
My Sex Assistance System

[Sexual Content Warning] Joshua Oberhan is your regular loser 18-year-old. After jerking off for the 10,000th time, he gains the Sex Assistance System, allowing him to play out his sexual fantasies with all of the girls at his school. The link to the discord where you can view character images is https://discord.gg/xRyJTMxK

exaltedlight · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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19 Chs

A Dinner Date

 As the midweek arrived, Wednesday brought with it Josh's A-day schedule. Following a mundane guidance office period, Josh went to his psychology class. 

Josh walked in the door and saw Aimee, first in the classroom, sitting by herself. He decided it would be a good time to talk to her, so he sat beside her. 

They exchanged simple pleasantries as Josh unpacked his Chromebook, a pencil, and a notebook for notes. 

The psych teacher made them turn in their handwritten notes for participation points at the end of every class. 

Done getting ready for class, Josh noticed that Aimee was wearing a tight, ribbed, pink tank top that showed off a good bit of her cleavage. She also had dark blue shorts on, exposing her silky thighs. 

Aimee noticed Josh ogling her and snickered. Having always been a confrontive person, Aimee asked, "Do you normally look at my boobs, Josh"?

More confident as of late and thinking there wasn't much to lose, Josh replied, "Well, they are bigger than most girls your age. And you so nicely show them off for me every class".

Aimee was inwardly surprised at Josh's reply since he had never really been a bold person, but nonetheless, she responded, "Well, I can't help it if they steal the show."

Josh, trying to be witty, retorted, "Haha, well, I must admit they are quite distracting. But hey, can you blame me for admiring such a lovely view?"

"If you like them so much, I'll have to show you them more in-depth sometime."

"How about tonight after dinner? Meet me at The Terrific Tavern at seven", Josh planned, hoping for an opportunity to get more sexdits.

If he was honest with himself, he also wanted to see her busty tits. 

While he was considering the possible view, she said, "That sounds good to me. I'll see you there."

Josh responded, "Can't wait for our little show and tell session at The Terrific Tavern tonight. It'll be fun."

As their flirty conversation ended, the rest of the class started to get there, and the teacher returned from what Josh assumed was a bathroom break. 

As class ramped up, Josh couldn't make any other moves. The class's tables were arranged in a discussion position making a horseshoe shape. This, combined with the fact that the tables were simple with flat tops, meant that if Josh touched her thighs and the people on the other side of the room looked, they would see. 

The only thing he did different from usual was looking unabashedly at her cleavage. With Aimee sitting down, he was able to see their deep reaches. 

Noticing his looks, Aimee winked and then continued to look at her phone, not paying attention to the lecture per usual. 

Josh paid attention with the assurance that as long as he learned the material, he could remember it, even without studying, because of the memory potion. 

That said, he still found it hard to appreciate the availability heuristic. 

Josh, bored, looked at his text messages.

[Natalie: I broke up with my boyfriend last night.

Natalie: I felt guilty, and I've been attracted to you for a while. Can we meet at some point this week? I want to talk to you.

Josh: Sure. Does Thursday after school work? I'll meet you at my house.]

Josh sent the message, not expecting a reply for a while. He could imagine what she wanted to talk about: dating. He could be wrong, but he had to prepare to tell her no, just in case. 

It would be hard to maintain a relationship if he was always having sex with new people. 

 After finishing that train of thought, he looked at his messages with Kali. He found her really cute and wanted to have sex with her soon. 

Imagining putting his Dick in her ass as she tried to push him off of her made him hard. He thought it was morally wrong but liked rape play. [AN: What is your guy's opinion on protagonists in smut raping. I'm curious]

He decided to wait until the weekend to text her, so that he could finish his current goals. 

After psychology, Josh went to French class and endured another boring class. He did admire his teacher's plump ass, though. 

Pottery also went as usual, Josh leching at the Pottery girl and then going home. 

Since it was Wednesday, his mom was working from home and he told her that he would be eating with friends tonight.

When she asked who, he said Leah, John, and Ava, as he usually hung out with them. 

Ending that conversation, Josh went to his room and played his favorite tactical shooter on his computer. He did this until about six and then began preparing for his date. 

The Terrific Tavern wasn't a super nice restaurant, but it wasn't fast food either. Considering this, he wore some light-colored khakis and a black polo shirt. He also put on his summer, night-time, intimate setting, cologne, Ultra Male. 

He was pretty sure that Aimee was going to wear Jeans because that was typical for her and maybe a nicer top that exposed some cleavage since she knew that he liked it. 

Before leaving the house, he made sure to reapply deodorant and brush his teeth. 

He also cleaned his room, just in case their escapade ended there. He would have to bring her past his parents if they did that. They were pretty relaxed about the whole sex thing, unlike other parents; his dad bought him condoms when he was sixteen, but he still thought it would be awkward. He would have to explain later that they weren't an item. 

Because of this problem, he began to contemplate other places. He didn't want to do it in the car again this soon. He knew that couples often did it behind Target, and some of the bars in the area, but he wanted to think of something better. 

Unable to come up with an idea, Josh decided to think about it later and got in the car to leave.

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