
My Reality Next to You

Charles0101 · Oriental
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3 Chs


It's been 3 months since I started my classes at that time I became very close to Sheyn and Yorleni, it was common for us to always be together Xavier, Aarón Sheyn, Yorleni and I were inseparable. ____— hello Sheyn, what are you doing ___-"Hello Mark, I was just collecting the homework to take it to the teacher____ — oh I understand but there are a lot of them, do you want me to help you?___-"seriously, thanks Mark, in fact I was thinking that they were too many ____— no problem for that we are friends ___.

After dividing up the homework we headed towards the teacher's office.

__—" And did you see the series last night Mark?__ — uh I couldn't, you know there was a game yesterday and I had to go ____—" oh I didn't know you played on a team ___— yes it's a team we organized with the boys from my neighborhood We're just starting ___— "but it's great next time he'll support you with Yorleni hehe "___— oh that would be good Sheyn, I'd appreciate it, you know ___ while we were talking we arrived at our destination and delivered the papers ___—" well Mark I thank you ___- it was nothing, besides I like talking to you so it was good ___-"haha thanks, well we won't see you later because I have other things to do___- ok after a while ____ after Sheyn left I went back to the classroom in my On the way back I was rambling about anything that might cross my mind, when suddenly I was stopped by the voice of someone calling me ___—" aah ex-excuse me Mark?___ not being able to recognize who was talking to me, I turned around and I saw a second year girl that I had already seen several times because she was a friend of Sheyn and Yorleni ___— eh if you need something Reichael? __ —I hesitated a bit trying not to mistake her name____—"if you remember me ___ she mumbled to herself ___— you said something, I'm sorry I didn't hear ___—" ah it's nothing ____—it's okay and you needed something ___—" oh right, ummm yes, no, aww sorry I'm a little nervous ___—no problem ___— I answered without knowing what was happening__—"Well the thing is that I LIKE YOU!! ____ he said almost shouting ___—" you caught my attention since we met and before I knew it I fell in love with you ____—"so if it's not a bother for you Could you be my boyfriend?___— I was somewhat confused and happy at the same time because it was the first time that a girl proposed to me ____—are-you sure we barely know each other ____— "Yes, I'm sure and with time we'll leave knowing ____— when I saw her blushing face and her shy expression I found it very adorable Yuna brave girl having the courage to confess without thinking much I gave her the answer almost immediately ___— I am lacking in many ways and I have too many flaws, but I still do I would like to accept, a pleasure and I am in your care Raichel__.

__—"Yes, me too Mark___ replied as he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at me in a beautiful way.