
Chapter 4 His ruthless command

"What did you say?" Triana stared incredulously at the man who had suddenly changed his face.

One second he had the sincerity to repay her, the next his face fell as if she was really the sinner who hurt him.

At this moment, most of the werewolves were gathered in the pack.

Everyone was startled when they saw their Alpha and Beta coming from a distance. They all sighed as if they were relieved. However, each of them was dumbfounded when they noticed a strange woman trotting behind the Alpha.

"Who is that woman?"

"She must be a rogue, judging by her unpleasant scent. Maybe the Alpha caught her."

"Or maybe the leader of the rogue wanted to make peace with us and gifted her to the Alpha, sort of like a contract marriage."

"Are you crazy? Alpha worships Luna. He doesn't need a mistress."


They kept guessing the reason why there's a stranger. Everyone was curious about her and why Alpha brought her here.

"Alpha's injured." One of the werewolves observed." Did this woman hurt him?"

The thought was enough to make their blood boil. They cast her a disgusted look and clenched their jaws. The stench assaulted their nostrils as she approached the pack. Some of them backed away, wrinkling their noses, while others covered their noses. Each of them stared at Triana in disgust.

Blaze glanced at the crowd as he walked forward. He stopped as he stepped into the gate, and turned toward the crowd. Gayle stood to his right, while Ryan stood to his left.

"Rogue! Kneel down and apologize to our Alpha!" The pack roared up in displeasure at Triana.

Triana was pinned down by Gayle and another werewolf, and after being chased by the rogues and spending her energy saving Blaze, she really didn't feel energetic enough at the moment to escape their grip.

Triana stared furiously at Blaze with red eyes. She wanted to know what did this man want?

"Be quiet." Blaze spoke up, and the crowd quickly quieted down. "As you can see, I am indeed injured."

Hearing that their Alpha was injured, the pack members soon became agitated again, because under Blaze's protection these years, they had been living much better than other packs.

Whoever hurts Blaze is their greatest enemy!

"Alpha Blaze, did this woman hurt you?" One of the she-wolves asked, but her eyes were fixed on Triana, if not for the public occasion, she would have rushed up to kill this woman.

She was more raged about the fact that this woman was also a rogue. What puzzled her was that Alpha Blaze did not kill this rogue on the spot, but brought her back to their pack.

Alpha Blaze has never allowed rogues to set foot in their pack, so why was this woman an exception?

The other werewolves all looked at Triana with murderous intent at the she-wolf's inquiry. Triana was not the first time experiencing such hatred. When she accused Bruno of betraying her, her pack members had the same look as these werewolves had, full of disgust and trying to tear her apart.

Triana was not much affected, but she did not intend to wait for death. If the pack really mistook her for the murderer and wanted to kill her, she would not be merciful. Before she died, she definitely would not spare Blaze's life.

She sneered and looked at Blaze, wondering what he would answer next.

Blaze looked at Triana who wasn't fearful at all, feeling delighted! His supposed mate was really different.

He turned to the crowd again and explained, "No. But this woman will be my slave in the future, until after I confirm why she is in our pack."

"Slave?!" Triana's eyes widened at the same time. What kind of trick was this man playing? Did he really think he could just treat her as his private property without her permission?

But at this time, the pack members were even more shocked than Triana.

"Is Alpha crazy? Why would he be so merciful to a rogue?! Will Luna Alma allow him to do such a thing? "

Yes. Luna! They were curious about why Luna Alma isn't here?

"Alpha, why isn't Luna with you?"

Speaking of Alma, Blaze turned gloomy. He was even covered with killing intent, the air becoming tense all of a sudden. The crowd did not understand what was going on, only felt the chill, and dare not to say anything.

"Alma..." Blaze squeezed out this word from his teeth. Just by mentioning her name, Blaze was regretted not to kill them at that moment.

"From now on, there's no Luna in the pack. Alma has been driven out from the pack and become a rogue. Whoever sees her, do not have mercy, and kill her!"

Once when Blaze announced that, the crowd including Triana, were shocked in disbelief. Although she knew that Blaze was aloof, she had heard that Blaze had always been in love with his Luna, and that he doted on her and tolerated her much.

But why would his Luna become a rogue? She assumed that it must have something to do with his injury this time.

The pack member dared not to ask the reason, they trusted their Alpha. They just needed to follow their Alpha's orders.

"Alpha Blaze, is this woman really not a rogue? She smelt exactly the same as a rogue!" The she-wolf who spoke out before, asked again.

"Moana, are you questioning my decision?" Blaze's voice wasn't loud, but it was enough to suppress Moana. She felt her heart being pressed so hard that it almost couldn't beat. She hurriedly lowered her head.

Gayle on the stage looked at his sister Moana and also disapprovingly at her behavior. He knew his sister had always admired Alpha, trying to replace Luna and always alienating the women around Alpha. But that was what always irritated Alpha.

"Alpha, Moana didn't mean to..." Gayle tried to defend his sister, but before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Blaze.

"Gayle, put this woman in the dungeon and after I'm well rested, I'll deal with her."

He pivoted and strode into the house after giving the order.

"You, asshole," Triana struggled with red eyes.

But two warriors yanked her arms from both sides and lifted her off her feet. "How dare you imprison me?" She continued shouting, desperately kicking her legs. "I'll kill you, Blaze."

"Shut your mouth," Gayle snapped. "Put her in the dungeon." He motioned with his hand for the warriors to take her away.

"I'll kill you, bastard…" Triana' s voice faded away in a distance.

Gayle shook his head and hurried to Blaze.

The pack doctor arrived soon and began treating his wounds. After cleaning his wounds, the doctor applied some green paste. Then he covered the wounds with gauze. "This will quicken the healing process. All you need is rest, alpha." He gave him a reassuring smile.

Blaze lay on the bed. With a gesture of his hand, he motioned for the doctor to leave.

"You okay?" Gayle approached the bed, concerned.

"I' m fine," Blaze replied feebly, his eyes closing. "Make sure she is not in any discomfort in the dungeon."

Gayle frowned, displeased. But he didn't oppose him. "I'll make sure about it," he assured with a nod. "Anything else?"

"You can leave."

Gayle bowed to him before leaving.

In the dungeon…

"I can' t believe that arrogant asshole is so ungrateful. Ugh…" Triana groaned, pulling her hair. "He imprisoned me! Me…" She put her index against her chest. "Triana Violet Cole, the alpha of the Silver Pack. How could he treat me like this?"

She snorted, pacing back and forth in a stormy momentum. "He didn't give a damn about me saving his life. I've never seen such an insensitive person before. Huh." She let out a profound sigh, flailing her arms in the air.

Triana plopped on the mattress in the corner of the cell, her hands wrapping around her knees. "Who'd have thought I'd end myself in a dungeon for saving someone's life?" She murmured and rested her head on her knees. "Oh, moon goddess, why are you tormenting me? First, you let my people kick me out of my pack, and then you let this jerk cage me. What sin am I being punished for?"

Tears stung in the back of her eyes. She sniffed, attempting to keep the tears at bay. "No, Triana. You can' t cry over such a pity thing." She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. "I need to get out of here. No one can confine me, no one."

She laid down, curling up into a ball. "I'll come up with an idea to escape from here. I'll figure it out…" She kept mumbling, her eyes gradually closing. "I'll get away from here…"

The sleep consumed her soon.

At the crack of dawn...

A young woman wearing a black cloak entered the cell. Her black eyes became darker as she stared at Triana sleeping peacefully. She dug her long nails into her palms. She wished she could kick her hard. In the meantime, she noticed a pail of water in the corner of the cell.


The woman picked up the bucket and splashed the water all over Triana.

The bone-chilling cold water jolted Triana awake from her slumber. She inhaled sharply and sprang to her feet. Her nostrils flared when she saw a young woman glaring at her.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked in a frenzy.