
Fallout: Nuclear Metal (Fallout 4) by Necoc Yaotl

Synopsis: A pre-War English professor finds himself in control of the Mechanist's Lair. Using the factory's vast production capabilities, he aims to change the Commonwealth for the better.

Rated: T

Words: 560k

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/fallout-nuclear-metal-au-self.651417/reader/

Valmar Remarks: I'm not sure this is really what most would classify as a self-insert. From what I understand the author as made the MC reflect their own personalities, so it's a reflection of them if they were an native born in the Fallout universe. That is to say the MC does not actually have any otherworldly knowledge or metaknowledge. There is no reborn again or world-hopping here. Though he does possess more "standard knowledge" since the world is slightly AU. For example he has knowledge of Marvel and DC Comics. The author made a rather detailed post in the Information section explaining it in more detail for those who are interested.

Regardless of where you'd class this as being an SI or not, it is easily, hands-down, the best Fallout fic I have ever read. The amount of time and effort the author put into each chapter really shows, to the point of even including diagram reference art models for certain designs or even maps. It shows too because each chapter is packed full of content and character. The quality of this work is really quite staggering in that regard.

There is action, yes, as there would have to be in a Fallout setting but largely the story is driven by terrific character interactions and strong kingdom-building aspects as the MC and his allies strive to rebuild their own piece of society in this war-torn world with enemies on all sides. It mixes the slice of life, the intrigue and the action together very well so it never feels lacking.

Also the MC is kinda like an AI. He's one of those brain-in-a-jars and connected to this vast network of other robots and machines. A bit like House from New Vegas, only more advanced. It's such a unique and interesting situation for a MC to be in that I found the entire thing to be very awesome. Honestly I suspect that even if you didn't have much knowledge or experience with Fallout as a series you'd still be able to enjoy this story. It's very well written and detailed so even if you're not familiar with the game you'd be able to follow along.

Notes with chapter preview: the first chapter is very short because its the first step that lets the MC "activate" so he doesn't actually appear in this chapter. Also as this story is hosted on SpaceBattles it takes advantage of the the quotation system for certain sections of text to stimulate computer interface dialogue. It works well when viewing on the forum but it doesn't translate so well when converted over to a WebNovel plain text.


Chapter 1:

"Now you'll face the full might of the Mechanist, my righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all!"

Isabel stared down at the assembled group of raiders and junkyard robots just outside her command center. Rust Devils. A recent terror to the Commonwealth, one that combined the ferocity of the worst of raider scum with the technological prowess of the Gunners. They'd quickly become a thorn in her side, attacking her robotic paladins for parts, even capturing a few of her Robobrains and turning them against her. She'd been in the process of ramping up production to launch an attack on their forces when they'd found her first. Traced the trail of her machine army back to her secret lair.

And now they were here.

She hoped that the bravado of her words and her helmet's voice modulation made her seem fearsome. Fearless. Maybe now that they were in the very heart of her lair and the center of her army they'd give up, surrender. Turn around and flee. Instead their leader charged and leapt straight at her, his power armored frame crashing straight into the reinforced glass. Her entire command center shook at the impact, the reinforced observation bending and creaking, glass shattering. The Rust Devil glared at her through the cracked glass.

"You're lucky we can't shoot you through this fuckin' glass," he growled, his patchwork helmet amplifying his voice. "Can't risk all those shiny computers in there."

"The Mechanist's lair is beyond you!" Isabel shouted as the adrenaline began to flood her body in earnest. Her hand flew across her consoles, activating the nuclear furnaces that powered her factory. Klaxons blared around her as several lifts powered up and her mechanical allies came to her defense. Soon the factory floor was filled with the sounds of combat as the forces of good clashed with those of evil.

A laser beam lanced out and hit the man looming before her, the beam doing nothing against his power armor. "I'll come back for you," he snarled before turning and joining the fray.

Isabel watched him charge straight into one of her Assaultrons and rip it apart with mechanically assisted strength.

Isabel knew he wouldn't be long.

Isabel looked down at her console, the screen flashing several warnings. The nuclear furnaces were being taxed to their limit – she'd set them to create as many robots as they could in a last-ditch effort to defend her lair. She'd already noted that several of her new allies had been built with stripped down armor and an increasing number of them had been fielded with no long-range weaponry at all. All those things added to their construction time. Right now, she needed defenders quick.

She yelled in fear as a raider was thrown against her window, the back of his head splitting open as it connected with the hard glass she turned away from the sight, nearly throwing up inside her helmet.


Isabel looked up at Sparks, her best friend. The floating eyebot looking at her in concern. She knew he was scared too.

"I'm sorry Sparks," Isabel whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't think we're getting out of this one." More warnings flashed across the screens in her command center, the nuclear furnaces were going into a mandatory shut-down mode to avoid a catastrophic failure. No more robots were coming. Isabel looked back at her friend. "Sparks, if they catch you… they'll make you one of them."

Sparks floated up to her, bumping his frame against her helmet.


Isabel let out a small laugh as a giant explosion rocked the facility. "Thank you," she said as she reached up and held her friend. "I have one last idea," she whispered. "It won't save us, but it might save this place."


Isabel turned back to face the factory floor. The battle was dying down and she noted with some happiness that several Rust Devils and their machines had been defeated. The leader snarled in rage as an Assaultron slashed at his side, her chainblade showering sparks as it sliced through his armor. Isabel bit down her disappointment as the man managed to wrestle the Assaultron off him, flinging it over his shoulder and slamming it into the ground, his massive boot coming down and smashing the poor robotic maiden's head with a thunderous stomp. Isabel looked around the factory floor, noting that the last of her reinforcements were arriving via the lifts. The battle would be over soon. The Rust Devils would soon break down the door to her center.

She'd die soon.

"Come on Sparks, we have to work fast." Isabel shouted as she scrambled to the mainframe behind her, several Robobrains diligently working hard to run this machine of justice. The mainframe's screens flickered to life as she ran her fingers across the keyboards, typing as fast as she could to give the Commonwealth one more chance. "Sparks, I need you to reroute some power to the transmitters!"

"(*.*)?" her companion beeped, hovering in confusion. "(X.X)!"

Isabel flinched as a round finally pierced the glass in her command center, a round ricocheting around her enclosed space. "I know! But we won't be needing the power anyway… but we need to send out one last signal!" she reached up to her neck, fumbling around for something underneath the front of her armor before producing a holotape.

"(*.*)?" Sparks floated up to her, inspecting the small object.

"Something special for the evil-doers of the Commonwealth. A way for the Mechanist…" Isabel took her eyes of the holotape, before smiling at Sparks, "and his trusty sidekick to live on. But it won't work unless we can transmit this program to the remaining Robobrains out there!"

Sparks bobbed in excitement before turning to some consoles, his console-connector extending out and interfacing with the computers around him. Isabel slapped the holotape into a nearby loader. "C'mon, c'mon!" she breathed, watching as the screen slowly booted up her program before she realized she wasn't hearing gunfire or explosions. She turned around, her stomach dropping as she saw what was behind her. The Rust Devil's leader had clambered up to her observation window, his gauntleted hands finding purchase in the cracks of the glass.

"Sparks, we need that transmitter now!' she said, wheeling around and typing furiously as her program had finally become accessible.

ROBCO Industries (TM) TermLink said:

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) TermLink

RB-2851: Production Control

(C)2077 RobCo


User Log:

>Administrator (RobCoID 2819-A)

>>New_Admin: Mechanist


>>The Mechanist Issue 2: Return of the Mechanist!


"Stop that bastard!" a powered voice boomed behind her, "He's tryin' some shit!"

Isabel glanced back to see the man begin to pound on the reinforced glass, cracks spreading and straining the metal frames with every violent punch. Near him, the remaining Dust Devils begun cutting their way through the security gates that lead up to the command center, several of them whooping with joy as their machines finally made their way to the security door.

ROBCO Industries (TM) TermLink said:


>Facility Reactor No. 4 re-routed for Priority Alpha transmission.

>>Awaiting transmission parameters…

>New transmission parameters accepted.

>>Transmitting priority signal.


"Yes," Isabel cheered, turning back to her console and slamming her hand over the transmit button as the Rust Devil finally smashed through the window.

She turned, the laspistol at her side barking out beams of light at the advancing man, Sparks joining in the fire.

It did nothing.

The devil made his way around the primary consoles, a single arm raised before him, shielding him from the first of the fire before reaching out and grabbing the valiant eyebot before flinging him at a nearby wall. His atomic thrusters desperately tried to slow his flying arc before crashing with the hard steel walls. Sparks's metal casing, lovingly maintained by Isabel throughout her life, shattered on impact.

Isabel screamed, pulling the trigger on her gun as fast as she could.

The Rust Devil's mechanical hands clamped down around Isabel's head and lifted her off her feet. She screamed in pain as the helmet bent inwards, digging into her head.

"What the fuck did you do?" the villain boomed in her face, "What the fuck di-"

He was cut off as Isabel stuck her laspistol into his side, into the gash her valiant Assaultron had cut into his armor and fired.

The Rust Devil screamed in pain and rage as he closed his fist around Isabel's helmet.

The Mechanist's helmet, crafted from the dreams of a young boy Isabel had met so many years ago, tried its best to protect its wearer. It strained against the villain's power armor gauntlet as much as it could.

It protected Isabel long enough to make her last few moments terrifying painful.

Worse, it protected her long enough for one final thought.

That she had failed the Commonwealth.