
Family of swindlers.

Melisa had sat on the patio of her bedroom taking care of Zoey. She had already had her fair share of grandchildren but getting a great grandchild as precious as Zoey makes her smile endlessly. "Just wait until those fools marry, I will shower you with so many gifts."

Due to Kaleah's modesty she had to dress Zoey in Cyan's old clothes, her beautiful fair skin covered with jumpers and jackets to protect her from the cold. Cyan had complained that she might overheat but Cyan had raised any children to tell know how sensitive babies skin was.

She fondles with the precious cheek of her future greatgrandchild, "I will also have to get adoption papers ready, once you are legally a Beckett You will be my great grandchild for life."

The first Fool (Kaleah) had been refusing the courtesy and sincerity of Melisa buying Zoey gifts with the reasoning that Melisa had helped them enough. But when she marries the second fool (Clayton) no one can stop Melisa from spoiling her great grandchild.

The two fools are going to walk into her trap naively, she already knew that Clayton ended things with Hailee, a good indication that he didn't care for her. She knows very well he had already had his eyes set on Kaleah the moment they met, and Kaleah's desperation to get married, was the icing on the cake.

She cannot help but beam at the thought of watching them marry. "It is going to be a wonderous day, me and you will wear matching dresses and celebrate the success of our great evil plan."

"Um.. Melisa."

"Ah child, you are here, come seat with me." First fool is here, now it is time to convince first fool to wear the expensive dresses she and Cyan bought for her date with second fool in three days.

"I hope Zoey is not too much trouble."

"What? This precious child a problem, do not insult my Zoey like that." She lunges into a protective hug while glaring at Kaleah.

"Thank you, for loving her, I want to expose her to as much love as possible that she never feels lonely and unloved."

'Fool one is sure one of a kind,' she thought, she almost felt guilty for trapping her into marrying her insufferable grandson. "Oh, search the bags, I have bought some dresses to wear at your date." Like I said Almost, they will have a happy end in the long-run who cares about the short-run bickers.

"Melisa you shouldn't have."

Her modesty makes Melisa's blood boil, this foolish child should just accept the love she is being given and stop refusing.

"Child do not worry about the nitty-gritty, the man I have set up for you is a bit complex, you need to dress to impress."

Kaleah reluctantly goes into the bag taking out a yellow strapless dress. Melisa smirks looking at Kaleah's chest. "Oh, this will show all the goods, he ought to love this one."


"What? He is a sexually active man; he is going to look at them" she giggles before mischievously smiling "you know they touch them for our arousal when we do the deed?" she whispers before chuckling again.

"Melisa!" the blushing red Kaleah scolds while putting the dress back in the bag. Playing pranks on Kaleah was fun since her grandchildren were all SmartMouth who didn't get flustered with innocence.

"What are you doing?"

"I am not going to wear this dress." She pouts, a cute child indeed, even wearing a shirt full of dry paint and worn-out shorts, she still looks gorgeous. 'Now I see what Clayton see in her' she chuckles evilly again.

"I am only teasing you child." she says in union with Zoey's chuckle Zoey had already been Melisa's accomplice to all the evil plans. "He would like you in anything you wear, try the dress out first before ruling it out."

With the words Kaleah sighs before taking the bags to Melisa's dressing room. "Come out so I can see which one is better." She yelled.

Kaleah had taken her time changing because even Zoey ended up sleeping before she even shows the first dress. Melisa rocked the cute child for a while to ensure she doesn't wake up when she put her down to her crib.

It is soon that Cyan joins Melisa, "grandmother, have you seen Leah?" she asks, she had looked for her everywhere to show a new sculpture she had created.

Melisa shush the loud child with the fear she might wake Zoey up, "she is the dressing room trying on the dresses we bought." Cyan had made a clear confused reaction, though she bought the clothes, she never thought Kaleah would accept their sincerity. "How did she accept the dresses? Teach me your tricks grandmother."

"Child you will wake Zoey up, keep you voice down" she warns yet again, Zoey is startled a little she opens her eyes before slowly closing them with Melisa's sweet soothing voice. "Sit down if you want to choose a dress she will wear."

The first dress is indeed the yellow dress, which Kaleah cannot stop covering her assets in. "The cleavage is meant to be shown not hidden." Cyan scolded, but the words of Melisa had already been engraved at the poor child's mind, she had not done the deed yet and even with reading hundreds of spicy novels, it made her embarrassed to hear about intimate things.

When Kaleah had left the room to change into another dress, the problem child had arrived sporting a bowl of popcorn. Conan had always been a mischief, starting with his mischief at only the age of 6 after pranking his older cousin Clayton by adding hair dye to shampoo. An act that he is still proud of to this day.

"I want in, or I will snitch." He boldly exclaim, with a smile in his face.


"Worry not child, let us hear the child out." Melisa who had not taken her attention of the now sleeping Zoey, before putting Zoey to her bed she had prompted to remove some of her warm clothes.

"That won't work on my grandmother, apparently you forced Clayton to go on a date this Saturday and for some reason the sexy painter is going on a date the same day and time. What a strange coincidence?" He raises his brow before continuing "let me in this ploy or I will snitch." Conan threatens before drawing a handful of popcorn.

"Ugh, fine, sit down and do not blabber about this." Melisa says before glaring at him, though she loved her grandchildren equally, she hated how Conan could not be fooled when it came to mischievous acts.

"Yay, this is going to be fun. Can we get surveillance footage of the date. Their chemistry is unmatched." He smiles squeezing in at the sofa between the two women.

"Whose chemistry?" Cyan askes confused, the were only two people who were going on a date and those two people didn't' like each other at all.

"Shush." Melisa shushes the two as she sees Kaleah approaches, she stands up to put Zoey to her crib before going back to seat.

"Do you guys like it; I think it is a bit too red." The red dress was beautiful, it was a very loose dress, even though it didn't make much of Kaleah's shape, it was still beautiful on her.

'Oh, no it is gorgeous, he will faint if he sees you in that." Conan praises with the two nodding at his remarks.

"We do not want him to faint do we? I will find something else." Kaleah sceptically says before heading back to the dressing room.

They watch as she walks away anxiously. Cyan had many things to ask, she was plotting behind her best friends back to match her with an insufferable man, she had already did much as to set a blind date with a stalker, this seem to be worse.

"Who has Chemistry?" Cyan asks first when Kaleah was no longer in range.

"Oh, where did you see them together? That child had been ignoring my poor grandson like a plague itself." Melisa asks dipping her hand at the bowl of popcorn.

"Wait grandmother thinks Clayton and Kaleah has chemistry?"

"You just haven't seen the together, sparks fly like so high you would think you are watching a romantic comedy. I have never seen Cousin Clay blush that much in just a few seconds." He replies at the bewildered Cyan first. "Oh, I saw them today when you sent me to fetch Kaleah, you should have been there, it looked so fluffy."

Cyan had been hearing from Kaleah that though he was a good eye candy, Clayton had a bad attitude and why Kaleah will never fall for him for days that Conan's words seem to be fibbers. Clayton and Kaleah, having atomic chemistry seems false.

"I really do not believe you, Kaleah calls Clayton the devil incarnates, you think she would like him?"

"Oh, poor Cyan, she listens to the lies of that child, she would reject everything, you just need to see it yourself." Melisa said.

Their conversation is cut by the smiling Kaleah who had changes into yet another beautiful dress. Maybe Cyan should work harder into getting into the bottom of this problem, maybe she would feel less guilty for duping her friend.

It seems things didn't go as planned for Clayton, after that one encounter with Kaleah, he had never seen her again that day. He knows it will take long for him to see her again because he will be busy, and she will be avoiding him.

"Good morning cousin."

"Don't start."

"With what? I am just greeting my precious cousin."

"I don't want you to, why didn't you leave with uncle and aunt?"

Conan smirked at him before asking. "Are still mad I interrupted you smooch session?"

"Ugh, I almost had her." he grumbles, earning a surprised face from Conan, had Clayton really admitted that he was flirting with sexy painter, he didn't believe it.

"Sorry," he apologizes "you can have her, she still is living here you know."

"But I have a date with a potential fiancé this Saturday."

"Huh, you agreed with grandmother's request." Conan asks, his fake surprised voice almost sounding plausible.

"I am just going to see her, if she is as good as grandmother says then I might consider the whole marriage thing."

"What about miss sexy painter?"

"I said consider, I am just going on a date, not getting married, I still can have her."

"Hmmm Scandalous playboy ready to play the field again." Conan teases, "but she is Cyan's friend, what if you mess up their friendship."

"We will cross the bridge when we get there, besides, I do not condemn Cyan who is screwing my secretary."

"Huh… wait, Cyan is doing what? Why haven't I heard about this?"

Clayton had known about Cyan and Cain for way too long, from the time when they we still acting shy around each other, the times where they both had partners and would act jealous and to the times where are now sneaking around.

"She thinks I don't know; Cain still freezes when he thinks I found out about them, I will keep it that way, it is fun."

"You are evil you know that?" Conan who is just as cruel scolds.

"Next time you see Kaleah and I in the same room postpone whatever you want to tell us. I am now single, and Kaleah looks about good to be mine."

Conan had just only laughed as his cousin's resolve, how funny it would be when they meet this Saturday, yes he had concluded, staying behind had been a good call.