanded clarity of mind, urging them to abstain from alcohol.

Ort, a few more drinks down, began to spill the beans, "The treasure ye two be seekin'? 'Tis already in our grasp. I could hand it over today, and ye could flee this blasted island."

Jack, speaking sense, proposed, "Why not flee with us? We have a ship."

Ort felt a sting at that question. "I can't leave me people behind. Even if ye were willin' to transport them, we're too many. Not even four colossal ships could hold us all," he explained with a heavy heart.

Mary leaned in closer to Jack and whispered, "Captain, we can't just take the treasure and abandon them. Can we lend them a hand?"

Jack sighed, seeing the request coming. He'd been thinking of slaying the beast, not just to help the people but to carve his name into seafaring legend. He envisioned being hailed as "The Beast Slayer."

With a bold and steady voice, he declared, "Ort, we ain't after the treasure till we've taken down that beast and saved yer folk."

Ort, who had been slouched over, straightened up quick, first surprised, then back to neutral. "Ye can't. I know of yer powers, but I doubt they'd be enough to best the beast," he warned cautiously.

Jack's voice boomed with assurance, "Might be enough, might not. But face it we shall, one way or t'other."

"You be mad to think that. It takes an army to lay low that creature. I once aimed to bolster The Howling Protectors, gatherin' a force to tackle the beast, but fear held 'em back," Ort explained, a hint of remorse in his tone.

Jack countered, "Enough with the lament. Join us in the hunt. If protectin' yer people means that much to ye, why not take a stand with us? If we fall, we fall together."

Ort gripped a small wooden cup of rak'vana, drained it, then slammed it forcefully on the wooden table. "If ye be so eager to court death, then let's face it head-on," he retorted sharply.

"Tell us all ye know about the beast. The more we know, the better our chances," Jack demanded, his tone resolute.

And so he began...

{Read Author's Thoughts - I dare you}

Hello, me heartie, we meet again.

I tend to utilize flashbacks instead of straightforwardly writing what the character is recollecting. This method aids in immersing you better in the world, serving a dual purpose: not only to enhance understanding of the situation but also to address some questions and lead you into another adventure.

Consequently, most flashback chapters will span from 3 to 8 chapters in length, but I assure you, it's worth the journey.

monawritacreators' thoughts