
My Second Life in Another World

As night descends, a man sits alone, lost in thoughts of grief on his birthday, mourning the loss of his parents. Seeking solace, he turns to alcohol, hoping to numb the pain. But when he wakes the next day, he finds himself in a strange new world, gifted with powers he unknowingly acquired in his intoxicated state. Rather than succumbing to despair, he chooses to face the unknown with resilience and determination. Exploring this unfamiliar realm, he uncovers hidden truths about himself, unlocking a wellspring of abilities he never knew existed. Driven by an unwavering desire to be reunited with his parents, he embarks on a quest to understand his newfound powers and the world that now surrounds him. Throughout his journey, he forms alliances, overcomes adversaries, and lends a helping hand to those in need. If there are also those who pose a threat to his loved ones. He confronts these challenges head-on, employing diverse strategies beyond mere violence. From Solo Leveling to The Beginning After The End to Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, follow this man's story as he tries to make sense of his new reality and find his way back to his loved ones. …. Before you begin reading the story, I'd like to share a few important points. The main character (MC) is a good-natured and cheerful person, so don't expect him to become excessively violent or aggressive from the start. However, he won't let others walk all over him and will deal with anyone he sees as a potential threat. How he handles these situations won't always involve violence, but you'll understand more about this as you progress into the second part of the story. The first part is meant to be uplifting and doesn't involve much danger because the MC is already powerful. Its purpose is mainly to introduce the MC's personality and the female characters who will develop romantic feelings for him. I did my best with my writing skills at the time, so I apologize if it's not as good as you'd like. Your feedback and thoughts are welcome, as I value your input. While this story can be enjoyed as a lighthearted harem fanfic commonly found in web novels, if you take the time to explore the sentences and scenarios, you'll find deeper meaning beneath the surface. Ultimately, it's up to you as the reader to interpret and decide whether it's a typical fanfic with an overpowered MC and a harem or something more meaningful when read with greater thought and investment. I've learned this through my writing experiences. Give it a try and let me know your thoughts after reading. I deeply appreciate all of my readers, and I am truly grateful to those who enjoy reading this story. Your support means a lot to me. At the same time, I want to apologize to those who didn't find it appealing or satisfying. Anyway thanks for taking the time to engage with my work, and I will try to improve and deliver content that you may like one day. That is all, Thank you for reading. Note: This story is a fan fiction and I do not own any of the characters. For those interested, you can join the Discord link provided or check out my Patreon to read ahead. 1 extra chapter for 650 power stones https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

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I Am Not Dumb

[Many Constellations are waiting for your answer.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

"No," Haru's words reached everyone's ears and they all froze on the spot. In-ho's grin was stuck in place as he couldn't believe what he just heard he looked up at Haru and asked.


"I said, No," Haru said again.

"Why? This is for helping everyone," In-ho said as his voice echoed on the platform.

"It is because of him," Haru said while pointing at Cheol-soo.

"M-Me," Cheol-soo stammered as he felt everyone's eyes on him, the gazes contained malice and anger far greater than he could handle.

'Is it because of what he did before? This idiot was rash but it isn't unfixable,' In-ho thought as he looked at Cheol-soo before looking back at Haru.

"If it is because of his earlier behavior I can have him apologize,"

"No, if anything I want to thank him," Haru said and the people weren't able to understand what was going on anymore.

That guy just threatened you, Why do you want to thank him?

Even Haru's own group looked confused along with In-ho and the others.

"What does that mean?" In-ho asked after he got out of his shock.

"Well, earlier he said that something might happen to my group while I am away, and that has helped me look at the important things. I want to ensure their safety first, So thank you for your offer but I'll have to decline," Haru said with a soft smile while looking at Cheol-soo.

"N-No problem," Cheol-soo said as he froze since he could see In-ho glaring at him.

'Why the fuck did I answer?' Cheol-soo thought as he looked at In-ho glaring at him, but it wasn't only him that was affected the surrounding people also believed in Haru on the basis of what he has done till now.

I mean why wouldn't they believe a person who went out in danger alone to get food for his group? Hell, they'd want a leader like that themselves.

"Haru-ssi," Sang-ah and Hyun-sung were almost moved to tears.

'Even If I know he is serious this is too funny,' Nam-woon covered his mouth to muffle his laughter, This was way too funny for him.

But not everyone in Haru's group was happy.

'Damn bastard, acting like you are all good,' Myung-oh gritted his teeth with his face scrunching up, of course, it didn't go unnoticed.

"I see, that is too bad, but is that all?" In-ho asked, he was still trying to throw a bone. Because if it was just for the safety of Haru's group he could do that, if the latter was useful enough for the trouble it would cause.

[Several Constellations are extremely curious about your answer.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

"Yes, I do not trust you," Haru said with the same smile.

"….Huh?" In-ho's eyes snapped open as it took quite some time for him to register the words. The air around the two got tense with the people not understanding what just happened.

"Oh I should give you the reason, It is because In-ho-ssi has these slanted eyes and you're also wearing a turtleneck so I can't trust you," Haru said with a serious look.

"….." The area was silent, the people were more speechless than ever before.

"Pfft," Nam-woon couldn't hold in his laughter and it burst out a little for everyone to hear.

[Many Constellations are saying 'I can't believe you've done this']

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' nods her head in understanding.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' agrees with your statement wholeheartedly.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Goddess of Love and Beauty' is happy to see you didn't fall for the ugly tactics employed by the ugly incarnation 'Cheon In-Ho'.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

Haru ignored the war going on between the constellations and looked at In-ho who seemed to have got his bearings.

"Haha, that was a good joke," In-ho laughed while looking at Haru who smiled back and to the surrounding people it looked like the tension was gone.

"Alright then I won't waste any more of your time," In-ho said to Haru who was still smiling and nodded.

Haru then looked at Cheol-soo who got irritated because of how tall Haru was it seemed like he was looking down on him.

"What?" Cheol-soo asked while hiding his anger.

"There is a piece of chicken stuck in your teeth," Haru said with a small smile.

"W-Wha?" Cheol-soo panicked and closed his mouth in a hurry. Of course, his action was seen by everyone in the surrounding.

[The constellation 'Secretive plotter' is looking forward to this conversation.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden headband' is getting excited at the development.]

[200 Coins have been Sponsored.]

'This idiot, did he not check before coming out?' In-ho was furious right now because before coming out Cheol-soo and the others were eating.

"Cheol-soo and I were having fried chicken before everything happened, it must've been from that time," In-ho said while looking a little sad and the whispers among the people died down after hearing his voice.

The incident In-ho was talking about was something everyone understood and it made the mood heavy.

"I am sorry I suspected you for nothing," Haru said with a sorry look.

"Suspect us?" In-ho looked shocked and his eyes opened a little with the smile on his face vanishing.

"Yeah, it would be quite bad if the people who are responsible for food distribution are monopolizing the food while others are starving, Don't you think so?" Haru said with a smile.

In-ho frowned as the murmurs started to get louder and louder. There is no way people didn't suspect them, In-ho and his group had just taken over the position so the people were still wary of them. A little snowball can become an avalanche at this moment.

'I see, So this bastard isn't as simple as he looks, he has some brains after all,' In-ho thought as he looked at Haru.

"I agree, but I hope, No I'll make sure everyone sees how fair we are," In-ho said those empty words with a smile but the people seemed to calm down.

"That is great," Haru smiled.

"Though I hope you can help us when the time comes, there are nearly 180 people here and it will cause a lot of problems since food is limited, you seem to be able to get an abundant amount after all," In-ho said with a genuine smile.

[Incarnation 'Cheon In-Ho' has used the Skill 'Incite Lv. 2']

'I have more than one ways to have you work for me even if don't join me,' In-ho scoffed in his mind as the people started to whisper between themselves again.

"I have no problem with that as you can see I brought a lot of food and some of it might get spoilt," Haru said while laughing.

'There gotcha but, How does he have so much confidence?' In-ho smiled while looking at Haru, since his earlier statement meant that he could get a steady supply of food from the outside which was basically a death trap.

"I am very thankful for your kindness, If there is something I can help with do tell me," In-ho said, he really wanted to make one of his men tag along with Haru to see where he was getting food and everything.

"Oh no, as long as you pay the price for them I have no issue," Haru added with an amiable smile.

"Yes, sur- wait what?" In-ho who was about to agree snapped out of it and asked while the crowd looked on.

"10 coins per item, as long as you pay that I have no issue with giving it to the person who wants it," Haru spoke loud enough so that his words were carried to everyone.

"10 coins?" In-ho's face was blank of any emotions as his previous friendliness went out of the window.

"Yes, I risked my life to get those, surely a man as generous as you, isn't asking me to give it all away for free, right?" Haru said with a smile.

[Some Constellations are worried if you've eaten anything weird.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

[Many Constellations are suspecting that you've been replaced by someone else.]

[300 Coins have been Sponsored.]

'…I am not dumb you know?' Haru didn't know what to say to these guys but they were surely having fun. Haru looked at in-ho who didn't seem to be doing good.

'This bastard...' In-ho was infuriated.

