

"Where am I?", "what of mom, dad, Ellie and Deril?"

Blacksteele . D. Ruggier a man that appears to be in his late thirties with a bulky physique like that of a bear approaches.

"Hey kid, how long are you gonna keep spouting shit?"

"You should be happy I saved you."

Edwand thought to himself "what Happened, where's this place..... and who's the scary looking man.... and I was with Ellie before..... ugh.... yeahhhhh... I was hit by a truck, am I dead?? is this heaven and that's...

Hey kid I'm talking to you boy!!!!! Blacksteele.D.Ruggier shouted knocking the now tranced Edwand back to his current situation.

Edwand asked in a cowardly and timid tone " "p-p-please where am I? Heaven?" Blacksteele.D.Ruggier laughed wildly "hahahaha!!!!!! heaven my ass!!!!!".

"THIS IS ZENOVIA!!!!". Edwand in confusion asked "where's ZENOVIA!!!!(quoting Blacksteele.D.Ruggier)?"

Blacksteele replied "I thought you were the son of the house Remington in the east of ZENOVIA?"

Blacksteele sighed heavily and muttered "I guess you must have lost your memory or something".

"You're the 3rd son of the Remington household that was to be assisinated by the black shadow group..... I received a request from someone to protect you".

Edwand thought to himself "what's all this about being assassinated? I guess it's what happens when you die , you start seeing things.....

Hey boy!!!! you're off again spacing out. Anyway my employer said I should announce that you've died and I should take care of you not as the son of the Remington household but the student of the Sword king Blacksteele.D.Ruggier he says in self admiration.

No need to say much boy!!! All that matters is that you're my student from today and I treat you the way I want. Hey!!!! Boy!!!! you hear me?? he asked.

"yes!!" replied the still surprised Edwand.

Since you heard me nice and good your first lesson will be climbing up this mountain to my house before sunset, I'm off!!! shouted the grinning Blacksteele as he jumped up the mountain in one leap "and I forgot to mention, it becomes hard to stay here after sunset because the entire Eldridge forest will be crawling with monsters, GOOD LUCK SON!!!"

The still confused Edwand began trying to climb the mountain in fear that he might die if he falls off and he might die if the sun sets. Edwand began climbing the mountain though it may have seemed steep but somehow he was able to make it before sunset.

As he arrives the peak of the mountain he is met with a little building that could barely house two people while he was still lost in his gaze he was brought back to reality by Blacksteele 's voice in the distance "So you made it boy" said Blacksteele, I thought you'd give in as the son of the Remington household said Blacksteele as he laughed wildly.

"Welcome to hell my student, I'll make you the strongest swordsman in the history of Zenovia" said Blacksteele.

This was just the beginning of my story of how I reached the peak of swordsmanship and magic.