
Angry husband's wrath returns

[Clayton POV- Earlier that day]

Cain had come to my office later telling me there was someone here to see me.

Suzy Boyle here looking disorientated, Conan is quite fast with implementing things, for her to even come only two hours after Conan filed the lawsuit.

"How can I help you, Miss Boyle?" I asked sarcastically knowing very well why she is here.

"I…... I... I got a call from the mental health association," she mutters softly, still trembling.

"Oh… is that so?" I ask still acting oblivious, "what does that have to do with me?"

"I was told that you filed a complaint about my misconduct."

"Did I? I wonder why, you were an amazing therapist, slut shamed my wife for being sexual assaulted masking it as advice," even speaking about it now makes me angry.

"I … I apologize, that was not my intention, I just wanted to give advice to her. But they are going to take my license, I will lose my job, please sir don't do this."

"Why? So, you can continue to shame other sexual assault survivors? So, you can try and destroy other people's marriage?"

"I will not do it again; I beg you Mr. Beckett be merciful," she stands to her seat before kneeling, "I need this job sir, I have no other source of income."

"You should have thought of that before you went and told your friend confidential information about my life," I say angrily, "I am sure Mimi would help you with your expenses, she is you great friend, is she?"

"I didn't mean... please I did it for money," she continue to plead.

"Sorry Miss Boyle but I will not be helping you, maybe if you went to my wife and grovel, I might consider it," I say, I like the sound of that, having all these filthy humans kneel and worship my wife.

"You are continuing with the marriage," she asked confused, I roll my eyes at her, even in a situation like this she still is shamelessly judging my decision.

"Yes, I love my wife and I will support her through anything," not that I needed to explain myself to her, "anyway, please leave Miss Boyle, I have a business to run."

She leaves still disorientated and pleading, but I don't care they came for someone they shouldn't have.

"Sir, Mimi Dawson accepted you for tonight's slot for an interview," Cain says, I smile, killing two birds with one stone, destroying all the new enemies trying to hurt my wife.

"Okay, make necessary preparations for us to go," I say happily, "I will call my wife to tell her I will be home late."

"Are you sure about this?" Cain asked, I nodded effortlessly.

We prepared to be on the show, Mimi was buzzing with happiness, having someone he had trashed for months on end on her show was quite an achievement.

I know she is probably going to make a lot of money tonight, but I know very well it will be the last time she makes this much money off gossip.

She had made sure her team was ready for the interview, but she wasn't sure of the amount of damage tonight's show was about to do to her whole life.

"Good evening, Mimi Dawson here and tonight we are blessed with a Greek God, yes, Clayton Beckett joins us to the studio to talk about his failed marriage, welcome to the show Mr. Beckett."

She chimes so happily, I look at the audience even her husband and daughters are here to support her, a family woman out to destroy other people's families, how ironic.

"Good evening, Mrs. Dawson." I mutter.

"So, Mr. Beckett, how does it feel to be in the market yet again?" Mimi asked.

"But Mrs. Dawson, I don't remember saying I was separating from my wife," I say firmly, she is startled and confused, she had thought I came to announce my divorce since many high-profile divorces are made that way.

"But…. Well, we have a source who said...."

"Well, the source lied to you," I say firmly, she looks around glares at the camera man, "I am here to clear up the rumor that me and my wife are separating."

"But Mr. Beckett doesn't separation in these circumstances makes sense?"

"Does it? What makes you think it makes sense to separate?" I bait, I want her to talk about her 20-year marriage and how amazing it has been going.

"Well, your wife is keeping a child that is not yours," but she doesn't take the bait instead she angers me by blaming my wife.

"She was sexually assaulted, I am sure we both know that, and you as a woman should be supporting her, there are women who go through what my wife went through and comes out with a coffin I am just happy she is alive."

"The child…."

'The child that my wife is carrying is mine, not biologically, but if you know the laws of this country since she is married to me the child is also mine," I say firmly.

Mimi gritted her teeth she was angry, angry I was not saying what she wanted to hear, "well as a woman who has been married for 20 years, I will tell you one thing Mr. Beckett you are making a mistake."

I cannot help but smirk, "so you would say having kids outside marriage ruins the marriage?" I asked smugly.

"Yes, it does," she says proudly, "Mr. Beckett you are an amazing man, there are much better women for you out there, even my eldest daughter over there who is a super model by the way, would not mind marrying you."

"How did your marriage survive this long when you have kids that are not biological your husbands?" I asked with a smug, she is startled by this.

"What are you talking about?" she asked trembling in fear. I take out an envelope and take out a few papers.

"Well, Candice Dawson who is twenty is biologically your camera man Mr. Jim's daughter, it shows you did the DNA test here and though you didn't tell your husband, but the biological father knows she is his daughter."

I smirked looking at the camera man who was sweating bullets Mrs. Dawson is looking around to her husband who is angry.

"I apologize if I am intruding, but you have been intruding in my family matters for so long I feel like we are close enough to give each other advice," I say sarcastically.

"Mr. Beckett you are spewing nonsense, Candy is my husband's daughter," she defended.

"Oh… maybe I was wrong maybe I meant you second daughter Lily Dawson, fathered by the CEO of this media company, Mr.…."

"Enough!" she yells, "how dare you say that about me, how dare you slut shame me."

"But Mrs. Dawson, I didn't slut shame you, I am just asking since you said having a child that is not biologically mine would ruin my marriage, I am asking why you having two daughters that are not biologically your husband didn't ruin yours," I say glaring at her.

"My daughters are my husband's daughters," she defended.

"Do you want to try a DNA test? I brought a good doctor, it would only take a few hours," I say with a smirk, "I am sorry if you got pregnant in the same circumstance as my wife, no woman should have to go through that."

"I never assaulted her, she told me she would give me a job if we slept together," the camera man says making her husband growled angrily.

Her two daughters who I do know I shouldn't have done this to them, but their mother needed a bit of pruning, and they also need to know their real fathers.

"Shut up Jim," she yells, "you, stop spreading lies about my daughter and marriage."

"Oh…. You cheated for a whole 20 years, and your husband didn't suspect a thing?" I mocked, "you are quite a sneaky wife aren't you, and you have the audacity to slut shame my wife."

"I…... well…. This not…..."

"I am going to say this once, I am not divorcing my wife, not today, not ever, and do not ever slut shame my wife for being assaulted by a monster, she is a survivor, and you don't deserve to utter her name with your filthy mouth."

I look straight to the camera, "the child she carries is mine as much as it is hers, there will not be another parent linked to it, there is only one woman that would have my heart and that is my wife, Kaleah Beckett, and I love her only her, so stop spewing any false news about us divorcing."

"Thank you for having me on the show, have fun explaining to your husband, and please make use of Dr Martin, he is a good doctor and would help you solve the paternity issue."

I walked out of the stage feeling happy, roach two, destroyed.