
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · Fantaisie
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The question

Adam stood still for a few moments like a statue. He didn't know what to do next. Everything looked surreal now. On one side his brain said to go on with the initial suicide plan but on the other, his heart told him to try on the newfound path. He was in a dilemma.

'What should I choose?' he asked himself.

With some sort of impulse, he decided to go with his heart. He decided to follow the path to an unknown destination. He didn't know that this impulsive decision is going to change his life, once and for all.

As if the map had heard his decision, a golden mist flew from it and floated before him for a moment before it moved towards the spiral staircase. Adam understood that it showed the way to wherever the map wanted to lead him to.

He slowly ascended the staircase following the golden mist. He also took the torch with him. The mist led him to the door through which he entered the secret tunnel. As if the door had sensed his arrival, it opened automatically.

The gold mist continued moving forward into Elizabeth's room. The secret door then shut itself after Adam got out. Adam then hid the door by pushing the bookshelf and he also placed the fallen books in their places as he did not want any suspicion to be risen in the future.

Then he continued to follow the gold mist which led him out of the mansion and towards the south direction. After walking for about 30 minutes, he noticed that he was standing on somewhat raised land and also he saw a thick coniferous forest in front of him.

'Just what the hell is in here for making me walk so long?' he was annoyed.

Muttering something, he still followed the mist down the slope. As it was a forest area, no human soul could be found here. He had also heard stories about the forest being haunted for years. Any wood cutter tried to enter the forest to do his job and was mysteriously thrown outside at the edge of the cliff. When someone asked them for their account of what they saw, they answered " I don't know. I went in and suddenly the weather grew bad and dark. In the next moment, someone hit me hard on the back of my neck and I passed out."

Since many similar incidents occurred in the past, the locals started believing that the forest was haunted and named it ' the spooky woods'. Even the government released an order that it was being considered a reserve forest which means no cutting of woods or hunting was allowed.

Since then no soul even dared to enter the area. Knowing this fact, Adam started to question his decision. 'hmmm, not a good way to die I guess' he thought.

Still following the mist. he entered the forest. The time was half past seven and the sun had already risen from the horizon giving the forest an eerily beautiful look. As he was on his way, Adam saw a small stream which had medium sized rocks embedded here and there. He stopped to have some rest as the journey had been very exhausting.

After about 15 minutes. he continued on his journey. The forest grew thicker and thicker as he made his way into it. The trees were arranged so close that they seemed as if they wanted to strangle any visitor.

After about 10 minutes, the mist suddenly disappeared. Adam had no reason why that happened. He took the map from his pocket and had a look at it. But the golden path had disappeared even in the map. He didn't know what to do next. Standing somewhere in the middle of the forest, he also had nothing much to do. Then he heard a snarl a few feet in front of him.

Adam slowly lifted his head from the map to only meet 5 peculiar pairs of eyes. He could bet on his life that those eyes were not normal. They had a golden coloured periphery of their iris and bloody red coloured around the pupil starting below the golden periphery making it hard to not be scared of seeing them.

Adam stood still in his place holding his breath and not moving a muscle fearing that any movement might be the end of him. Still the 5 pairs were looking straight at him and they looked deep as if they were searching for his soul to devour.

The five beasts got out of hiding showing their sharp teeth as if they were hungry for a meal. They were 5 large white wolves which were unusually large compared to the normal ones which Adam had seen in TV series. More surprising than that is what they did next.

All the 5 wolves sat on their haunches and laid in front of Adam as if waiting for his orders. Adam was completely out of his wits. At this point none of these events made sense. 'What is happening all of a sudden. WHY ME?' he questioned himself.

He looked up and questioned the creator "You didn't let me live peacefully. At least let me die in peace. Why are you doing this to me?"

Then he looked down on the map which didn't show any direction to proceed upon. As if the wolves could understand his confusion, they got up and walked towards the east. Adam reluctantly followed them as he didn't have a better choice.

After about 15 minutes of walking, the wolves stopped in front of a huge wooden farm house which had a very good architecture. It had a front sitting area and small torch on both the sides of the door. The entire house was surrounded by a wooden fence.

Adam was shocked to see such a beautiful house in the middle of an abandoned forest.

'I don't remember Grandma mentioning this place before. I doubt that she even knows about this place.' he thought.

He ascended the stairs and entered the house after opening the door. He was welcomed by a dimly lit living room which had very old fashioned furniture. The surprising thing was that the house was clean. 'Does anybody live here?' he thought.

"hello... is anyone there...." he called out. No response.

Then after a few moments he heard the same whispers which he heard in his grandma's room.

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'Just what does that mean' he thought starting to get annoyed as he couldn't understand it.

He searched for the source of the sound. He found that it came from a room to the right corner of the living room. He quickly dashed towards it unable to hold his curiosity anymore.

He found that the room had a king size bed with a dresser table in front of it and a nightstand beside which had an oil lamp. Beside the dresser table, a portrait hung on the corner wall. It had some sort of battle depicted in it. Adam quickly recollected that he had seen something similar in the secret tunnel earlier.

It showed soldiers with advanced weapons on one side and people wielding some sort of spells and mystical barriers on the other side. It also had many corpses lying around in abundance.

Adam lifted the portrait from the nail and found the same iris scanner which he saw in the mansion. 'Is there some sort of historical connection here?' he thought

After the scanning it led to a similar spiral staircase but what waited for him down there was different. Adam could still hear the whispers. He got annoyed and shouted "tell me what do they mean?"

"DECIDE YOUR FATE, THE CHOSEN ONE.....DO YOU WANT TO DIE AS A LOW LIFE OR LIVE TO SAVE HUMANITY" an authoritative female voice asked. Adam was surprised that someone spoke in his language and also finally understood what that unknown language sentence meant.

But now he had other doubts.

' What? the chosen one? Save humanity?'