
The Establishment of the Academy

"Sister, have you truly fallen in love? Beware of the perils that accompany desire, for it may lead you astray, dear sister," the spirited Pheasant spoke, its nine heads encircling the melancholic Nine-Tailed Fox.

"What nonsense are you uttering? I've only pledged to Lady Nuwa to bring calamity to the Shang. Once that is accomplished, I shall elope with the King, ensuring our blissful union," lamented the melancholic Nine-Tailed Fox.

Little did she know that within her heart, there were hidden intentions, and she fancied herself flawless in her schemes.

Completing Goddess Nuwa's task would bring her benefits, and eloping with her beloved king afterward promised unparalleled happiness. Proudly swaying her tails, she remained ensnared in the dreams she had woven.

"Hmm, however, I believe..."

"Hush, dear sister, speak no more. We should talk with the third sister," the Pheasant was interrupted.

At the mention of the third sister, they glanced in her direction to find the Jade Pipa in a deep slumber, occasionally drooling.

"Haha, chicken wings."

"Mmm, so delicious, so crispy."

Witnessing this, the Pheasant and the Fox were left utterly perplexed. This one was indolent and gluttonous, a predicament they couldn't resolve.

The third sister lacked formidable magical powers, and during her somnolent murmurs, she unexpectedly reverted to her original form.

Among these three sisters, only the Nine-Tailed Fox possessed potent magical abilities, maintaining her humanoid shape effortlessly. The Pheasant and the Jade Pipa could only envy her prowess.

Truly, the Human Clan proved to be formidable. If it were the demonic race, aspiring to achieve human form within a mere thousand years would be nothing more than a delusional reverie.

Now, humans could cultivate in just a few short years, surpassing the capabilities of the demonic race.

Alas, the fate of the demonic race seemed bleak. In this vast world, it appeared there was diminishing space for them.

"Sister, our current situation is untenable. Perhaps, we should attempt a daring intrusion," suggested the Pheasant.

The Nine-Tailed Fox rolled her eyes, expressing a forlorn gaze.

"Please, my dear sister, the imperial palace is no trivial place. Do you wish to court death? The King is protected by the aura of the Human Clan. Moreover, the imperial palace is abundant in dragon energy. Do not act recklessly."

"Then, are we to idly wait until when? This is unbearable."

"Alas, we can only calm ourselves and patiently await."

The Nine-Tailed Fox sighed in resignation.

In truth, the fortune of the Shang exceeded the projected twenty-eight years, and the Nine-Tailed Fox never considered the possibility of recalculating the empire's fortune. Even the celestial beings in the Heavenly Court never fathomed that the results of their divination could abruptly change.

Little did they know that due to the efforts of Di Xin, the fortune of the Shang had been continuously soaring, with no signs of abating even after twenty-eight years. The fortune of the Shang was currently experiencing an exponential surge.


In Zhao Ge, outside the imperial hall, just after the morning court session.

Now that Bi Gan, Shang Rong, and Huang Feihu's achievements had been reported to Di Xin, the construction of the academy had progressed even faster than anticipated. Recruiting students proved to be remarkably smooth. What surprised Di Xin even more was that teaching had already commenced, with basic education being provided to some illiterate apprentices.

All that awaited now was for Grand Minister Wen to assume the role of a teacher.

Just as Di Xin contemplated Grand Minister Wen, a system prompt appeared.

[Successfully convinced Grand Minister Wen: Progress 100%, Completed]

[Utilized six disciples from the Jie Religious Sect: Completed]

[Six hundred years of cultivation added]

[Taoyun Academy has been added]

[You now have complete control over the academy. It will appear wherever you desire. Congratulations, host, on obtaining absolute dominion over a Major Tao-level structure.]

Six hundred years of cultivation was nothing more than a trivial reward; Taoyun Academy was the true gem.

Despite the frugal nature of the system, it had finally bestowed a worthwhile prize. Di Xin lamented the system's stinginess, longing for more significant rewards such as divine fruits.

Nevertheless, he understood the implausibility of such generosity and accepted the gradual pace of rewards.

After a brief moment of melancholy, Di Xin temporarily set aside concerns about the system. Turning to Huang Feihu, he instructed," Grand Minister Wen is about to bring the teaching staff. The three of you remain at Haoran Academy to handle affairs, and ensure no complications arise."

"We shall obey your command," Huang and his companions replied in unison, bowing respectfully.

These three individuals had truly earned Di Xin's complete admiration.

Their recent accomplishments, from forging an alliance with the Dragon Clan to introducing paper-making and printing techniques, as well as establishing academies, had transformed the prosperity of the Shang.

The alliance with the Dragon Clan alone secured a lasting place in history, and the significance of papermaking was profound, replacing cumbersome bamboo scrolls with delicate and refined paper, fostering a thriving cultural sphere.

Now, with the presence of academies, the enlightenment of the people was on the horizon.

Their achievements rivaled those of the Three Emperors. Leaving the matters of the academy aside for the moment, the recent events had deeply impressed these three individuals, who were now wholeheartedly devoted to Di Xin.

Whatever he commanded, they executed without complaint, displaying unwavering loyalty.

As the trio completed their tasks, Di Xin began preparing to welcome Grand Minister Wen's ceremonial procession and took the opportunity to inspect the treasure that was the academy.

Following closely behind, Huang and his companions heard a shout as the ceremonial procession exited the palace gates.

"The King! It's the King!"

This proclamation instantly ignited excitement among the citizens, and the ceremonial procession found itself surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd.

If not for the guards sacrificing their well-being to maintain order, Di Xin might have been overwhelmed by his zealous admirers.

In the time before the Han Dynasty, the practice of kneeling in reverence was not widespread, and the human sovereigns were more approachable.

However, with the rise of Confucianism, the emphasis on rituals and the promotion of various ceremonies became prevalent, severing the connection between the ruler and the people.

Unlike other emperors, Di Xin did not favor the act of kneeling, deeming it symbolic of shame.

He believed that, as a human sovereign, there was no need to demand kneeling at every encounter.

While the human sovereign held an elevated and supreme status, it was not earned through incessant kneeling.

Di Xin recognized that even the heavens could be challenged if injustice prevailed, and he refused to emulate the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty who relied on kneeling to assert their status.