
My Servant Omega (omegaverse)

In a world where humans are born with a second genders, known as Omega, Alpha, and beta. Amongst the three omegas are often seen as the scum of the earth, the lesser beings of society, how will our main stars overcome such obstacles and get together. Our main male lead starts with Dominic Lanxian, a very powerful and cold-hearted dominate Alpha, who is the CEO of the countries leading telecommunications company. Dominic is not only a CEO but is disclosing a part of his life only his best friend knows about. Dominic is very different to other Alphas, in that though he’s already 28 he has never been in a relationship and has vowed internally to save himself for his true love, and shower him/her with the love an affection never seen from him before. Our second male lead is Kang Lei (AKA Xi WuXain) a 23 years single father who is an unclaimed omega. Due to his second gender, Kang Lei was abandoned by his family and left to fend for himself at a young age. Kang Lei has a secret he wishes never to relieve, especially to his son. His hope is to one day own his own restaurant, but for now he really wants to be the best father to His son. Dominic and Kang come from different worlds, so how will they meet? Will Dominic Judge Kang Lei like others do, without understanding? Will Kang Lei be able to get over is past and allow Dominic to love him? So many questions, let’s find out the answers....

Reading_Junkie · Fantaisie
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110 Chs

Chapter 109: arrival of the triplets

Kang Lei arrived at BoJings room after barely escaping Dominic's and his dominant Alpha half.

"BoBo morning" he stroke the head of a sleeping BoJing.

"Daddy…. Why are you not sleeping with father" BoJing protested wanting to catch another ten minutes sleep.

Kang Lei pouted "looks like my BoBo doesn't love me anymore" he sulked.

BoJing finally opened his eyes and smiled at his father, "daddy stop speaking such lies, you know I love you the most now" he replied.

Kang Lei Knitted his brows "huh now?" He questioned.

"Yes now….father said that one day when I meet my love.. that I'll love them more than you. Like he does and then no one will love you more than him" replied BoJing.

"Did he now…. BoBo how would you feel if I divorced your father and then you'll only love me" kang Lei joked.

BoJing laughed "haha!...daddy that would never happen, the two of you are crazy when it comes to each other" BoJing jumped out of bed and run to the bathroom, leaving kang Lei pouting to himself, "I can divorce him if I wanted" he whispered to himself before he received a firm kick from his disapproving unborn child, "ouch! okay….okay I was joking I would never leave your father" kang Lei gently patted his stomach, "I'll get you back for that kick when your old enough for an ass whooping" kang Lei thought to himself.

"Bobo! Daddy is going down hurry up and get dressed for school!" Kang Lei shouted from outside the bathroom door.

"Yes dad, now go back to father before he comes looking you!" BoJing Shouted back.

"Am going!…. When did this boy become a grown man?" Kang Lei shook his head as he left.

The second kang Lei opened the door Dominic's face appeared before him.

"Don! Stop scaring me" kang Lei stepped back startled.

"Sorry honey I was just coming to look for you, I told you I would get BoBo up…why're you walking around" Dominic swooped down and picked Kang Lei up into his arms carrying him back to their room, a action kang Lei very much enjoys.

With his arms wrapped firmly around Dominic's neck Kang Lei buries his head into Dominic's neck taking in a Alpha scent.

"What does my Queen want for breakfast?" Asked Dominic as he placed kang Lei into bed.

"Mmmm, lots of food, pancakes, cake, toast, eggs, fired rice, egg rolls, milk….mmmm and Macaroons" Kang Lei listed.

"Anything else must love?" Dominic laughed

"Humf…. Babies what do you want to eat?" kang Lei looked to his stomach.

"Just bring lots of what I said we'll share" kang Lei grinned happily thinking of all the food.

"Okay my love" laughed Dominic as he kissed him on his forehead before leaving.

Moments later Dominic arrived along with two full trays of all the items Kang Lei had requested.

Kang Lei's eyes beamed with happiness his mouth salivating from all smells.

"Don Don…. We're going to have to have lots have sex to work off all this food I've been eating" he stated as he stuffed his face with food greedily.

Even this sheer sight of kang Lei happily pigging out and voicing such words was enough to turn on all side of Dominic, with his eyes flashing red Dominic clench his fist "calm down big guy, don't make him break us, we've got this…. Just a little longer and our little omega will pay for all his words" Dominic muttered under struggling breath.

Having wolfed down more than enough food for ten people, kang Lei laid in bed frozen in what can only be described as a food coma. "Are you feeling better now my love?" Dominic asked stroking kang lei's hair.

Unable to utter a single word kang Lei gently nodded his head in response.

"Okay am going to see our BoBo off, rest and I'll be right back…. Kids be good to mummy till I get back" Dominic rubbed his wife's bump, as kang Lei frowned at the term of him being called a mummy.

Kang Lei thought about being called mummy and it sounded weird to him, even though he was an omega, he was still male. Though all omegas used the term mummy he preferred daddy than to be seen as delicate and fragile, but it had a sweet and heart felt ring to it when said by Dominic, in fact it made him blushed, maybe it's something he could get use too with time.

have eaten more than normal, Kang Lei was now uncomfortable in bed so he tried every position possible to make himself more relaxed. He felt a strange sense come over him, like something important was about to happen, his pheromones all of a sudden began emanating around the room, within the next second a gush of water like liquids burst from his back passage.

"Huh! Huh! Dominic!" He screamed as panic set within him.

Not even second had passed and their was Dominic at his side with a huge smile, "honey babies are finally coming" he exclaimed.

"Awwww! I can feel that, get Doctor Cheng!" He screamed.

"He's coming honey, just hold on….. mom! Mom!" Dominic shouted from within the room.

"I don't want your mother you idiot! Get me doctor Cheng now!!!!" Roared Kang Lei.

The intensity of kang Lei's pheromones was as that of when his heat cycle has begun, it was far too intoxicating for Dominic to handle, instead of wanting to help his wife he wanted to devour him instead, "Mom!!!!" Roared his Alpha X side, Dominic's eyes had now fully turned.

"Alpha! Stop! Alpha!" Kang Lei placed his hands in front of him trying to stop his now raging Alpha X from devouring him.

"Dominic Lanxian! What do you think your doing, get away from him this instant!" Mrs Lanxian stormed through the doors and pulled Dominic by his ear, to be immediately confronted be his searing red eyes, she firmly shouted at him. "Alpha! Control yourself and Get Dominic back here this instant!" She exclaimed, turning her focus back to Kang Lei.

"Kang sweetheart, try and calm your pheromones, it's making that alpha of yours go crazy" advised Mrs Lanxian

Kang Lei nodded his head as he gritted his teeth through the pain.

"Okay now we're going to breath through the pain…..alpha go get us some towels and water and get those midwives up here till Doctor Cheng comes" she ordered a still dazed and struggling Alpha Dominic.

Standing and refusing to moved like a Lion protecting its territory Dominic stood motionless watching everything unfold.

"Alpha! Move!" Roared Mrs Lanxian, outside the door stood the remaining family with everything prepared and ready, without wasting a second Andrew shoved the things his mother had requested along with the two female omegas who had been trained as kang Lei's midwives.

As Dominic closed the door again Michael and the rest stood worried, "will alpha be able to control himself with Kang Lei's pheromones so strong?" Asked Michael, to which Andrew signed "I do hope so, but it's not Dominic's missing anything am pretty sure he's in there shouting at his Alpha side on what to do" answered Andrew.

moment later Doctor Cheng finally arrived "what took you so long?" Asked Michael.

"Sorry I had to get some extra Suppressants…. As I guessed his pheromones are strong" voice Doctor Cheng as he entered the room.

After eighteen hours in excruciating pain and having three full term babies exit his body an exhausted and drained Kang Lei laid asleep.

"Doctor his he okay" Asked Dominic as he held his two Alpha sons and omega daughter his is arms.

"What do you think….. poor thing had to give birth to three children….. oh before I forget don't you dear touch him for two months" Doctor Cheng stated firmly, making Dominic go bright red, till realisation dawned on him.

"Huh what! Two months!" He shouted

"Yes two months, his body needs to recover, male omega need more time than female omega to recover" explained Doctor Cheng

"But he's a fast healer like me remember after I marked him" Dominic protested.

Doctor Cheng signed "fine two weeks" he reluctantly replied.

"To think this is the same man who hadn't know what the insides of another human felt upon till recently, is now addicted to his wife" stated Doctor Cheng as he left the two alone.

Alone in their room Dominic looked lovingly at Kang Lei and their babies.

"Honey thank you… thank you for making me the happiest man and alpha I could be. My life and my world belong to you all and promise to love and protect you and our family till my dying breath".

The end

Thank you all for reading and sticking till the end I am greatly honoured for the feedback and support. As this is my very first novel am proud of its development and how far I was able to take it.

Stay stay and remember to love each other as if tomorrow wasn't guaranteed…