
My Secret Billionaire Husband

"Hubby, I don't want anymore, I feel terrible..." "Baby, be good, finish up this medicine." The handsome man embraces the woman in his arms, coaxing her tenderly as he feeds her the medicine. Joanna Lawrence stumbles upon Ashton Heath, the most esteemed scion in all of Closia City, and ends up sleeping with him for the night. After he offers her benefits in exchange for their marriage, the newly appointed Mrs Heath suddenly has the power to have everything she ever wished for. "Hubby, I slapped the Movie Queen Faye today, was I too much?" "Baby, does your hand hurt? Let me rub it for you." "Hubby, I maxed out your credit card, are you angry?" "Baby, are you happy with your purchase? Let me know when you need more." "Hubby, I'm tired today, I don't want to move..."

Gentle Dance · Général
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1533 Chs

Chapter 18: From now on, you can only think of me in your heart.

Translator: 549690339

He lowered his head, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at her: "What else do you want?"

She bit the corner of her lips, momentarily silent, as if deep in thought. After a moment, she spoke in a negotiating tone: "Can we keep our marriage secret for now?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt the pressure around the man drop once again.

Joanna Lawrence swallowed, not daring to look up at him.

"Jeremy doesn't know yet that I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. If I suddenly tell him I'm married to you, he'll be shocked."

That was only part of her concern.

On the other hand, Joanna felt that her marriage to Ashton Heath wouldn't last long.

Perhaps it was just a whimsical decision on his part. Maybe, after a while, if he finds it meaningless, he'll divorce her.

If it were anyone else, she wouldn't care whether or not people knew she was married.

But Jeremy Lawrence...

He was the one she cared about the most.

Young girls can't hide their feelings.

Ashton Heath immediately sensed what she was thinking.

A layer of gloom covered his handsome face, a chill exuding from him: "You mean, you want to have a secret marriage with me?"

He, Ashton Heath, had never been treated this way before.

Any other women who had a slight connection with him would eagerly announce it to the world.

But this woman in front of him...

Was she so afraid of people knowing about their relationship because she was still thinking about someone else?

Was she still thinking about her ex-fiance?

Thinking this, Ashton's face turned even more gloomy, his gaze so cold it was almost freezing.

"I..." Joanna looked into his gloomy eyes, and was somewhat scared speechless.


The man's lean, cool fingers gripped her chin, his gaze sharp, each word punctuated: "You are my woman. From now on, you can only think of me. I don't plan to have a secret marriage with you, not now, not ever."

His fingers tightened slightly, his tone domineering: "And you aren't allowed to think otherwise, understood?"

His eyes were filled with possessiveness.

The look he gave her was that of a predator eyeing its prey.

This prey belonged to him alone,

And no one else was allowed to touch it.

Joanna was a bit frightened.

this was the first time she had encountered a man so dominating and assertive.

It seemed like he might devour her at any moment.


Outside the hospital room.

While Joanna was still hesitating, Ashton had already stretched out his hand to push open the door, embracing her as they stepped inside.

Jeremy was holding a book, reading.

Upon hearing the noise, he looked up.

Seeing his sister walk in embraced by a tall, handsome man with an elegant demeanor, Jeremy was startled, the book in his hands falling to the floor.

Staring in shock, he exclaimed, "Joanna, you..."

Jeremy had also grown up with David Benington and Joanna.

The three of them were very close.

Because of this, Jeremy knew from a young age that his sister was expected to marry David, the elder of the Benington family.

David had always treated him well, and Jeremy was quite pleased with his future brother-in-law.

To him, David was already his brother-in-law.

Seeing another man acting so intimately with Joanna, Jeremy could hardly believe his eyes.

"Who... who is this? Joanna, you...?"

"Jeremy, this is..."

Just as Joanna was hesitating how to introduce him, Ashton, still holding onto her, stepped towards the bed. Looking down at the evidently shocked Jeremy, he simply stated: "I'm your sister's husband."