
My Random Xianxia Fantiction

Only write for fun

DanteSSSx00 · Livres et littérature
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4 Chs

First step

"What the fuck am I doing? Wouldn't going to another city at this level alone be the same as seeking my own death? How can I be so stupid?" Coming across the Wutan City exit sign, Luo Fan suddenly thought, he seemed to have just woken up from a daze.

This is a new world, which despite being theoretically known by it, is still unknown in the end, after all, reading and experiencing what you read is completely different.

Luo Fan then turned around and returned to the place he had quickly left, upon arriving at the old house again he began to think rationally.

"System, open the store."


[Ding: System Shop:

•Weapons Session

•Techniques Session

•Session of Pills, Talismans, Trainings

•Session on Blood Lines and Special Body Constitutions.

•Treasures Session.]

[Current System Points: 10,000]


Looking at the information panel that appeared in his mind, Luo Fan decided to take a look at the Techniques Session.


•Collapse of Opposite Poles - Xuan Rank high level: 10,000 pts.

•Raging Flame Palm - Huang Rank high level: 1000pts

•Freezing Palm - Huang Rank high level: 1000 pts

•Gale Blade - Huang Rank high level: 1000 pts

• Malleable Cutting Blade - Huang Rank high level: 1000pts

•Frost Blast - Huang Rank high level: 2000 pts

•Rock Crushing Fist - Huang Rank high level: 1000 pts

•Dark Steps - Xuan Rank high level: 20,000 pts

•Indestructible Golden Body 1st Volume - Xuan Rank low level: 3000 pts

•Alchemy Manual - Low Rank (Level 2 peak): 2000 pts

•Spiritual Talisman Creation Manual vol.1 - Low Rank (Seal Symbol Master 1~ 5th level): 2000 pts


"Huh? Why the hell do only low level things appear?" After taking a careful look at the system store panel, Luo Fan asked himself in doubt. It was then that a beep sounded in his mind at the same moment.

[Ding! System message: Due to the player's low level, only Huang and Xuan grade techniques will be shown, the same for the other sessions. As you become stronger, other levels will be unlocked.]

"Hmmm right, that's it then, well I'll start with this here." Upon hearing the answer to his questions, Luo Fan didn't seem disappointed at all, it wasn't strange that there were limitations linked to his own level.

He then chose five things, the Spiritual Manual of Talismans, the 1st volume of the Indestructible Golden Body, the Freezing Palm, the Cold Blast, and finally the Malleable Cutting Blade spending a total of 9000 points.

Luo Fan chose the skills according to his strongest attributes, as he has the bloodline and body of the Azure Dragon, he has innate and maximum affinity with the Ice and Water attributes, so it was a wise choice.

As for choosing the body forging technique regardless of whether his body can already be strengthened with Dou Qi naturally, the answer is simple, he is weak now, the stronger his body is, the better it will be, Dou Qi can strengthen the body of cultivators , but this takes time. one can only see the real effect above the Martial Grandmaster Realm.

Luo Fan doesn't want to wait that long, besides, having a strong body from the beginning is undoubtedly an additional way to protect himself, right? Luo Fan also did not choose the Alchemy technique, he preferred the Talisman Creation Spiritual Manual, the reason is also very simple.

Luo Fan could only practice Alchemy when he reached the Martial Warrior Realm, in addition to alchemy being a lot of work, he would either spend a lot of time looking for medicinal materials for refining, or he would have to spend exorbitant amounts to buy them, everyone knows that alchemy costs a lot Dear.

To create Talismans you only need paper and ink, much cheaper, and much faster, in addition it is an additional method, whether for attack or defense, in addition to, of course, making money. Luo Fan considered all of this before making his choice.

Luo Fan also didn't bother paying attention to cultivation techniques, the reason is that he has an innate ability that can devour and help him cultivate for some time, the techniques that can be seen at the moment are low level, besides Because they are very expensive, Luo Fan cannot afford to pay 20,000 points for a simple Huang rank cultivation technique now.

"System, how can I get System Points?" While withdrawing what he had purchased from the system space, Luo Fan questioned, he still hadn't looked into how to acquire points.

[Ding:System response, system points can be acquired through the recycling function, where the player can recycle anything acquired during his journey, be it pills, techniques, weapons, bodies and beast cores, the points will be according to the classification of the recycled item in question.

The limitation is that the player will not be able to recycle items given by the system or purchased from the system store, the items must be obtained by the player himself or created by him.]

"Well... That's fair, besides being a little interesting, but low level stuff shouldn't give much. Right?" Luo Fan thought as he finished listening to the system's response.

"But whatever, time to work, my cultivation won't be increased automatically." After a few moments of reflection, Luo Fan decided to no longer be idle, he then began to study the three offensive techniques he had previously purchased.

Luo Fan decided to start with them because he simply did not have the resources to make use of the Talisman Creation Spiritual Manual right now. To do this he needs to make money, even if it is little compared to the costs of alchemy.

Furthermore, it will cost him some considerable time before he can become a Talisman Master, or as he wants to be called, Warlock. And Luo Fan doesn't have this time available at the moment, because his body is already starting to miss basic needs, such as food.

Luo Fan then sat in the lotus position, keeping three books with him and returning the rest to system space. Then he began to study one by one.

Starting with the Freezing Palm, this was the simplest of the three, but since it was Luo Fan's first time learning a technique, even it was a bit difficult for him, at least that's what he thought.

Luo Fan quickly read the contents of the book and then closed his eyes, concentrating he soon managed to understand the fundamentals of the technique, converting his Dou Qi into icy Qi to create a Palm made entirely of ice. Some time later Luo Fan opened his eyes.

He opened his right palm, stretching his arm forward, he then said the following words: "Freezing Palm."

At this moment, in front of his hand, an exact copy made completely of ice was created, its size was relatively larger, and with it the icy air invaded the entire room where Luo Fan was. Luo Fan then threw her against the wall ahead.

Soon a sound followed by an icy mist sounded, completely freezing the place it hit.

"If I used Strengthening, how good would this technique become?" Luo Fan thought when he saw the result in front of him, he looked excited at this moment.

"Forget it, I don't have enough DouQi to cast more powerful techniques right now, I'll think about it when the time comes." After a few seconds, Luo Fan realized that he might be going faster than he should and so he abandoned the idea for now.