

CamZ left the training center and hurriedly stopped a taxi. Their apartment is only fifteen minutes away from the training center. She ordered a take-out along the way and used the organization's account to pay for the food. 'Hmph! I might as well order for dinner,' she mumbled to herself.

She was annoyed that Boss Z made her run for almost two hours without a break. And he didn't even offer her breakfast earlier before she started the training for the recruits.

'Cold-hearted old fart!' She complained continuously. The taxi then stopped in front of their building. She hurriedly opened the door and entered the building's main entrance. She was hurrying to reach their apartment to take a quick shower before her food arrived. She had been sweating while she trained earlier. That's why she wanted to go home to clean herself since she didn't have a change of clothes at work.

She opened the shoe cabinet and was surprised to see that Athena's slipper was not there anymore, but instead, it was a pair of shoes.

"Ahhhhh," she screamed and abruptly ran towards Athena's room.

Athena barely closed her eyes when she heard CamZ scream after entering the apartment. She knew that she had found her shoes and was too excited to see her. Athena shook her head and counted silently. 'One, two, three," she wasn't able to finish counting until five when her room door opened.

CamZ froze when she saw Athena lying down on her bed. Well, she doesn't know their actual relationship, but she knows that Athena fell in love with that guy, Marco Chavez. Though they saw each other during their mission a few months ago, they really couldn't bond because of her circumstances. And her world seemed to be just around her boyfriend or lover.

She ran a background check on Marco Chavez, but the information she gathered was limited. She just shrugged it off because it is common for wealthy people and other government officials. As long as there's no red flag on his file, she's not worried about Athena's safety.

CamZ went to the kitchen and saw that there was no prepared food. 'She's probably hungry like me,' she thought. She set the table and checked her phone. She estimated that the delivery guy would be here soon, so she opened the door and waited. CamZ doesn't want to wake up Athena with the sound of the doorbell. She covered her mouth and slowly closed the door.

Athena opened her eyes and looked at the door as soon as CamZ closed it. She smiled and shook her head at her friend's reaction. Athena thought she would jump on her when she saw her, but instead, CamZ held her excitement and left so she won't disturb her rest. CamZ is still her caring best friend.

The delivery guy arrived soon, and CamZ placed the food in the kitchen. She's pondering if she should wake her up or not. Unbeknownst to her, Athena was already behind her. She knows that CamZ was thinking of something that's why she couldn't sense that she was around.

Athena leaned on the wall and waited until CamZ discovered her presence. CamZ then turned around and was startled when she saw Athena in front of her.

"You scared me!" She pouted. "What time did you arrive? You didn't even call me." CamZ complained. This friend of hers is so independent that she wants to shoulder everything. She's glad that each time they have a mission, they have a designated task, or else she might complete the job independently.

"Sorry, been here for about thirty minutes," she replied, half smiling. Athena saw the food, and her stomach growled. She hasn't eaten anything, so she's naturally hungry.

CamZ smiled when she heard her stomach growling. "Let's eat, I'm hungry too," she said as she pulled the chair in front of her to sit.

"Okay," she replied, walked in, and sat in front of CamZ. Their apartment is about one hundred seventy square meters. It's a three-bedroom apartment. They transformed the main bedroom into their office and used the smaller rooms as their room.

CamZ wanted to ask her a question, but she swallowed her curiosity and concentrated on her food instead. She didn't let their lunch be quiet, though. She started complaining about her day.

"So, are you going back after lunch?" Athena asked. CamZ was like a spoiled brat daughter of Boss Z. Though their name sounds the same, CamZ's real name is Lucy Acosta. One of the agents called her CamZ because she was obsessed with the Chevrolet Camaro. She collected the rarest 1967 Camaro from the Ohio plant in 1966. The rare 1978 Canadian Camaro that its historical significance drives value. The sought-after 1969 Camaro ZL1 is the blue-chip model of the muscle car collector world. And her latest addition to her collection is the fastest 2020 Camaro ZL1.

She then started collecting toy cars, especially the Camaro. She first saw these cars when she bumped into a boy who bought Hot Wheels in the store and dropped it. When she picked it up, she became interested and asked the boy where he had bought it.

CamZ glanced at Athena and thought for a while before she answered. "Since you're here, I think staying would be the best!" She said as she giggled. 'Hmph! You train them, Old man! I'll enjoy myself with my friend, and I won't tell you she's back,' she thought to herself.

Athena wants to be alone, but since she's staying, it's impossible. Athena volunteered to clean the table and wash the dishes. CamZ did not object because she was still tired from training. CamZ went to the living room and turned on the TV. She looked at the newspaper to check for a scheduled race today but was disappointed.

A teardrop fell in Athena's right cheek as she thought of Marco. Athena knew that this day would come, and she prepared herself for it, but she didn't know that it would hurt so much. In just a year that she was with him, her attachment was intense. She can't help but cry silently.

CamZ happened to walk to the kitchen to grab some juice, and she noticed her shoulders shaking. 'Is she crying?' She asked herself. She stepped closer and saw her wiping her face. It confirmed her suspicion that she was indeed crying.

"Athena..." She called softly. She held her shoulder and turned her around to face her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" CamZ asked. She's not sure if Athena was willing to share her problem, but she has to try.

"Speaking it out can help ease your burden," she continued, trying to convince her to talk.

"I missed him, CamZ," she said as she sobbed.

"I thought I could bear it, but the longer I am away from him, the more painful it is." Athena continued, and her tears were now out of control.

CamZ can only offer her shoulder to her. She doesn't know how to comfort her.

"Would you like to see my latest car?" She suddenly thought of bringing Athena to her garage to divert her attention.

Athena stared at her, puzzled, but she nodded.

"Yes! You'll love it! Right now, it is the fastest and powerful car!" Athena smiled at her excitement to show off her new car.

"I'll change my clothes," Athena said while wiping her tears.

"Me too!" She smelled herself and said, "Ugh! I need a quick shower!" CamZ was happy that Athena's mood lightened up, so she is more energetic to show her collection.

Fifteen minutes later, they were already waiting for a taxi. It was only ten minutes away, and there was no traffic at this hour, so they reached the garage soon.

She rented a spacious garage enough to fit ten cars, so she didn't need to worry about space when she found her next car target to buy. It is only open for renters or owners of the garage. Behind it is the race track where you can drive and race freely.

CamZ opened the sliding door, and four shiny cars were in front of them.

"Wow!" Athena was amazed at how she takes care of her cars. It seemed that it was only for display, but CamZ uses them from time to time, mainly to race. Sometimes, she goes to car shows and brings one of her babies.

"You did a great job, CamZ," Athena said as she admired her collection.

"I should! I used a lot of my hard-earned money to buy those," she said proudly.

"Hmm.. why don't you find something to keep you occupied, while we don't have a mission?" CamZ suggested.

"I'll think about it," Athena replied. 'Maybe she's right, I need to be busy so I can't think of him too much.' She said to herself.

