
Chapter 14 Charm isn't only used to courte people

I had just gotten out of my house after mom made the usual recommendations plus tried to warn me about having protected sex, but I stopped the discussion instantly and immediately got out.

With a sigh of relief, I walk towards Mina who could be seen wearing a black tank top with a purple skull, a skirt that reached just above her knees a pair of white socks reaching her knees, and her usual pair of vans.

She looks up from her phone and a smile appears on her face when she sees me.

She starts walking towards me and just as I was about to say hi she put a finger on my lips and moved around me looking me up and down.

" Yep, I made a great choice in the clothes, and your hairstyle is a perfect combination, strange that I didn't think about it, anyway did you get taller?"

" You noticed? I grew about 2 centimeters, I am currently 1.75 ( in meters), I am still a growing boy after all." More like the system is making my body grow at a scary rate, just think about endurance, which from what I discovered represents my whole stamina, defense, health, stamina, and health regen, currently being almost three times higher than a normal human, I am not in any way near the level of strong quirk holders, but I can stand my ground.

" You just need to grow another few centimeters and put on some muscles and you could be defined as handsome by most."

" Then what I am now?"

" Acceptable."

" Ouch?"

" That is if we talk only by an outer aspect, if we count how you are as a person then you might as well be the most handsome man."

"... Are we sure I am the man in this relationship? You are a better talker than me."

" Who knows? We should meet in bed to see who is who."

My cheeks got a little red, and I also could see her reddening, but before I could say anything she turned around and started walking away.

" Come on, or we will be late."

' Ok, so I am not the only one who was embarrassed by that at least.'

The rest of the walk was either silent or filled with small talk, both of us too embarrassed to talk for too long.

By the time we reached the mall, we had calmed down now laughing at that joke she had made.

" Oh, here she is." She said while pointing her finger to a girl wearing what looked like the old school uniform but with some addition that made it different.

On her side is a most likely 19 years old dude wearing a... suit? Who does he believe he is, a pimp? Anyway, he is wearing a white suit with a red shirt and red loafers, he is currently holding the hand of the girl and saying how much he loves her, his face made me vomit, I had seen fake faces in my previous life, but he wasn't even trying.

But that girl's problem isn't mine, it's her job to understand the guy is an idiot.

We reach the duo and when they notice us the girl immediately dashes to Mina and hugs her and starts shouting.

" OH MY GOD MINA, YOU ARRIVED, I WAS SO GETTING BORED, THIS IS TAKESHI." She says while pointing to the guy.

When the guy's eyes shifted from the girl to Mina I felt his eyes flicker with his disgust, his previous fake smile getting even worse, and then started speaking my fears only become real.

" My love, you didn't tell me your friend was... one of them( mutant quirk holders, yes, in MHA there is racism)."

" Got a problem with one of us?" She said ready to fight if needed.

" No, no, I am just saying... shouldn't you people stay with each other?"

Ok, that marks it.

Just as MIna was about to retort I grab her shoulder and walk right in front of the guy.

" Let me guess you also got a problem with quirkless people, am I right?" I asked him.

" Those useless people? They are like us but inferior of course I have a problem with them."

" Oh really? So you got a problem with me?" I ask him.

" What?"

" I am quirkless."

" YOU-"

Before he could speak I activate Intimidating Presence and looked right into his eyes.

From the guy's point of view, a cold shiver passed right through his black, a strange sense of dread filled his mind, and the feeling of something way too near his neck made him even more scared.

"You, You, You." He started shuttering incapable to speak and slowly taking steps backward.

But with each step he took, I walked back right in front of him, never moving my eyes away from him and keeping them open never blinking even once.

" Me, me, me," I said while a smile formed on my face, making me even more scared.

At the nth step, he fell to the ground due to a stone falling right with his ass on a shit, making it look like he had shit himself, which wasen0t far from the truth.

He stopped talking, air not being able to fill his lungs anymore.

I move my face centimeters away from his and I say.

" Boo."

He starts shouting and running away screaming mommy not even caring about the clear shit on his pants... oh shit he has pissed himself, is this the effect of Horror?

I look back towards the girls, who are looking at me with both surprise and worry.

Before approaching them I deactivate Intimidating Presence and then walk toward them.

" Sorry for ruining the date, but the guy deserved a scare."

"... You are quirkless?" Mina asked.

Oh no.