
Chapter 2: A Life Without Learning or Skills

Translator: 549690339

In his contemplation, he glanced at the black-iron colored weights. He found there were quite a few of them, but there weren't many whose forms he could discern clearly, as most of them appear as light spots.

Apart from this large poisoned weight, there were just a few others that represented flesh and blood, martial arts roots, and martial arts cultivation, etc.

Without doing anything immediately, Wang Zijia shifted his gaze to the silver-white illusory weights, which were surprisingly several times more than the black-iron ones and not clustered together as the black weights were.

The silver-white illusory weights were clearly divided into two groups, one larger than the other. The weights in both groups varied in size.

Looking at the two groups of silver-white weights representing experience and skills, Wang Zijia's eyes sparkled. He reached out and beckoned, summoning the largest weights from the smaller group.

Weight: Qianying skill realm

Status: In Training

Value: 4

Description: The cultivation realm of the high-grade innate grandmaster cultivation method "Hidden Shadow Skill". Current cultivation: Acquired Entry Level.


Weight: Thirteen Dragon Short Knife

Status: In Training

Level: Entry Level

Value: 3

Description: Advanced assassin technique of Dagger Class martial arts.


Weight: Talisman Shop Miscellaneous Duties

Value: 1.7

Description: Experience gained from odd jobs in the Cultivation World's stores. Acquired extraordinary knowledge from passed-down teachings and several months of practice, hence it's of some value.


As expected, these small white weights correspond to the various survival experiences of his previous life.


In his thoughts, Wang Zijia turned his gaze to the larger group of silver-white weights, and with a wave of his hand, several large weights flew over to him.

Weight: One Hundred and Eight Moves

Value: 9

Description: A special fighting method of a visitor from another world. Due to understanding many classic moves and numerous residual moves, and having part of it practiced in the foreign world, the value is enormous!

Wang Zijia: ······

Looking at one of the largest weights, Wang Zijia was momentarily speechless.

This weight, dammit······ turned out to be a collection of his 'resources' from his previous life!!!

In his silence, Wang Zijia chose another weight.

Weight: Random Trivia Study

Value: 6

Description: A treasure trove of a Chūnibyō boy. After more than a decade of dedicated study and intensive training, it became a treasure trove of the boy. Also being knowledge from another world, its value is enormous!

Wang Zijia: ······

So reading novels is indeed one of his greatest life experiences... a divine damn boy's treasure...

Wang Zijia was once again speechless.

Then, looking at the numerous weights he could just barely see-clearly, Wang Zijia realized he had a huge hodgepodge of them.

Cooking, broadcasting exercises, eye exercises, Tai Chi Fist, physical fitness skills, foreign world science, fishing skills, etc.

Probably because he was a transmigrator, even ghostly things like eye exercises somehow gained some weight value.

Moreover, after roughly browsing through the weights, Wang Zijia had a succinct summary of his past life.

Four characters: Filled with Bunk!!

There were quite a few weights, a hodgepodge of everything, but they sufficiently epitomized the undisputed fact that he was a loser in his past life!!

Looking at all the silver-white weights, Wang Zijia always felt as if they were laughing, mocking his useless life!

"Phew······" After a long while, Wang Zijia managed to calm his turbulent emotions, exhaling a long-held breath deeply.

Looking at all the weights, Wang Zijia began to try using the Golden Finger.

Naturally, the first to face the brunt was the black-iron weight related to his body, [Weight: Cursed Mixed Poison].

With a raise of his hand, he cast the weight into one end of the Golden Balance.

As the weight fell into the balance, ambiguous information emerged, roughly speculating:

[Please select the target weight to convert.]

Without much thought, Wang Zijia picked up the [Weight: Martial Arts Cultivation].

As he made the choice with his consciousness, the poisoned weight on the left side of the golden balance flickered, and on the right side, a weight of the same size materialized out of thin air.

In a brief moment, the new weight was completely formed. It flew up and merged with the weight in Wang Zijia's hand to form a larger weight.

Meanwhile, the poisoned weight on the left side flickered and continued to shrink until it finally became an almost invisible black-iron light point.

Wang Zijia first looked at the diminished poisoned weight on the balance.

Looking at the light point, Wang Zijia instantly understood that weight exchange cannot create something from nothing; similarly, the weight exchange cannot completely disappear.

The bodily manifestation of this would be that a trace of it would remain.

For instance, now, the toxins in his body had not completely disappeared. Currently, only a negligible amount of residual poison remained. Not only would it not affect his body, but as long as he was willing, any simple antidote should eliminate the last vestiges of the poison.

As for the performance of the silver-white intellectual weights, the related insight realms would drop, but the related memories would never disappear.

Take the gymnastics experience weights for example, when he swapped it for other weights, leaving behind light spots, it meant that his gymnastics-related skills would disappear, but the memories related to gymnastics movements would not disappear.

It was like a person who had watched someone else doing related gymnastics.

With these thoughts, he looked at the new weights exchanged and fused in his hand.

Weight: Martial arts cultivation

Cultivation: Postnatal Elementary Level (First-class)

Status: Cultivating

Value: 10

Introduction: The cultivation of the innate Grandmaster high-grade method "Hidden Shadow Skill".

The six points of toxins had been exchanged for martial arts cultivation, and the value of the weights had changed from 4 to 10. The specific manifestation was that his martial arts cultivation had directly become postnatal elementary level, which meant that his martial arts had officially entered the room.

Without exchanging weights again, he moved his mind, and the illusory consciousness body immediately left the sea of consciousness.

The moment he returned to his body, he immediately felt warm all over. The martial arts cultivation method in his body was constantly operating, and a strong feeling arose spontaneously.

After sensing for a while, Wang Zijia found that although his cultivation was growing rapidly, it did not immediately enter the postnatal elementary level.

In his perception, the cultivation method was constantly operating, and the body's essence and Qi were constantly transformed into cultivation.

It seemed that it would take about four days for his body to reach the cultivation mentioned in the weights?

Well, it would also require him to have a sufficient diet.

In other words, although his realm of cultivation had reached, his body's Qi needed to be accumulated in actuality and would not be produced out of thin air.

"Four days?"

The original martial arts cultivation had taken more than ten years, and now it had increased by 1.5 times, but it only took four days. Wang Zijia felt that this was completely acceptable.

Of course, this buffer time would change according to the level of the cultivation method and the realm of the cultivation method. If he were cultivating a garbage cultivation method instead of an innate advanced cultivation method, even if he had sufficient nutrition, he would probably need ten or even dozens of days of buffer.

After understanding these, Wang Zijia felt the various weights in the sea of knowledge, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and he did not immediately exchange again.

Because, as far as his body was concerned, he actually didn't have many weights he could exchange. Blood, flesh, tendons, bones, martial arts roots and bones were the fundamentals of his body. He needed to add more, so how could he casually exchange it for martial arts cultivation.

Apart from being a bit chubby, the original body could exchange some fat. However, the weights that could actually be exchanged into cultivation were really pitiful.

How much capital could a 15 or 16-year-old body have!

However... thinking of the previous poisoning weights, he had a way to rapidly increase his cultivation.

Between his thoughts, he again felt the silver-white experience weights, but there were not many, added up, and there was a value of almost eighty to ninety.

But there weren't many targets that could be generated, he couldn't possibly exchange all of them into One Hundred and Eight Styles, right?

It was not a dual cultivation method!

Uhh... speaking of which, if he really exchanged it for this, could he melee to become a deity?

But how would he use it? He did not want to be a young master!


At this moment, a thunderous rumble sounded from his stomach, interrupting Wang Zijia's thoughts.

Coming slightly back to his senses, a wave of hunger came over him.

Feeling the rapid operation of the cultivation method and the visible increase in cultivation, it was clear that he needed sufficient nutrition for these four days.

Temporarily setting aside his thoughts, he was about to put the four books he had taken out back into the box, and go out to find something to eat first, but his movements stopped.

He looked at the small wooden box, a piece of information flashed in his memory.

He reached out in surprise and pressed on the bottom of the box, a secret compartment appeared, and a token appeared before his eyes.

There were dense patterns on the token, and there were two words on the front, mysterious and noble.


Looking at the token, memories from a few months ago surfaced.

This thing... seemed to be something that the original body's father had mysteriously obtained. It appeared to be an entry token for the Wanyu Immortal Sect.

As long as one had spiritual roots, they could cultivate, and if they met certain conditions, they could use this token to enter the Wanyu Immortal Sect. Of course, whether they became general workers or outer sect disciples depended on their fulfillment of these certain conditions.

"Uh... the ordeal that the previous body's family went through, could it have been because of this thing?"


So hungry!

While in thought, his stomach growled again. Wang Zijia temporarily gave up on his thoughts, put the items back in place, closed the box, and hid it in the secret compartment.

He stood up, thought for a moment, and remembered the method to open the secret room.

He got up to the door, gently rotated the oil lamp on the wall.


A low and barely audible sound rang out, and everything outside was pitch black. It seemed to be deep in the night.

After leaving the room, instinctively, he subconsciously closed the secret room, which also caused the faint light in the secret room to disappear, and the room plunged into darkness.

Because of this movement, the window in the room became slightly white, and the dim moonlight fell into the room.

Perhaps it was because of his martial arts cultivation, his vision was very good. This faint light allowed Wang Zijia to barely see the furnishings in the room.


The room was not large, but it was arranged very elegantly, antique, low-key and luxurious. The back door of the secret room was a bookshelf. Obviously, this was a study room.

According to his memory, although the yard was located on the outer ring of the Wanyu Immortal City, it was not small.

After all, even though this place was a cultivator city, there were not a few ordinary people.