
Do you want me to feed you?

Jing Rui did not raise his head and continued cutting the eggplant.

"I'm not good at cooking, I only cook occasionally. There aren't many people who can't cook nowadays, unless they're especially stupid. "

It was rare for him to be so humble, but not only did this humility not make Shuyin feel good about him, it made her hate him even more!

He was obviously good at cooking, but he insisted that she was average. Wasn't he trying to embarrass Shuyin, who didn't know anything?

Moreover, there were many people who didn't know how to cook now!

Other than the head chef, none of the people in the Research Institute knew how to cook!

However, Shuyin's mental fortitude was strong, and she didn't mind being laughed at. She forced a smile on her face, her eyes curving into crescents."Boss, can you teach me how to make chicken wings? When I learn it, I can make it for you too!"

Jing Rui put down the knife."Well, let's start with cutting the eggplant. You can try."