
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

A Talk About Magic With Puck, Reinhard, And Emilia

We were in the middle of Lugunica. We still didn't reach it, since we were quiet lost in the crowd. I decided to start a little bit of conversation.

"Hey Emilia, can you bring Puck out? I'd like to have a little bit of chat with him," I asked.


She reached her gem which was hanging from her collar, which was the home Puck was in. I don't really know what gem it's called though.

Suddenly, Puck appeared.

"Hey Puck, remember what I said about not using magic?"

"Yeah, what about it?" asked Puck.

"Well, I was kinda wondering if what I said was true or not. Also, I didn't really learn how to use magic in my childhood. I didn't really go to any school. Can you teach me how to use magic?" I asked.

"Wait, when you said you couldn't use magic, I just thought of it as you use spirit arts. Can you though?"

"Spirit arts? I don't know that. Like I said earlier, I didn't go to school, so I don't know any of that."

I actually know spirit arts. I just lied for the sake of playing.

"Well, to use magic, we first need to know what attribute of magic you can use."

"And what are those?"

"Magic users are divided into fire, water, wind, and earth attributes."

He flew in front of my face, and made his tail touch my forehead. Light was forming in my forehead. After a few bit, the light vanished, and he has finished checking. In the scene though, he was doing some sort of magic sound, but he didn't. Probably cause he didn't find me as a comedic type of person.

"Th-This is..!" Puck got shocked.

"What? What's wrong? Can you tell me what attribute it is?"

"You got Shadow and Light!"

Shadow and Light? Both? I thought it was only shadow. Maybe something is wrong...

"Both of the rare ones?! That's really good! Even getting just two attributes was already super rare!" Emilia jumped in surprised.

"That is true. Even I never fought anyone with both attributes. Only spirit arts users can do that." Reinhard said.

"I thought it was only four attributes though. Is this an error?" I asked.

"Despite those four, there is also two more. Shadow and Light. Those are the rare ones, but you got it like it was just a rock on the ground. Two rocks, to be exact."

Did Satella did this to me? Or was this something that I had? I need to ask Satella.

"Did you know that I could Retu-"

Suddenly, time stopped once again. Shadows were surrounding me. I didn't mind that though. I spoke faintly in my mind.

"Hey Satella, did you do this to me? Why do I have two attributes? Wasn't it only shadow?" I asked.

"I do not know what happened. This has appeared right after I transferred you. It's perhaps something that you already owned," a faint voice that Satella owned

"I don't remember having magic in my world. That's impossible."

Shadows that surrounded me was disappearing. It looks like my conversation with Satella is done. Did she get bored with me or something?

"What were you saying?" Reinhard asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just rambling. Anyway, Puck. Why do I have two attributes?"

"I'm not so sure. This has barely happened over the past few centuries," Puck said.

"What, like this only happens to some people every 300 years or something?"

"Something like that."

"I guess that's something really cool, despite me being not that much of a dangerous person. Anyway, how can I use magic?"

"We can discuss that after we finish finding that girl."

And with that, our conversation was over.